body odor



  • AnneGenevieveS
    AnneGenevieveS Posts: 441 Member
    The people who said to dousche... don't do it! You could make the problem worse. Also if you treat for a bacteria or yeast infection in the girlie region, again, treating for the wrong one will make the other grow worse! see a doctor.
  • I have questions for you . . .when was your last pap smear/gyn visit? Also do you have pets in your home? How old is the home you live in? Answer these and we will go from there. cj
  • i have always had some kind of odor problem and it was something i have been struggling since child hood. i cant use antipersperant deoderants bec i would get boils. and the natural deoderants sux. they cant last worth anything. the best thing u can do is yes u can see a doctor or i keep my natural deoderant on me. i even myself dont know who i should talk to. maybe a dermatologist or if i even have an ingrown hair that may cause the boils bec i still have the little head under my arm.
  • AnneGenevieveS
    AnneGenevieveS Posts: 441 Member
    oh, it seems you did say you went to a doctor.... go to a different one that will hear you out! You deserve that much.
  • Nicolee_2014
    Nicolee_2014 Posts: 1,572 Member
    I'm interested to know what 'how long have you lived in your house for ' has to do with body odour? :huh:
  • bethygirlie
    bethygirlie Posts: 311 Member
    Please get checked out. When I was 400 pounds I had this problem and I had some serious underlying health issues. I had diabetic ketoacidosis and some other things wrong with me. Just switch doctors or see an endocrinologist.
  • breezymom81
    breezymom81 Posts: 499 Member
    I haven't read everything yet but as for any smell from vag disharge try wearing a lightly scented panty liner at all time and buy the fresh wipes- plus you may notice it more then others
  • LordBear
    LordBear Posts: 239 Member
    yes.. doctor is a must...if he doesnt work out talk to a different one... we all have different smells... and your size makes a difference as well. bigger people just arnt going to smell as nice..thats just the way it is. what u eat and how much also makes a difference.. u could also be useing lotions, meds, powders, perfumes etc.. that could be messing with how u smell. forgot to mention..but wanted to add also your enviroment can have an effect..and if ur a smoker or not as well.

    lol... lady got on treadmill next to me at the gym the other day and omg..i had to leave..she smelled as if she dowsed her self in a couple cats of bug spray..i was choking.
  • polishmehappy
    polishmehappy Posts: 92 Member
    Oh honey! If I could I would give you a huge hug, BO and all !!!! there is a lot of good advice going your way already, there isn't much I can add. Don't loose hope ok? No matter what rude people say to you do not give up :)

    ***virtual hugs going your way***
  • MStanford336
    MStanford336 Posts: 68 Member
    I can smell you from here.

    Seriously how old are you. That was very childish

    Mandy, thanks so much for defending Sunshine. Some people have nothing better to do and need to get a life.

    And to the homeless drag queen who posted that comment: Seriously, dude, don't dish it out if you can't take it.
  • nursenessa1
    nursenessa1 Posts: 182 Member
    Give us some history.

    Describe the smell.
    What ethnicity are you.
    How old is your house that you live in.
    How many days do you wear the clothes before washing.
    Have you had your sense of smell tested.
    What is your height weight.
    What kind of fabric is your undies
    Do you take a bath or shower.
    Have you ever had your sweat glands tested

    Did you smell like this before puberty.
    Did the smell pick up with your weight.
    Is your period regular.
    What do you eat in general.
  • mandy0688
    mandy0688 Posts: 335 Member
    I can smell you from here.

    Seriously how old are you. That was very childish

    Mandy, thanks so much for defending Sunshine. Some people have nothing better to do and need to get a life.

    And to the homeless drag queen who posted that comment: Seriously, dude, don't dish it out if you can't take it.

    Ha I love what you said Stanford. He will get his. She may not have friends but we have her back on here.
  • I have questions for you . . .when was your last pap smear/gyn visit? Also do you have pets in your home? How old is the home you live in? Answer these and we will go from there. cj

    I live in a old trailer, not sure how old though I'm guessing older than 23 years since I've lived here all my life. the last time I had a pap was maybe 2008-2009 not sure it's been a while. no pets
  • I'm a heavy sweater and none of the run of the mill deodorants worked for me either, but there's an antiperspirant called Certain-Dri that's not prescription, but they keep it behind the counter at the pharmacy you'll have to go and ask for it. Check it out, it takes a few days to start working and you don't use it like a regular deodorant- you apply it before bed. But it was very effective for me, honestly I only have to use it every few days now.
    BUT, I agree with all the posters that you should see a new doctor and gyno (every year!). Best of luck and ignore the haters!
  • Give us some history.

    Describe the smell.
    What ethnicity are you.
    How old is your house that you live in.
    How many days do you wear the clothes before washing.
    Have you had your sense of smell tested.
    What is your height weight.
    What kind of fabric is your undies
    Do you take a bath or shower.
    Have you ever had your sweat glands tested

    Did you smell like this before puberty.
    Did the smell pick up with your weight.
    Is your period regular.
    What do you eat in general.

    I can't describe the smell and I don't think others can either. when I ask my grandmother who always seem to smell me she said she dosn't know what it is. dont' have friends to ask.

    I'm black
    don't now how old it is but i think it's pretty old.
    I never wear clothes more than once before washing. I wear it and dont wear it again unless it's been washed, unless it's my sleep wear that I will wear agian.
    I never had my sense of smell and taste tested. never knew there was such a thing.
    I'm 5'4 and 126lbs
    undies are cotton (maybe mixed i dont know). got them from walmart in the pack.
    I take showers
    never had my sweat glands tested
    pubrity hit at 13... not sure.
    I've had this problem for a long time I doubt it I was never "obese or overweight"
    my periods have never been regular. sometimes it seems to be regualr then it changes up so I never know. lately it seems to be..maybe just a few days late.
    I eat turkey, chili, chicken, sandwiches, fruits, kashi prepackeged foods for lunch twice a week, cereals, oatmeal; carbs.
  • I was checked for yest and possibly bv and was given anti biotics or something in the past but it didnt help.
  • lilawolf
    lilawolf Posts: 1,690 Member
    My hands, feet, and armpits, all used to sweat excessively. I use Drysol which you can get on Ebay relatively cheaply. My armpits no longer sweat at all, and my hands are much better. Hope that helps!
  • crazylovergrl
    crazylovergrl Posts: 97 Member
    As for down there, take probiotics. Acidophillus is a good one, I use Floragen twice a day and it's a life safer. Give it a try! Your body odor is probably caused by an imbalance in your ph that could be cured with probiotics as well... Just wondering, do you happen to get cystic acne as well?

    no, I don't have cystic acne. had to google it but I do have occasional acne or zits that just pop up and acne scars but nothing severe. I have a probiotic accufiora. would that work? I only taken it a few times since I bought it.

    This could be a large ph issue, and if it is accuflora might help. Any natural acidophillus that is refrigerated will do the trick. It certainly can't make anything worse (besides some initial gas). Try two capsules twice a day on an empty stomach and see if that might help. You can ween yourself down in time. Hope it helps!!!
  • emcdonie
    emcdonie Posts: 190 Member
    I lose a LOT of respect for people who put something like smell above another person's feelings. How selfish and rude is it that one's nose is so sensitive that they feel it is okay to trample and hurt a person. I don't like that at all, but I have seen it so many times. It is cruel and unfeeling.

    I know how mortifying this issue is. I have to be "all over" my own hygiene to avoid it too. I think there was a lot of great advice in this thread. I would add that I no longer use antipersperant, but I have totally taken to using the salt crystal thing. It is natural and as long as you apply it when you get out of the shower on a fresh clean body, it works exceedingly well. You will still sweat, but it won't allow the bacteria that causes smells. Don't be afraid to use it in any fat folds you might have. Sometimes I have to apply it under my breasts. But it helps a ton.

    I also have found just using a wash cloth in the shower isn't always enough. Sometimes you have to really scrub hard with an exfoliating cloth or something similar. It removes dead skin better and helps a lot. As a woman, if you get you a small squirt bottle and squirt off your girly parts with warm water each time you go to the can be a huge help.

    But like many said, make sure there are no underlying medical issues as well. A second or even third opinion is a good thing. Even diabetes can cause issues. (I well know). For example, it makes one prone to yeast infections and those smell. You can get them in many parts of your body such as under the arms. Tea tree oil applied topically is a huge, huge help against that.

    Please also know that there ARE people out there who are selfless enough to overlook such petty issues and see into the true heart of the person you are.

    I pray you are able to solve or at least improve the issue so you may not have to fret so much about it.