Muscles are heavier than fat, right?



  • RobinvdM
    RobinvdM Posts: 634 Member
    I've been going to the gym for about 4 months now, really enjoying it. Trying to watch what I eat, but I like my burgers and biscuits and I don't want to become a gym fanatic.
    I was actually quite normal size before I started and just wanted to tone up a bit and lose a couple of kilos. I've noticed I tone up really quickly, so I reduced my weight training and increased my cardio. I go to the gym 2 x 2hrs a week.
    I can tell I look a bit slimmer and toned BUT I'm putting weight on. I assume muscles are heavier than fat? I just wanna lose 3 kgs, I can't seem to shift any weight on those typical female areas while the rest of my body is toning up. Any tips? I know about nutrition, watch what i eat (in moderation) and no, I don't wanna go on a diet that I can't keep up for very long anyway.
    Any tips for a more fat burning workout? What to eat in particular before/after workout?

    Can anyone recommend any fat burning supplements that include appetite suppressants? Nothing too strong though and is there anything specifically for women?

    If all you are looking for is fat burning - do not turn to supplements, that is silly hype nonsense and only does more harm than good in the long run. While you tone up you are developing your muscles more, increasing their density which winds up burning some fat stores and could create an increase or non drop in weight. I would just keep what you are doing, cardio increases the health of your cardiovascular system which can/will burn off fat stores -it could just take a while since you have so little to lose. I have heard rumors accordingly imply.

    Good luck!
  • Colonel_Brandon
    Colonel_Brandon Posts: 256 Member
    Muscle has 10x the density of fat.
    seems very unlikely. Iron is less than that.

    sorry... guess i didn't set off your sarasmeter.

    i was exaggerating, but bottom line is that muscle is more dense than fat. meaning, 1 pound of muscle takes up less room than 1 pound of fat, by a decent amount.
  • GiddyupTim
    GiddyupTim Posts: 2,819 Member
    Serious answer to your question:
    There are appetite suppressants and other weight loss drugs. But the ones that work require a prescription and they are not dramatically effective.Unless you are seriously obese, your doctor will probably try to talk you out of experimenting with them.
    That said, you may not lose weight as fast as you might like if you work out. But you are going to look a whole lot better if you are fit and in shape, and, eventually, I bet the weight will come off as you naturally become more intense about exercising.
    I am hungrier when I exercise a lot. You may be eating a little more than you used to now that you are working out.
  • sammys1girly
    sammys1girly Posts: 1,045 Member

  • FormerMarine1
    FormerMarine1 Posts: 1,128 Member
    Muscle weighs more than fat in area (density) I weigh 222 now but people think I weigh 190 because I have more muscle than fat if that makes sense. I used to weigh 240 and people thought I weighed more because fat takes up more space making your body appear larger
  • _VoV
    _VoV Posts: 1,494 Member
    *sigh* When people say "muscle weighs more than fat", they don't actually think that a pound of anything weighs more or less than a pound of anything else. Stop being pedantic. That's my job.

    Well said, Contrarian.
  • wk9t
    wk9t Posts: 237 Member
    Muscle is denser than fat ... not heavier.
  • DOElston
    DOElston Posts: 102
    1 lb of anything weighs exactly the same as 1 lb of anything else. 1 lb is 1 lb.

    As others have said, it's a matter of density.

    In other words, 1 lb of muscle takes up less space in the body than 1 lb of fat. So, if you weigh 160 lbs and you're athletic and fit, you will be SMALLER than a 160 lb person who has extra weight in body fat and sits around all day.
  • _Timmeh_
    _Timmeh_ Posts: 2,096 Member

    So i need ta loose more muscle wayght than fat wayght ta evn out?
  • scagneti
    scagneti Posts: 707 Member
    Muscles are heavier than fat? A pound of muscle, a pound of fat, and a pound of feathers are weigh a pound. No, muscles are not heavier than fat. Also, when exercising, fat does not turn into muscle, fat is fat, muscle is muscle, and feathers are feathers. They do not change and become something else. you're saying the feathers don't turn in to reams of paper? :sad:

    :laugh: Hooray!! Callback!

    Man, how long ago was that?
  • asia_hanebach
    asia_hanebach Posts: 275 Member
    Everyone knows that a pound is a pound is a pound is a pound. When people say that muscle is heavier than fat, they mean per unit volume. The "per unit volume" is implied. When people are talking about this in reference to their body weight, they are asking about the same volume of fat versus muscle on, for example, their arms. A given volume of muscle on your arm will weigh more than that same given volume of fat. This is what people mean when they say muscle is heavier than fat. No one is under the impression that one pound of one thing is lighter than one pound of another thing.
  • Thanks everyone for your answers. Most of them were really helpful, and a lot of you are very funny, ha ha.
    I'm just trying to understand whats going on, as I said, I'm just a gym amateur but enjoying it.

    And by the way I think everyone should be allowed to ask questions, whether they are wanting to lose tons or just a few pounds.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    Muscle is more dense and takes up less space. So cutting fat and maintaining muscle is what you want to do for a lean tight body. Adding cardio will hurt your results as its not as effective at cutting fat. In fact you will lose more weight from miscle by doing mostly cardio. So if you want a leaner tighter body than go back yo your original way. Btw, you cant gain muscle on a calorie deficit....
  • gail4721
    gail4721 Posts: 75 Member
    muscle is more dense than fat, but whether it is 50lbs of feathers or 50lbs of rocks it is still 50lbs
  • Muscle is more dense and takes up less space. So cutting fat and maintaining muscle is what you want to do for a lean tight body. Adding cardio will hurt your results as its not as effective at cutting fat. In fact you will lose more weight from miscle by doing mostly cardio. So if you want a leaner tighter body than go back yo your original way. Btw, you cant gain muscle on a calorie deficit....

    But I noticed that if I'm doing too many weights, even if it's only 40 minutes a week, my muscles grow too quick for my liking, while the fatty female bits (especially muffin tops) are still there.
    And no, I'm not cutting calories, I don't even count. Just trying to watch what I eat a bit.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    Muscle is more dense and takes up less space. So cutting fat and maintaining muscle is what you want to do for a lean tight body. Adding cardio will hurt your results as its not as effective at cutting fat. In fact you will lose more weight from miscle by doing mostly cardio. So if you want a leaner tighter body than go back yo your original way. Btw, you cant gain muscle on a calorie deficit....

    But I noticed that if I'm doing too many weights, even if it's only 40 minutes a week, my muscles grow too quick for my liking, while the fatty female bits (especially muffin tops) are still there.
    And no, I'm not cutting calories, I don't even count. Just trying to watch what I eat a bit.

    The only way for you to bulk is gain fat. Otherwise its probably perception. Have you gained weight or inches in your arms? Do you eat a lot of protein and do very heavy, low rep weight training? I say this because women can only gain about 2 lbs of muscle a month.
  • The only way for you to bulk is gain fat. Otherwise its probably perception. Have you gained weight or inches in your arms? Do you eat a lot of protein and do very heavy, low rep weight training? I say this because women can only gain about 2 lbs of muscle a month.

    No, I've gone tighter altogether. Yes the weight gain has been explained to me. 'Muscles are denser than fat.'
    I know if I just want to tone I need to do light weights and high reps, right?
    I don't measure and only weigh myself leisurely, but yes, I'd say I gained 2lbs altogether in the last month.
  • drmerc
    drmerc Posts: 2,603 Member
    Muscle weighs more than fat in area (density) I weigh 222 now but people think I weigh 190 because I have more muscle than fat if that makes sense. I used to weigh 240 and people thought I weighed more because fat takes up more space making your body appear larger

    Do you still feel testosterone flowing?
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    I've been going to the gym for about 4 months now, really enjoying it. Trying to watch what I eat, but I like my burgers and biscuits and I don't want to become a gym fanatic.
    I was actually quite normal size before I started and just wanted to tone up a bit and lose a couple of kilos. I've noticed I tone up really quickly, so I reduced my weight training and increased my cardio. I go to the gym 2 x 2hrs a week.
    I can tell I look a bit slimmer and toned BUT I'm putting weight on. I assume muscles are heavier than fat? I just wanna lose 3 kgs, I can't seem to shift any weight on those typical female areas while the rest of my body is toning up. Any tips? I know about nutrition, watch what i eat (in moderation) and no, I don't wanna go on a diet that I can't keep up for very long anyway.
    Any tips for a more fat burning workout? What to eat in particular before/after workout?

    Can anyone recommend any fat burning supplements that include appetite suppressants? Nothing too strong though and is there anything specifically for women?

    Nothing works except a calorie deficit. Nothing works except a calorie deficit. Nothing works except a calorie deficit.

    I played this game way to long before that finally sunk in -->

    Muscle Does Not Weigh More Than Fat (five pounds is five pounds), but it is Much Nicer to Look at -->
  • krissielynn87
    krissielynn87 Posts: 214 Member