EATING your net calorie goal..anyone??

krae84 Posts: 17 Member
This is by no means a bash to anyone who goes under. I lost 75 pounds about 4 years ago using weight watchers. 40 pounds have come back and i acknowledge that it was totally my own doing. I'm trying to get back on track. For the past 5 weeks i have been logging. I do exercise 4 to 5 times a week and eat when i'm hungry. However, in the past 4 weeks i have gained weight. I finally had a melt down...and i mean MELTTT DOWNNN lol about it this weekend and showed my logs to my friend who was shocked that i'm only netting 1000-1150 calories.

For four years i think i have been eating too little and it's finally come back to bite me. I don't care about losing 5 or 10 pounds in a certain amount of time. I would like to lose weight consistantly. Eating a net of 1300 or 1400 calories scares me and i know it shouldn't. I feel really frusterated with where i am right now.

I have a few friends on here but they net between 500 and 950 calories most days.

I am a very good motivator and healthy eater. I am looking for people who try to reach their net calories per day as supports and I will do the same for them. I understand that everyone does things differently but I think it might be beneficial to have a support group who is on the same track as me.

Please add me if your with me lol Thanks!! :)


  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    I netted roughly 1600 today...and i"m maintaining. So don't let that scare you. One thing I've heard before is "you can't starve your way lean, you have to EAT your way lean" (of course she was talking about the right foods). I've maintained my 70-lb weight loss for over 20 years (except for my failed pregnancy in 1996) and I have never once starved!
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    Oh and feel free to add me if you want! I will help you get over your fear of 1400 net lol
  • norabeth
    norabeth Posts: 176 Member
    Just sent you a request.
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    I try to come close to my net cal goal. Some days I'm a little under, some a little over. If I average it out over the week, it's pretty close to spot on.
  • luckyclover78
    luckyclover78 Posts: 115 Member
    I do this almost everyday. My calorie goal is 1280 and if I log exercise I eat back most of those calories to net the 1280. For me personally I would be really hungry all the time netting much less.
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    All that matters is a calorie deficit. This depends on your RMR.

    If you are taller you have more room to go up or down. Short women don't have this room to go up.

    Comparing your calories to someone else is ridiculous. Those who eat lower probably have lower RMR than you do so they don't have the LUXURY of going up. Everyone comparing calories with everyone else and judging everyone else on calories is absolutely ridiculous. Why not just look at their diaries for healthy ideas on food to eat and then eat just eat the amount you need to eat without judging everyone?
  • ohheyy125
    ohheyy125 Posts: 295 Member
    I try not to. I work out after 9pm so it's easier for me.
  • I thought I had read that women should never consume less than 1500 calaries per day. Has anyone else heard that? Your intake seems low, especially if you are working out.
  • danasings
    danasings Posts: 8,218 Member
    I base my net calories more on weekly results rather than daily, meaning some days I "undereat" (which for me is about 1500-1700 cals) so I can go over on Sunday (my rest day) And still stay on track for the week. That being said, I definitely net 1200/day, if not more. Feel free to add me. :smile:
  • SandieM7
    SandieM7 Posts: 47 Member
    I'm really trying to figure this net thing out. The recommended daily calories for me is 1200. I try and work out doing something 5-6 times a week averaging around a burn of approximately 600+ calories. I do not eat back my exercise calories figuring it will result in a faster weight loss. I'm I wrong. Is eating just the recommended 1200 daily calories the way to go.....I'm confused...any feedback??
  • kykykenna
    kykykenna Posts: 656 Member
    Im in the same boat, honey! I'll add you!:) Work in progress here!!!:)
  • I usually meet my suggested calories, but I try to come in 200-400 cals under to make up for the error in what myfitnesspals calorie calculator tells me i burned. seems to be working.

    I lost 80 pounds in 2007, gained it all back, lost 25 last year, gained it all back and lost 35 this year and plan to keep it off for good.

    But of your avatar on here is what you look like now, it seems like you wouldnt worry to much, you look great. Just keep up the good work.

    I'll be glad to join your group.
  • tmbowen12
    tmbowen12 Posts: 175 Member
    All that matters is a calorie deficit. This depends on your RMR.

    If you are taller you have more room to go up or down. Short women don't have this room to go up.

    Comparing your calories to someone else is ridiculous. Those who eat lower probably have lower RMR than you do so they don't have the LUXURY of going up. Everyone comparing calories with everyone else and judging everyone else on calories is absolutely ridiculous. Why not just look at their diaries for healthy ideas on food to eat and then eat just eat the amount you need to eat without judging everyone?

  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    I lose netting 1600 per day too. I've just recently changed my goal to 2000 every day (exercise calories factored in) to lose the last 10 lbs. Add me if you'd like... that's why I switched from Weight Watchers to MFP.
  • marekdds
    marekdds Posts: 2,227 Member
    I lost 90lb, eating back almost everyone of my exercise calories and kept it off for 6mo so far. Most on here do not eat enough. Your body needs the fuel to survive. If you don't give it what it wants, it will hang on to every calorie you give it and either you won't lose weight or you will gain it back rapidly if you do. Losing faster DOES NOT equal losing better.
  • krae84
    krae84 Posts: 17 Member
    Californiagir - i'm not judging anyone or comparing myself to them. The reason I look at their diary's is too see what their eating and get ideas for my own meals. But if someone is eating too little there is not a whole lot of selection lol. You misunderstand what i am asking for. No worries :)

    Thanks everyone else for the support! I appreciate it! :)
  • birdieaz
    birdieaz Posts: 448 Member
    I'm LOSING eating anywhere from 1700-1900 cal a day depending on if I'm working out. I never NET less than my BMR in fact I aim for an RMR net of 1400.

    The only time I've eaten 1200 cal is when I had major surgery back in Feb because I had no appetite.. and again when first joining MFP. That lasted not even 3months and it was a complete failure for me..I lost nothing, had no energy and was simply miserable.

    With the help of helloitsdan's road map, the spreadsheet someone else posted and some MFP friends I've been able to find that calorie sweet spot.

    BTW Im on the smaller side, 5"2.5 118lbs so size should not be a hindrance for any woman eating more.
  • gddrdld
    gddrdld Posts: 464 Member
    I thought I had read that women should never consume less than 1500 calaries per day. Has anyone else heard that? Your intake seems low, especially if you are working out.

    Not true. Calorie requirements can vary greatly from person to person. Lots of factors effect calorie needs even from day to day. There is no "rule" for how many calories "women should consume".
  • cbrrabbit25
    cbrrabbit25 Posts: 384 Member
    I thought I had read that women should never consume less than 1500 calaries per day. Has anyone else heard that? Your intake seems low, especially if you are working out.

    Not true. Calorie requirements can vary greatly from person to person. Lots of factors effect calorie needs even from day to day. There is no "rule" for how many calories "women should consume".

    You may not be able to fit in all the nutrients and vitamins your body needs with under 1500 cals/day as this is the problem i was having.
  • tmbowen12
    tmbowen12 Posts: 175 Member
    Californiagir - i'm not judging anyone or comparing myself to them. The reason I look at their diary's is too see what their eating and get ideas for my own meals. But if someone is eating too little there is not a whole lot of selection lol. You misunderstand what i am asking for. No worries :)

    Thanks everyone else for the support! I appreciate it! :)

    Oopsie I missunderstood too. My bad.