Am I the only one?



  • Sojaided34
    No I don't think you are the only one. I too get P O'd when I'm not loosing the weight fast enough. No matter what I do.I get frustrated every day with something.
  • QueenofScott
    QueenofScott Posts: 305 Member
    Well....I ALWAYS want to rush my weight loss....and pretty much everything else I attempt to do. I want it done right, and I want it done now;) I have decided that I am in this for the long haul and realize its gonna take a while to lose all the weight I have gained. And also realize that I have to stick to watching what I eat once I lose the weight too; in other words, this is a lifestyle change this time, not just a diet. So far I have not had any setbacks thus time around, but I'm know they will come eventually. My plan is to be determined and push through, and *try* not to beat myself up (a habit of mine as a perfectionist!). Also, if I get derailed, I will determine to get right back on track and not let it drag on for days and u do some of my valuable progress. All the best to can do it!
  • Helen_Luvnlife
    Helen_Luvnlife Posts: 230 Member
    I too get frustrated how slow the losing process is. I keep telling myself I did not gain it in a day, a week, or even a year. I can't expect to lose it that fast. I worked with someone that was always whining that she couldn't gain any weight. I will admit I hated her . I felt like she was just rubbing being thin in my face. Not proud of those feelings. I know it was my own insecurities.

    Don't beat yourself up for "falling off the wagon". I had a trainer for awhile and she told me once a week I should have a free day. No exercise ( I do enjoy a relaxing walk or bike ride sometimes but nothing vigorous), and eat whatever you want. This method has worked great for me. If I start craving something I just tell myself I can have that on my free day. It gets rid of guilt feelings and she said it also helps keep your metabolism up.
  • tiffanysb
    tiffanysb Posts: 15 Member
    I know this feeling too well! I used to skip meals as often as I could and not eat. You just have to tell yourself when it comes to losing weight, it's worth the wait. :)
  • shelbyfrootcake
    shelbyfrootcake Posts: 965 Member
    I feel this way right now. I have only been at it for 2 weeks but I am rather discouraged that iv only lost 6.4 pounds :( and im with you buddy, im sick of being the, quote "she would be so pretty if she was thin" girl. Seriously, I walked up behind one of my co-workers telling my friend that when she thought I wasnt around. true story lol hang in there man, im sure we will get there eventually....

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    Only 6.4lb?? 6.4lb is great!
  • shelbyfrootcake
    shelbyfrootcake Posts: 965 Member
    I think we've all wanted to rush it and ultimately set ourselves up for failure before. Most of us multiple times. I like to think I'm getting it right this time, but only time will tell really.
  • hughtwalker
    hughtwalker Posts: 2,213 Member
    6.4lbs is nearly half a stone - no shabby effort
  • dossha
    dossha Posts: 8 Member
    Just make up your mind to keep going. The race is not always given to swift, but to those that can endure to the end. You didn't put in on overnight and you won't take it off the same. Just don't give up.
  • hendinerik
    hendinerik Posts: 287 Member
    I think we've all been there... Just remember you will get there if you keep going forward. It's not the one cheat meal it's the others that follow it -- so just refocus....

    I think different people have different "vices" - for me it's sugar and when I go 'off' I have to be a little extra vigilant the next day or even at the moment to stop at one serving, because it really is like a drug for me. I find that 24 hours later if I have not cheated again and gotten some exercise in, then I am back on track mentally -

    You will get there if you stick with it! Good luck.
  • robmcd88
    robmcd88 Posts: 85 Member
    If you fall off in the evenings try rolling the excess calories into the next day and shoot for a better tomorrow. If you fall off again the next day…. Yeah you should feel bad.
  • GetFitwithBetsy
    I think it's natural to want to snap you fingers and bingo I am that magical weight number I have in my head. It's also natural to keep wanting more weight loss. The truth is for all of us, there is nothing magical it's hard work and dedication that pulls us thru. For me working out everyday is a must. I rest on Saturday or Sunday depending on the way the weekend goes. I work really hard to keep my nutrition spot on. That is what gets the results we want.
  • hughtwalker
    hughtwalker Posts: 2,213 Member
    it is really annoying how every morning the mirror says it is still there - not so much, sure, but ... - hey! maybe I need a new mirror
  • optigal
    optigal Posts: 42 Member
    You didn't put this weight on over night and you shouldn't expect to take it off over night either. If you aim for a 1-3 lb. loss per week you will be more likely to KEEP it off. Slow and steady wins the race. Add me as a friend if you want
  • babs24
    babs24 Posts: 13 Member
    My walking buddy and I were talking about this yesterday, about how we went over in calories last week and canceled our walks due to scheduling/not feeling great. But we picked it back up again this week, and we figured out that falling off the wagon is INEVITABLE. It's just how long you take to get back on that matters. If its a few days, a week, a month, whatever, just keep moving forward and lessoning the time "off the wagon". Pretty soon, "off the wagon" will only be your rest day!

    You're never failing. It's just part of the process. Trust the process. Take the emotion out of it if at all possible and look at the daily decisions that took you off your plan. Last week, I didn't have time to make that awesome whole wheat veggie lasagna and ordered pizza instead. This week, I'm making the lasagna on Sunday morning, instead of leaving it to the evening until I'm too hungry to prep anything. Look at your lifestyle as a well-running machine that may need adjustments here and there. Just keep logging in and keep being honest - you will succeed!
  • JilianneNicole
    JilianneNicole Posts: 119 Member
    I just try to keep telling myself this is a marathon and not a sprint. And I didnt get like this overnight!! Feel free to add me for support or anyone else can too!! Just try to stay positive :)
  • buffcleb
    buffcleb Posts: 150 Member
    I am new to this... I was always the big guy as well... never cared about it to much... I have a large frame so most people under guess my weight buy 30-40 pounds...

    I feel guilty if I eat something like a hamburger even if I am under calories... I am weighing everything but try and keep some head room incase I am under estimating something...

    the other day for example I had a lot of calories left for the day. I would have been way under but kept on debating having a second boneless, skinless chicken thigh. I was still under but find that I am having to force myself to eat up to what I should...

    my first 2 weeks I dropped 12 pounds... I thought that was to fast so I am trying to slow it down without stopping the weight loss... the balancing game is killing me...

    don't have any advice yet... still feeling my way through this myself...
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,735 Member
    I just try to keep telling myself this is a marathon and not a sprint. And I didnt get like this overnight!! Feel free to add me for support or anyone else can too!! Just try to stay positive :)

    this is correct.

    if it took several years to put on the extra weight, isn't it fair that it should take several months to take it off?

    seems like a pretty good deal to me.

    imagine if it took a person 5 years instead of 5 months to take off the 45 pounds they put on over 5 years! that would not be a a good deal. 5 months doesn't seem bad at all in comparison. :)
  • Happyhealthyliz90
    Happyhealthyliz90 Posts: 63 Member
    Before joining this site, not only did I fall of the wagon, it would back up and run me over.

    Yup that's me too!
  • shelleyspots
    Focus on the joys of the journey. I've lost 53 pounds (about 2 per week). Focus on the joy of being able to say "no". Think about little goals like logging in every day, exercising, feeling better. Don't let negative thoughts in. Every day that goes by and you are eating clean and exercising is a victory! Don't look at the mountain, look at the next step.
  • shelleyspots
    I think we've all been there... Just remember you will get there if you keep going forward. It's not the one cheat meal it's the others that follow it -- so just refocus....

    I think different people have different "vices" - for me it's sugar and when I go 'off' I have to be a little extra vigilant the next day or even at the moment to stop at one serving, because it really is like a drug for me. I find that 24 hours later if I have not cheated again and gotten some exercise in, then I am back on track mentally -

    You will get there if you stick with it! Good luck.
    Sugar is a drug to me too!