4 out of 5 challenge week 3 jan 11 *always open*



  • missheidi
    missheidi Posts: 465 Member
    Missheidi, I have a question regarding how to use the grace days. For example, if I complete 4 of the 5 challenges but want to use a grace day, how does it work and does that mean I'm still on task to earn another grace day? I may be confusing your but as an example say I'm 5 for 5 for the challenges for two consecutive days but on the third day I go over my calories and want to use a grace day. By using the grace day on the third day does it qualify me to earn another grace day or does it just keep me in the challenge for the week.

    If i'm confusing you I apologize but unsure how to best explain it.

    that would keep you in the challenge but not qualify for another grace day, so since you got 4/5, you might as well save your grace day. (by the way, my 5 y.o. son says chocolick. makes me laugh whenever i see your screen name.)
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Despite not sleeping well last night and being extremely tired this morning, I got up and completed today's workout. I gave it my best shot and was glad when it was over.

    Wednesday's Total:

    Completed 40 minutes of the Biggest Loser's "Power Sculpt" dvd
    Logged all my food
    Stayed w/in my allotted calories
    Drank 10 glasses of water
    Just received the next Netflix disc of The Wire so about to say good night to MFP so I can go watch

    Chocolickkyss: 5 for 5 and is working on her 2nd pass (grace day) of the week and 4th total. I'm trying to bank them while I have the momentum b/c I'm sure my day is coming where something goes terribly wrong.
  • jrbowers83
    jrbowers83 Posts: 282 Member
    Today I:
    Logged all my food
    Drank 9+ glasses water (still working on it)
    Stayed under my cals
    Exercised for 50 min
    went for a RUN outside with the kids

    Okay 5 for 5 again. That 3 days, so I earned my first pass.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Today I:
    Logged all my food
    Drank 9+ glasses water (still working on it)
    Stayed under my cals
    Exercised for 50 min
    went for a RUN outside with the kids

    Okay 5 for 5 again. That 3 days, so I earned my first pass.

    Congrats Jrbowers on earning that first pass. Just think if you keep going strong by Saturday you could earn another. Keep up the good work.
  • jrbowers83
    jrbowers83 Posts: 282 Member
    Thanks choco :smile: It feels good knowing I'm staying on track and accountable to someone besides myself. I've been going through a lot of crap right now, so this healthy lifestyle is the one thing that kind of keeps me going :laugh:
  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    Ate to loose
    Logged all my food
    Exercised for 45mins on the treadmill
    Had time to myself while also being with my hubby just vegging
    Drank 2 quarts of water

    3/5 im so close come to me baby. he he
  • missheidi
    missheidi Posts: 465 Member
    3/5 im so close come to me baby. he he

    if you have 3 5/5 days, you got a grace day. that's all you need, not 5 of them. :)
  • missheidi
    missheidi Posts: 465 Member
    5/5 today
    logged everything
    drank 12 c of water
    ate to lose
    worked out for an hour

    love to you all, hopefully will be able to reply more tomorrow.
  • mrsgiffin
    mrsgiffin Posts: 122
    ok hey! I have been logging everything in for this week under week 2.... I feel like an idiot!!! But Oh well here is mine from yesterday. I really tried to log it in but my internet was not working so.

    stayed under my calories
    did jillians 30 day shred level 2 and wanted to die!!!!
    drank like 10 cups of water
    logged everything in that I could, and then logged everything else in this morning
    went to work but really did not work because the boss was on a trip!!
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    I am so out this week! So much for getting a grace day. I start a BL competition in my city on Tuesday so I started giving myself excuses to not be good--they got the better of me. For some reason I started thinking that I want to weigh more Tuesday not less so I am already playing the wrong game. :ohwell: I am going to be sooo good next week you won't believe it!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Thursday's total:

    Burned 620 calories between the stairmaster and treadmill
    Logged all my food
    Stayed w/in calories
    Drank 12 glasses of water
    Talked on the phone w/friends and gave to the Haiti relief efforts

    Chocolickkyss: 5 for 5 and if I'm victorious tomorrow I will earn my 2nd pass (grace day) for the week.

    Have a great evening ladies.
  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    Logged my good
    ate to lose
    drank 2 quarts of water
    had time to myself.

    Bought the wii fit plus today and can't wait to try it tomorrow.
  • mrsgiffin
    mrsgiffin Posts: 122
    logged my food and exercise
    ate bad today but still stayed under my calories
    did jillians level 2 and the gazelle
    drank 12 cups of water
    watched greys and private practice tonight!!!
    Dont know if this counts for 5 for 5 or not since I ate bad but I still feel pretty good about the day!
  • missheidi
    missheidi Posts: 465 Member
    yesterday i squeaked out 5/5:
    stayed under cals
    i'm counting washing the dog as exercise. he's a siberian husky and was VERY muddy.
    found my mp3 player! yay!
  • missheidi
    missheidi Posts: 465 Member
    i just have to say that cramps AND a sore throat make for a tired cranky heidi.
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Yesterday I found myself just eating whatever, and I couldn't not log my food. :bigsmile: Perhaps I really am addicted to this site. :laugh: I actually ended up being 4/5 yesterday, I couldn't believe it. I was under on cals, logged everything--even the 10 mini peanut butter cups I ate. :blushing: And drank all my water--I even exercised!! Why couldn't I have done that on wednesday!?!? Wow I actually sat and read a book too--that would have been me time, gee 5/5 after I am out because of one stupid day. I think I am learning my lesson! Something has changed-I just don't feel as though I need to eat all the time. I just thought about eating a chocolate, and my body doesn't want it. Me not want chocolate? Impossible!

  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Friday's total:

    Completed 40 minutes of "Core Ryhthms" dvd
    Logged all my food
    Stayed w/in calories
    Drank 8 glasses of water
    Chillin w/a cousin who's visiting from out of town

    Chocolickkyss: 5 for 5 and I've earned my 2nd pass (grace day) for the week and 4 total......WooHoo

    I may need to use a grace day tomorrow b/c despite going to kickboxing and exotic dance class I believe I will go over my calories b/c my fam and friends and I are going to a gourment burger joint and i'm thinking about indulging in burger, fries and milkshake. We'll decide whether I will truly indulge. I'll keep you posted.
  • jrbowers83
    jrbowers83 Posts: 282 Member
    Hi guys. I met the 5 for 5 today. Today was my "cheat day". Despite that, I still
    Logged all my food
    Ate within my cals
    Exercised for more than 2 hours (I think that's a record for me)
    Drank all 8 glasses of water (think I'll try to work in one more before bed)
    Took time for myself to do a family photo book project,

    I have earned my first grace day! Woohoo. I'm planning to be really good eating over the next 3 days before my weigh-in Tues. I supposedly gained last week, but I think it was indulging in too much sodium over last weekend, so staying under 1500 sodium and drinking a gallon of water a day through the weekend. Wish me luck guys!
  • jrbowers83
    jrbowers83 Posts: 282 Member
    i just have to say that cramps AND a sore throat make for a tired cranky heidi.

    Missheidi-I hope you get to feeling better soon. It's bad enough getting through that TOM, then to deal with getting sick as well. UGH! I've had a bit of a sore throat myself the last couple days, just trying to drink tons of water and hope it goes away. As for the cramps, have you tried some herbal tea? It's supposed to help with blood flow, thus helping cramps. Sending lots of healing thoughts your way.
  • missheidi
    missheidi Posts: 465 Member
    thank you for the kind wishes. i think i'm out for the week. i was debating between being out to takeing my one grace day, but i don't see exercise happening tomorrow either. I've got next week posted, so join in the fun!