body odor

before I begin, I want to menton that I created this account for the sole purpose of asking this question since I feel embarresed asking and rather remain ananomyous. I have another account that I log in for dietary purposes and forums.

I have suffered from body odor since I was a kid and it has always affected my social and personal life. I never had friends, never had a boyfriend or anyone interested, people make rude remarks, tease when I was younger (not bad as some kids are today; it wasn't always direct but it was obvious and sometimes it was direct), and talk behind my back.

for example as I walked by a girl an hour ago heading toward class she mentioned to a guy that I smelled weird and I'm guessing she couldn't figure out if it was a bad or what cause he asked if it was bad she couldn't reply and that's all I heard as I was walking by. another girl in the class room made the comment how the rooom smelled bad and maybe it did but no one had a problem with any odor and when I walked into the room a few minutes after she came behind me and made the remark. I'm used to people making remarks and usually it is me so anytime someone make a comment about a bad odor I automatically think it's me.

it could be a summer day and just the heat would make me sweat and smell and I don't even have to be doing anything, anti-perspriants don't work and if they do it isn't for long and I've tried them all. sometimes it just happens and the weather has nothing to do about it. I shower daily, use powders if I think I'm going to sweat or if I am, body sprays and sometimes I spray through out the day doesn't seem to be helping. I don't even want to join a gym because I know I will smell and will probably make the whole place smell and carry it with me everywhere until I shower. the odor seems to happen a few hours (if that) after I shower.

my grandmother seems to smell me all the time, however other family members says they don't smell me as often as she does and doens't understand why she is say that so that gets me confused; am i or am i not because sometimes I can't tell or I don't smell it as bad as her. so I am always worried sometimes especially when I'm out.

to make my probelm worse I also have a odor coming from the private area. it doesn't smell pleasent unless I am just coming out the shower which then is I think is normal but it becomes worse or strong or something I can't figure it out. . I can smell it through my jeans or whatever I'm wearing (which i suspect what the girl that i mentioned earlier smelled but it could be the arms or all of it). I don't have any stds or whatever else that may cause this and I have been checked; i'm not nor have I ever been sexually active so nothing to worry about there.

is it possible for people to accept my probem and realize that it's an issue I can't control and have a social life and would I ever be able to have a relationship; would a guy actually be understanding and stick around? or is it a loss cause?


  • bump

    anyone? like to know your thoughts...
  • corn63
    corn63 Posts: 1,580 Member
    Have you seen a doctor about this? They have all kinds of treatment now for smells and sweats.
  • Dub_D
    Dub_D Posts: 1,760 Member
    Go to the doctor. Ask a friend for their honest opinion. There is a girl who runs the stairs every day at the same time as me and her odor is so over whelming, I always wonder if she knows she smells.
  • the doctor doesn't know what to do for me but she perscribed me a topical medicaton i can apply to the arms which helps but for the issue down there she says it's normal but I disagree. it's been a few years since I've seen her.
  • corn63
    corn63 Posts: 1,580 Member
    Find someone new.

    As for the vag smell, yes, it's normal for it to smell. But it shouldn't smell bad or offensive. Do you use any washes?
  • mgobluetx12
    mgobluetx12 Posts: 1,326 Member
    Are you just using an anti-perspirant or anti-perspirant AND deodorant in one?
  • banshishi
    banshishi Posts: 197
    go find a doctor, usually severe body odour is an hormonal problem, if it smells fishy there is a disease that makes you smell of fish (all over not just genitalia) called trimethylaminuria, this can be helped with eliminating certain things from diet, but you need to see a specialist for that. Also, be careful what you wash with, sometimes, when you over wash and over perfume, you kick the bacteria out of wack and that can make you smell worse than if you dont wash, try using unscented antiperspirants and ph balanced products. If it is bothering you a lot, go see a dr and make it clear that you have an issue and its effecting your self asteem.
  • It's not a lost cause. There are many things you can do about it. To start, you should definitely see a doctor about the feminine problem.

    As for the under arm body odor, try using Tea Tree Oil. It's a natural antiseptic, and works well. You can dilute it and mix other oils with it if you don't like the smell. It's not very expensive and you can get it CVS or any vitamin store. Another option is Botulinum toxin (botox) - this is a toxin produced by Clostridium botulinum, in very small and controlled doses is being used in various fields of medicine. A relatively new treatment is available for individuals who sweat excessibely under the arms.

    The patient is given approximately 12 injections of botulinum toxin in the armpits - a procedure that should not last more than 45 minutes. The toxin blocks the signals from the brain to the sweat glands, resulting in less sweating in the targeted area. One treatment can last from two to eight months.
  • spangey13
    spangey13 Posts: 294
    Heard something similar from that UK Show Embarassing Bodies. I'm sorry but I can't remember exactly what the condition was called, but you'll probably be able to google it. The body is actually supposed to eliminate the hormone that creates the smell, and in this girl's case it wasn't. It got especially bad for her when it was monthly time.
    They gave her a new eating plan to follow - certain foods would help with it, and also some pills.
    If it is the same thing, it was very easy for her to be treated so I would recommend plucking up some courage and going to the doc :-)
  • it's anti-perspriant and deoderant in one and I use a wash for that specific area... i sweat there too sometimes and I* think* the odor is dis* or least part of the reason
  • digitalbill
    digitalbill Posts: 1,410 Member
    Maybe you are overthinking it?
    What about your diet? Something like asperagus can make you stink.

    Do you live in your childhood house still?
  • yes, I live in the same place since I was a kid. I don't think it's the diet and now I'm trying to eat healthier there is still no change. I can smell it myself when it's down there sometimes.

    seeing another doctor may be possible i'll look around, but the botox is out since I don't have insurance.

    I don't think it's a fishy smell but whatever it is it's not good. no one has been able to figure what it smells like..
  • I can smell you from here.

    Ridiculous. Seriously.
  • LilacDreamer
    LilacDreamer Posts: 1,364 Member
    Have you tried Lavilin?

    Deoderants and antiperspirants don't work for me, I still break through and end up sweating but Lavilin has been working great. it doesn't contain aluminum or any of that crap and it's not an antiperspirant but it takes away the smell (which can be caused by numerous things, including bacteria)

    And even though it's not an antiperspirant, for some reason, I don't sweat nearly as much now. it seems like it changed my body chemistry. I was never much of a sweater except for my armpits, but now thats not a problem.
  • Zombielicious
    Zombielicious Posts: 246 Member
    It could possibly be diet. All sorts of foods could make you smell...curries, asparagus, a lot of red meat, garlic, cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cabbage, brussels sprouts). Even if you change your diet to not include and/or cut back on these foods, it will probably take awhile for them to leave your system.
  • crazylovergrl
    crazylovergrl Posts: 97 Member
    As for down there, take probiotics. Acidophillus is a good one, I use Floragen twice a day and it's a life safer. Give it a try! Your body odor is probably caused by an imbalance in your ph that could be cured with probiotics as well... Just wondering, do you happen to get cystic acne as well?
  • WABeachWalker
    WABeachWalker Posts: 133 Member
    I am so sorry that you are suffering with this condition. Have you seen an endocrinologist? You may want to google that medical specialty to understand what it is. If you usual doctor can't seem to find the source of your problem, the endo should be involved.

    Hope that you find the help you need very soon. :smile:
  • kristilovescake
    kristilovescake Posts: 669 Member
    If it's from your body, go to a doctor (or a different doctor).. they can figure out what it is or maybe suggest a diet that will help eliminate it or make it not as bad. You may need to find a specialist, but I'm sure they can find something to help you out.

    I would also make sure it isn't your surroundings. Have you tried different shower gels, sprays, etc? Maybe you have a weird reaction to one of the products you use. Or make sure it isn't your family home that has the unique smell that is getting on your clothes.
  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    Keep yourself well hydrated.
    If you shave, stop.
    If you don't shave, start.

    Some people claim no odor when they don't shave, others claim the opposite. So the oppposite of whatever you're doing is worth a try.

    Also pay attention to diet. Some things are going to make you smell - onions, garlic, asparagus, broccoli, cabbage. Also, some things shouldn't be mixed (saurkraut and eggs come to mind).

    Good luck. I can relate. No deodorant/antiperspirant that I've ever used keeps working. I've got several partially used brands laying around right now.
  • Have you tried Lavilin?

    Deoderants and antiperspirants don't work for me, I still break through and end up sweating but Lavilin has been working great. it doesn't contain aluminum or any of that crap and it's not an antiperspirant but it takes away the smell (which can be caused by numerous things, including bacteria)

    And even though it's not an antiperspirant, for some reason, I don't sweat nearly as much now. it seems like it changed my body chemistry. I was never much of a sweater except for my armpits, but now thats not a problem.

    never heard of it. could you tell me more about it and where to get it?