EATING your net calorie goal..anyone??



  • mimsy77
    mimsy77 Posts: 3 Member
    I agree, it is confusing. Right now I have an extra 400 plus calories once I logged my workout. There's no snack I'd want to use up those calories at this time of night.
  • fitsin10
    fitsin10 Posts: 141
  • mimsy77
    mimsy77 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm really trying to figure this net thing out. The recommended daily calories for me is 1200. I try and work out doing something 5-6 times a week averaging around a burn of approximately 600+ calories. I do not eat back my exercise calories figuring it will result in a faster weight loss. I'm I wrong. Is eating just the recommended 1200 daily calories the way to go.....I'm confused...any feedback??

    It confuses me too!!
  • I'd sign up for that group! LOL!
    It's hard for me to reach my goals calorie wise most days - I only got close today and yesterday because I ate homemade burgers!
    I'm usually very low and have to honestly admit that eating more calories does make me nervous, but I try anyways because I do know it's the right way to go.
    By the way, I've been consistently lower than I should be and haven't seen much in weight loss - just a change in form from my exercise.
  • mermaid00
    mermaid00 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi all - I'm new to this site, but not new to trying to deal with my weight.

    I can say from personal experience that if you are not eating enough calories every day AND you're working out, your body will eventually go into starvation mode and use less calories (your metabolism adapts) - then if you increase your calorie intake and don't keep up with the same amount of exercise, the weight comes right back.

    I've been on just about every diet plan out there, including about a dozen tries at WW, but also Atkins, SB, etc. The ONLY time I was able to lose weight and keep it off was when I was eating all of my "points" on WW, and working out for an hour 5 days a week. I'm 5'3" and have always had to fight to keep my weight under control.

    With that said, I'm waiting on a body fat scale to figure out what my true calorie needs are and will adjust my caloric intake once I get an idea of how my body responds to working out again and eating healthy.

    I'd say that some folks who may have never gone through a few loss/gain cycles could do just fine eating below their daily requirements while others whose metabolism goes into starvation mode readily are going to have to "trick" their body into thinking they're not trying to shake things up ;)

    I've got about 35 lbs. to lose and am just getting started but so far I love this site - it's so easy to use and really keeps me motivated.
  • The diet part of my weight loss is pretty weird. I'm just trusting my body and eating whenever I feel I'm hungry or on a schedule, and it comes out to 1-1.5k calories a day, the minimum for the average male is 1.8k and my goal is 1.6k and I weigh 351 pounds. Why am I not getting hungrier?...
  • The phrasing confuses me.

    I always eat my normal allotment of calories + exercise calories. I run/bike a lot so this requires me eating a ton of food. I've lost 42 pounds and went from a size 14 to a 2-4. I need all that food to better fuel me for a great workout. Plus to help my body recover from the stress I just put it through.

    Best of luck finding your groove. Add me if you want.
  • nphect
    nphect Posts: 474
    I'm really trying to figure this net thing out. The recommended daily calories for me is 1200. I try and work out doing something 5-6 times a week averaging around a burn of approximately 600+ calories. I do not eat back my exercise calories figuring it will result in a faster weight loss. I'm I wrong. Is eating just the recommended 1200 daily calories the way to go.....I'm confused...any feedback??

    how is your recommended daily 1200
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I'm really trying to figure this net thing out. The recommended daily calories for me is 1200. I try and work out doing something 5-6 times a week averaging around a burn of approximately 600+ calories. I do not eat back my exercise calories figuring it will result in a faster weight loss. I'm I wrong. Is eating just the recommended 1200 daily calories the way to go.....I'm confused...any feedback??

    Your calorie goal is NET. That means if you burn 600 calories then you ought to eat 1800 total. That's because MFP figures your deficit into your calorie allowance already. Now, you're right that netting 600 cals will make you lose faster, but it's not safe/healthy to do it that way because you'll end up losing your muscle. Muscle not only makes you look good, but it burns more calories. That said, MFP is notorious for overestimating your calories burned, so many people choose to only eat back half.
  • katevarner
    katevarner Posts: 884 Member
    I'm in maintenance, so currently eating between 1900 and 2100 but lost the last 20ish lbs. eating 1650 (working out 2 days hard and walking the rest of the week) then 1850-1900 (going to the gym 6 days per week). I workout 5 or 6 days a week now, and I'm about to start training to walk a marathon in February. My job requires a lot of standing and walking, so I never used a "sedentary" setting.

    Feel free to add me or invite me to your group.
  • Debby0904
    Debby0904 Posts: 151 Member
    My RMR is 1400, TDEE 1650 and I eat roughly and average of 1800 - 2000 calories per day and still lose a bit (I'm maintaining now). I completely agree with the person who said everyone is different. Remember all these calculators are just estimates so you'll have to pay attention to YOU. Increase your calories slowly (so you don't get sick and your body can adjust). example 100 - 200 calories more for 2 weeks. Initially you will probably see a bit of a gain and then it WILL fall off. Two weeks after you start increase by another 100 or so for two weeks. Keep doing this until you find your magic number. Another thought, the less you weigh the less you need to eat but the more muscle you have the more you'll burn. Don't be scared, what's the worst that will happen? You'll gain a pound to lose again? No problem! You have this and will be great!
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    I'm really trying to figure this net thing out. The recommended daily calories for me is 1200. I try and work out doing something 5-6 times a week averaging around a burn of approximately 600+ calories. I do not eat back my exercise calories figuring it will result in a faster weight loss. I'm I wrong. Is eating just the recommended 1200 daily calories the way to go.....I'm confused...any feedback??

    MFP sets your calories lower so you will lose weight with no exercise. When you DO exercise, you are given that number of calories to eat to fuel the workouts. You need that for your body to keep running well.

    That said, 1200 calories might or might not be an ideal number for you. If you set it to lose "2 pounds per week" it will default to the lowest minimum recommended calories (1200) and this might be below your BMR (basal metabolic rate - the number of calories they would feed you in a coma for your basic bodily functions). It should be obvious that it is not ideal for anyone to eat below that number on a regular basis especially when you are stressing your body with additional exercise.
  • when I worked with the trainer he said no woman should eat more then 1300 calories unless they are advid runners.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    when I worked with the trainer he said no woman should eat more then 1300 calories unless they are advid runners.

    He shouldn't be a trainer. That is ridiculous.
  • arcticfox04
    arcticfox04 Posts: 1,011 Member
    I generally try to eat back my exercise calories so my net is at BMR.