Panic please help

i exceeded my calorie intake from 1200 to 1500 will that effect the hard work i have done by doing that what should i do??? please help im worried :cry:


  • PattyTheUndefeated
    PattyTheUndefeated Posts: 302 Member
    Based on your ticker and your profile pictures, I don't think you need to worry. It almost seems like you might have done yourself some good. Don't mean to sound offensive, but you look like you should gain a few pounds. Unless your pictures are misleading, you look extremely underweight.
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    Well, you could work out for an hour. Or take an energetic walk. Or just not worry about it. It's only 300 calories. It takes 3,500 calories to gain or to lose a pound. You've got a long way to go to undo all your hard work.

    Just start fresh tomorrow with new resolve :) You can do this!
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    Based on your ticker and your profile pictures, I don't think you need to worry. It almost seems like you might have done yourself some good. Don't mean to sound offensive, but you look like you should gain a few pounds. Unless your pictures are misleading, you look extremely underweight.

    I agree. I don't know how tall you are or your body type, but I can't imagine 96 pounds being that good for anyone, let alone needing to lose any weight.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    it's a good question, how tall are you?
  • missykaye1975
    Based on your ticker and your profile pictures, I don't think you need to worry. It almost seems like you might have done yourself some good. Don't mean to sound offensive, but you look like you should gain a few pounds. Unless your pictures are misleading, you look extremely underweight.

    I'm afraid I have to agree with the others... You appear to be bone-thin....and worrying to this degree about going over by 300 calories could be a sign of a bigger problem. Focus on being healthy--not what the scale says. Life isn't worth ANYTHING if you aren't healthy enough to enjoy it. :wink:
  • BamaRose0107
    Based on your ticker and your profile pictures, I don't think you need to worry. It almost seems like you might have done yourself some good. Don't mean to sound offensive, but you look like you should gain a few pounds. Unless your pictures are misleading, you look extremely underweight.

    I'm afraid I have to agree with the others... You appear to be bone-thin....and worrying to this degree about going over by 300 calories could be a sign of a bigger problem. Focus on being healthy--not what the scale says. Life isn't worth ANYTHING if you aren't healthy enough to enjoy it. :wink:

    I agree! We are not meaning any disrespect just a little concerned for you and your health.
  • ccdo
    ccdo Posts: 217
    it's a good question, how tall are you?

    5 ft 1
  • ccdo
    ccdo Posts: 217
    Well, you could work out for an hour. Or take an energetic walk. Or just not worry about it. It's only 300 calories. It takes 3,500 calories to gain or to lose a pound. You've got a long way to go to undo all your hard work.

    Just start fresh tomorrow with new resolve :) You can do this!

    Thanks so so much i will work out for two hours instead to be safe and feel better. i am goin to start fresh tomorrow im currently 97lbs so dont wanna ruin that i want to be prefect for tuesday week for lunch with my mates.

    thanks i feel better to hear i can do this thanks for ur support :flowerforyou:
  • lazygirllosesweight
    it's a good question, how tall are you?

    5 ft 1

    So I notice that you haven't responded to anyone's concern. What do you think of what people have said?
  • ccdo
    ccdo Posts: 217
    it's a good question, how tall are you?

    5 ft 1

    So I notice that you haven't responded to anyone's concern. What do you think of what people have said?

    im 5 ft 1 and i have replied to two people thanks everyone :smile: i know people are concerned so am i but i just dont know :cry:
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    I'm also concerned that you haven't replied to or acknowledged any of the concerns of all but one poster. You've gone straight to the advice of how to compensate for 300 calories. At an already low bmi, it's very concerning that you are in a panic over 300 calories. As someone else said, the point is to be HEALTHY enough to enjoy life. Please be careful.
  • missykaye1975
    Well, you could work out for an hour. Or take an energetic walk. Or just not worry about it. It's only 300 calories. It takes 3,500 calories to gain or to lose a pound. You've got a long way to go to undo all your hard work.

    Just start fresh tomorrow with new resolve :) You can do this!

    Thanks so so much i will work out for two hours instead to be safe and feel better. i am goin to start fresh tomorrow im currently 97lbs so dont wanna ruin that i want to be prefect for tuesday week for lunch with my mates.

    thanks i feel better to hear i can do this thanks for ur support :flowerforyou:

    Okay....I do not mean to be disrespectful either, but you're going to work out an entire extra hour to burn off 300 calories because you're worried about gaining a pound over 97 lbs., and fitting into a size 4 jean??! I'm no psychologist, but that is speaking "eating disorder" to me. Please, get some help! ......and I really DO speak from experience about health issues--I've had plenty!! If you ruin your body and your health in the process, then you will NOT feel better--PHYSICALLY, MENTALLY, EMOTIONALLY. Period. Just some tough love....:smile:
  • lazygirllosesweight
    im 5 ft 1 and i have replied to two people thanks everyone :smile: i know people are concerned so am i but i just dont know :cry:

    Does anyone in your life show concern for how thin you are?
  • PattyTheUndefeated
    PattyTheUndefeated Posts: 302 Member
    it's a good question, how tall are you?

    5 ft 1

    So I notice that you haven't responded to anyone's concern. What do you think of what people have said?

    It's sad when a website that's meant to help those who are trying to get healthy are also helping those maintain a unhealthy and dangerous lifestyle. I'd be highly defensive and angry if someone accused me of having a eating disorder when I didn't. The fact that she avoids the controversy all together is the sign of a big problem. Like I said, unless those pictures are someone else, she needs help. Unfortunately, this isn't the site for it. :frown:
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    it's a good question, how tall are you?

    5 ft 1

    So I notice that you haven't responded to anyone's concern. What do you think of what people have said?

    im 5 ft 1 and i have replied to two people thanks everyone :smile: i know people are concerned so am i but i just dont know :cry:

    So when you say you're also concerned, what are you refering to? I think I can speak for the other posters here when I say we're not worried about your 300 calories, we're worried that you are taking an unhealthy approach to your body and keeping it well. A specific number on the scale doesn't tell you nearly as much about your health as your body composition and it's very clear from your photos that you don't have any excess fat to burn in order to achieve a healthy weight. Perhaps a bit of the opposite (with healthy weight, not just body fat). Are you concerned that you are too thin? Or about your 300 calories?
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    I wouldn't jump to any conclusions. ccdo, if you feel like talking about it, what are your goals and do you feel like you need to maintain the weight you are at now?

    I can tell you that at 5'1" and 97 lbs, your BMR is probably around 1120 calories or so. and your Maintenance calories, if you are moderately active, should be around 1750 calories a day.

    Eating 1200 is very low as I doubt your Body Fat % is much above 18% or so. If you have trouble eating more calories, or feel guilt or anxiety about doing so, then yes, I would say you probably have some sort of eating disorder. if you don't and were just confused about how many calories you should be eating, and what this site does about exercise calories, feel free to post your questions on here, or email one of us (someone you feel comfortable asking) and I'm sure they would be more than happy to answer your questions.

    Just know that this site is here to support you, and everyone in it is only concerned for your well being!
  • jennbissonnette
    I agree with Patty. If she does have an issue theyre is nothing that any of YOU are going to be able to say to her through a online message to make her change her mind about the way she feels. And btw, im 5' 1". And i was that weight. It was thin but thats what i thought had looked good on my body. Unless you have the same body as her, You dont know how it lays on her body. Ive had a baby so things look different but my goal right now is 105. After that, i might go to 100. IDK, ill see. but then again. All our bodies are different. I think you look GREAT! NOthing more, nothing less. Godd luck .Just be healthy babe!

  • PattyTheUndefeated
    PattyTheUndefeated Posts: 302 Member
    I wouldn't jump to any conclusions. ccdo, if you feel like talking about it, what are your goals and do you feel like you need to maintain the weight you are at now?

    I can tell you that at 5'1" and 97 lbs, your BMR is probably around 1120 calories or so. and your Maintenance calories, if you are moderately active, should be around 1750 calories a day.

    Eating 1200 is very low as I doubt your Body Fat % is much above 18% or so. If you have trouble eating more calories, or feel guilt or anxiety about doing so, then yes, I would say you probably have some sort of eating disorder. if you don't and were just confused about how many calories you should be eating, and what this site does about exercise calories, feel free to post your questions on here, or email one of us (someone you feel comfortable asking) and I'm sure they would be more than happy to answer your questions.

    Just know that this site is here to support you, and everyone in it is only concerned for your well being!

    I'm with Banksinator!
  • 2betoned
    Well, you could work out for an hour. Or take an energetic walk. Or just not worry about it. It's only 300 calories. It takes 3,500 calories to gain or to lose a pound. You've got a long way to go to undo all your hard work.

    Just start fresh tomorrow with new resolve :) You can do this!

    Thanks so so much i will work out for two hours instead to be safe and feel better. i am goin to start fresh tomorrow im currently 97lbs so dont wanna ruin that i want to be prefect for tuesday week for lunch with my mates.

    thanks i feel better to hear i can do this thanks for ur support :flowerforyou:

    Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!!! Are you serious? Working out for an extra hour ? Are you going to eat more tomorrow so you can burn it off..This is a bit extreme..It takes more than eating 300 calories over your req. calorie intake to gain weight. By forcing yourself to workout longer this one time, I believe will send the wrong message to young girls who feel that you MUST be a size 0,2,4..I am a size 6 and am happy with that....If I went over 300 cals today, I'd note it and do better tomorrow, but i'm scratching my head on your decision..The key is to get fit and be healthy the Safe way..Just my thoughts..God bless you!
  • missykaye1975
    I wouldn't jump to any conclusions. ccdo, if you feel like talking about it, what are your goals and do you feel like you need to maintain the weight you are at now?

    I can tell you that at 5'1" and 97 lbs, your BMR is probably around 1120 calories or so. and your Maintenance calories, if you are moderately active, should be around 1750 calories a day.

    Eating 1200 is very low as I doubt your Body Fat % is much above 18% or so. If you have trouble eating more calories, or feel guilt or anxiety about doing so, then yes, I would say you probably have some sort of eating disorder. if you don't and were just confused about how many calories you should be eating, and what this site does about exercise calories, feel free to post your questions on here, or email one of us (someone you feel comfortable asking) and I'm sure they would be more than happy to answer your questions.

    Just know that this site is here to support you, and everyone in it is only concerned for your well being!

    YES....what he said. Nobody is here to judge....just to help and support. :flowerforyou: