So disappointed :(



  • pussycat1997
    yeaaaah same at my school girls that r stick thin eat fries burgers kebabs lasanya like everyday from the canteen
  • BelindaDuvessa
    BelindaDuvessa Posts: 1,014 Member
    Thank you all so much for your support. I was so excited when I saw so many replies so quickly. I have not taken any measurements but I have been meaning to try and find an old bathing suit and measure myself that way. I have seen I fit a little better in medium sized t-shirts but they are still rather tight.

    I made my food diary public, thanks for that advice. I didn't know that was an option. I hope it helps. I am not very good about figuring out meals, especially because I am a college student, so quick and cheap are best for me.

    I am starting to think that I am not eating enough. A lot of people have told me that...but it's just crazy for me to believe that. I always feel like I am eating too much even when I am just 200 calories over my 1,200. I have no idea where to even begin. I feel like there are no foods are either in between, they are either healthy or unhealthy. I google healthy recipes every now and then but I only ever find meals to make for a family. I am just one person so I am looking for small, easy things.

    Thank you guys so much for your replies, support, advice, and friend requests. I am going to try super hard to stay on top of tracking my food on MFP.

    Use They have an option to recalculate the number of servings for a recipe. I'd recommend making 2-3 servings and freezing the other servings. That way you have a small stockpile of healthy foods that you can choose from on the long study nights, or nights where you just don't have a chance to cook. Just pop it in the microwave and go. Homemade foods are definitely better, but if you have to, Healthy Choice and Lean Cuisine have some great options if you're in a bunch. The sodium content is high, so make sure to drink plenty of water. Keep a bowl of fruit on the counter, where it's in plain site. You are more likely to eat it if you can readily see it.
  • chubbygirl253
    chubbygirl253 Posts: 1,309 Member
    I was really disappointed because I only lost half of my goal for Sept. And in the last 2 weeks I haven't lost anything. Ugh. But I realized when I took my end of the month measurements that I lost 19 inches from various body parts. In one month. I hope you are taking measurements so you don't get discouraged. If not, start now. I only measure once a month so it's a more dramatic loss.
  • kellystigers
    I understand the time constraint, cooking for one, and that funds are tight. One thing that I have done to help me during the week is to make meals on the weekend so I can grab from the fridge, heat and eat. That way it doesn't take much time to make. I usually make my meals on Sundays and do my weighing and measuring of snacks as well so it is ready when I need it. Try this, it should help some with the stress of trying to figure out what to eat in a pinch. Good luck!
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    You need to eat more, then you will loose. You aren't fuelling your body properly and your diary is empty except for the last two day where you ate below 1200 so it's hard to tell what you're eating.