Panic please help



  • tobebetter
    all you have to do is walk off the extra intake calories when you get home, don't worry1:smile:
  • ccdo
    ccdo Posts: 217
    thanks everyon for your concern and to clear things up i wanna stay 97lbs not above it and over 1200 is quite drastic to me and i am eatin healhty i count calories but thats all and i generally work out the normal way but when over eat like i did i tend to panick that people will say that i gained weight etc and i dont want that. my doctor is ill for another few weeks but i certianly DO NOT have ED disorder of any kind in my opinion i just like to be slim and skinny like i have always been my whole life being 98lbs and above for some reason scares me so much that i just exccercise it off

    thanks everyone for your conecern but i have noone in my whole life to talk about this at all im serious any time ive tried im stupid accordin to them so i turn to hear to look for advise but anyway ill be ok so no need to worry everyone ill be fine ill just do what someone said and that should save me from weigh in tomorrow

    thanks again it was lovely to get such a big repsonse and support ive never had that in my life so ye thank you for that im filled with emotion now that so many people care anyway ill be fine :flowerforyou:
  • ccdo
    ccdo Posts: 217
    all you have to do is walk off the extra intake calories when you get home, don't worry1:smile:

    Thanks you i think ill burn it off quicker by joggin but ye ill do taht tomorrow as well :smile:
  • Sunsh1ne
    Sunsh1ne Posts: 879 Member
    I am concerned as well. According to the BMI calculator, your weight is already in the unhealthy range. You should be between 98 and 130 pounds. I think we're all a little worried about you. Overweight is bad, but underweight presents its own health problems, and they are just as serious. My best friend was very underweight in the past, and last spring it contributed to other health issues and created a condition that put her in the hospital for a month. Almost a year later, she is still recovering.

    As for your question about going over on your calories... 300 calories is not huge. Keep in mind that to gain one pound in a week, you would have to average 500 calories over every single day. One day where you go over by less than 500 will not derail your diet.
  • pattitricia85
    remember MFP typically gives you a 500 calorie deficit so eating 300 extra, you still have a 200 calorie deficit
  • ccdo
    ccdo Posts: 217
    I am concerned as well. According to the BMI calculator, your weight is already in the unhealthy range. You should be between 98 and 130 pounds. I think we're all a little worried about you. Overweight is bad, but underweight presents its own health problems, and they are just as serious. My best friend was very underweight in the past, and last spring it contributed to other health issues and created a condition that put her in the hospital for a month. Almost a year later, she is still recovering.

    As for your question about going over on your calories... 300 calories is not huge. Keep in mind that to gain one pound in a week, you would have to average 500 calories over every single day. One day where you go over by less than 500 will not derail your diet.

    thank u that makes alot of sense to me now but my BMI is in the healhty range ive checked i think it is anyway if it isnt then that would be strange anyway thanks for your response and dont be worried im fine :flowerforyou:
  • ccdo
    ccdo Posts: 217
    remember MFP typically gives you a 500 calorie deficit so eating 300 extra, you still have a 200 calorie deficit

    thanks very much i feel reliefeed now :flowerforyou:
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    remember MFP typically gives you a 500 calorie deficit so eating 300 extra, you still have a 200 calorie deficit

    That's not really true. It gives you a deficit based on what you chose for your weekly goal, If you choose 2 lbs a week then it's 1000 calories, if you choose 1/2 a lb per week then it's 250. Course it won't go lower than 1200 so even if you choose 2 lbs a week, if 1000 calories a day brings you below 1200 calories, it will stop it at 1200.
  • ccdo
    ccdo Posts: 217
    remember MFP typically gives you a 500 calorie deficit so eating 300 extra, you still have a 200 calorie deficit

    That's not really true. It gives you a deficit based on what you chose for your weekly goal, If you choose 2 lbs a week then it's 1000 calories, if you choose 1/2 a lb per week then it's 250. Course it won't go lower than 1200 so even if you choose 2 lbs a week, if 1000 calories a day brings you below 1200 calories, it will stop it at 1200.

  • ebkins7
    ebkins7 Posts: 427 Member
    I have to agree with MOST of the responses here. I used to have an eating disorder and would do this same thing. I would go over calories and think I needed to workout extra hours, rather than accept it and try better the next day!

    I'm not 5'1'' and don't know what the appropriate weight scale is for someone who is, BUT if you are freaking out because of some extra calories. It doesn't sound good. Judging from a personal perspective. Also, where did these calories come from, ie what foods did you eat to get them. If they were veggies/fruits, there is no need to worry... but if you scarfed down a whooper with cheese, different story.

    My point is don't get crazy because of a few extra calories. An extra hour at the gym tomorrow doesn't make up for what you did today! Just try to do better tomorrow. and if you even have the slightest incling that you may have an eating disorder, you really shoule seek help. These issues can KILL you! You don't look too pretty when your dead!
  • Sunsh1ne
    Sunsh1ne Posts: 879 Member
    over 1200 is quite drastic to me
    when over eat like i did i tend to panick that people will say that i gained weight etc and i dont want that.
    i just like to be slim and skinny like i have always been my whole life being 98lbs and above for some reason scares me so much that i just exccercise it off
    thanks everyone for your conecern but i have noone in my whole life to talk about this at all im serious any time ive tried im stupid accordin to them

    This is why we're concerned. I know I we don't know each other but you sound a lot like my friend used to sound and that's why I'm concerned. The fear and panic you mention are red flags, and chances are if the people in your life say your calorie concerns are stupid, what they mean is they think you are too skinny to worry about weight. Please, please, please, when you see your doctor next, talk to him or her about this. My friend who was in the hospital experienced a heart attack and organ shutdown because when she got sick, she was too underweight for her body to maintain itself. I thank God for the miracles that kept her alive, but you can't depend on miracles every time.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    over 1200 is quite drastic to me
    when over eat like i did i tend to panick that people will say that i gained weight etc and i dont want that.
    i just like to be slim and skinny like i have always been my whole life being 98lbs and above for some reason scares me so much that i just exccercise it off
    thanks everyone for your conecern but i have noone in my whole life to talk about this at all im serious any time ive tried im stupid accordin to them

    This is why we're concerned. I know I we don't know each other but you sound a lot like my friend used to sound and that's why I'm concerned. The fear and panic you mention are red flags, and chances are if the people in your life say your calorie concerns are stupid, what they mean is they think you are too skinny to worry about weight. Please, please, please, when you see your doctor next, talk to him or her about this. My friend who was in the hospital experienced a heart attack and organ shutdown because when she got sick, she was too underweight for her body to maintain itself. I thank God for the miracles that kept her alive, but you can't depend on miracles every time.

    I agree 100%. Please talk to your doctor atleast, to make sure you are at a healthy weight, or atleast about a diet that provides you with the right amount of nutrients your body needs. If you don't wanna take anyone's advice, atleast just talk to your doctor and see what they have to say. Be honest and tell them about ur concerns, habits, etc.
  • ebkins7
    ebkins7 Posts: 427 Member
    thanks everyon for your concern and to clear things up i wanna stay 97lbs not above it and over 1200 is quite drastic to me and i am eatin healhty i count calories but thats all and i generally work out the normal way but when over eat like i did i tend to panick that people will say that i gained weight etc and i dont want that. my doctor is ill for another few weeks but i certianly DO NOT have ED disorder of any kind in my opinion i just like to be slim and skinny like i have always been my whole life being 98lbs and above for some reason scares me so much that i just exccercise it off]

    JMO... But panicking because you are afraid someone will comment on a slight, and I mean SLIGHT, wight gain is not healthy. These thoughts and reactions may make you take extreme measures when you don't evern realize that you are doing it! Please, get to a healthier wieght. PLEASE!
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    Based on your ticker and your profile pictures, I don't think you need to worry. It almost seems like you might have done yourself some good. Don't mean to sound offensive, but you look like you should gain a few pounds. Unless your pictures are misleading, you look extremely underweight.

    I agree. I don't know how tall you are or your body type, but I can't imagine 96 pounds being that good for anyone, let alone needing to lose any weight.

    Sweetie, I totally agree with these girls, I'm sorry.
  • ccdo
    ccdo Posts: 217
    I have to agree with MOST of the responses here. I used to have an eating disorder and would do this same thing. I would go over calories and think I needed to workout extra hours, rather than accept it and try better the next day!

    I'm not 5'1'' and don't know what the appropriate weight scale is for someone who is, BUT if you are freaking out because of some extra calories. It doesn't sound good. Judging from a personal perspective. Also, where did these calories come from, ie what foods did you eat to get them. If they were veggies/fruits, there is no need to worry... but if you scarfed down a whooper with cheese, different story.

    My point is don't get crazy because of a few extra calories. An extra hour at the gym tomorrow doesn't make up for what you did today! Just try to do better tomorrow. and if you even have the slightest incling that you may have an eating disorder, you really shoule seek help. These issues can KILL you! You don't look too pretty when your dead!

    thanks but i ate all the wrong foods possible with my mum well im fine now cause i just worked it all off since in the period of 4 hours so ye im safe now

    i think i might be developin it but how do i know if my doctor is not back for a few weeks anyway thanks for ur response. im a prefectionist in everyway and i have to have a body thats perfect too long story
  • ccdo
    ccdo Posts: 217
    Based on your ticker and your profile pictures, I don't think you need to worry. It almost seems like you might have done yourself some good. Don't mean to sound offensive, but you look like you should gain a few pounds. Unless your pictures are misleading, you look extremely underweight.

    I agree. I don't know how tall you are or your body type, but I can't imagine 96 pounds being that good for anyone, let alone needing to lose any weight.

    Sweetie, I totally agree with these girls, I'm sorry.

    thanks dont be sorry your fine i kind of regret postin this in the wrong way now :flowerforyou:
  • ccdo
    ccdo Posts: 217
    thanks everyon for your concern and to clear things up i wanna stay 97lbs not above it and over 1200 is quite drastic to me and i am eatin healhty i count calories but thats all and i generally work out the normal way but when over eat like i did i tend to panick that people will say that i gained weight etc and i dont want that. my doctor is ill for another few weeks but i certianly DO NOT have ED disorder of any kind in my opinion i just like to be slim and skinny like i have always been my whole life being 98lbs and above for some reason scares me so much that i just exccercise it off

    JMO... But "I tend to panick that people will say that I gained weight" IS NOT MENTALLY HEALTHY. Therefore you may go to extremes without even realizing that you ARE going to extremes! I highly encourage you to get to a healthy weight. Please!

    thats the funny thing i am in healhty weight i used to be 84lbs but i gained weight to be healthy 100lbs or more is not right for me thanks anyway :flowerforyou:
  • 2betoned
    thanks everyon for your concern and to clear things up i wanna stay 97lbs not above it and over 1200 is quite drastic to me and i am eatin healhty i count calories but thats all and i generally work out the normal way but when over eat like i did i tend to panick that people will say that i gained weight etc and i dont want that. my doctor is ill for another few weeks but i certianly DO NOT have ED disorder of any kind in my opinion i just like to be slim and skinny like i have always been my whole life being 98lbs and above for some reason scares me so much that i just exccercise it off

    JMO... But "I tend to panick that people will say that I gained weight" IS NOT MENTALLY HEALTHY. Therefore you may go to extremes without even realizing that you ARE going to extremes! I highly encourage you to get to a healthy weight. Please!

    thats the funny thing i am in healhty weight i used to be 84lbs but i gained weight to be healthy 100lbs or more is not right for me thanks anyway :flowerforyou:

  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    thanks everyon for your concern and to clear things up i wanna stay 97lbs not above it and over 1200 is quite drastic to me and i am eatin healhty i count calories but thats all and i generally work out the normal way but when over eat like i did i tend to panick that people will say that i gained weight etc and i dont want that. my doctor is ill for another few weeks but i certianly DO NOT have ED disorder of any kind in my opinion i just like to be slim and skinny like i have always been my whole life being 98lbs and above for some reason scares me so much that i just exccercise it off

    thanks everyone for your conecern but i have noone in my whole life to talk about this at all im serious any time ive tried im stupid accordin to them so i turn to hear to look for advise but anyway ill be ok so no need to worry everyone ill be fine ill just do what someone said and that should save me from weigh in tomorrow

    thanks again it was lovely to get such a big repsonse and support ive never had that in my life so ye thank you for that im filled with emotion now that so many people care anyway ill be fine :flowerforyou:

    I'm so glad you took all the responses in the way (I think) they were intended -- loving concern :flowerforyou:.

    You said your doctor is ill for another few weeks?? Are you saying you are waiting to see your doctor about your weight? I wasn't sure what that meant.
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    Guys...she's not too tiny. She wears a size four, is only 5 feet 1, and used to only weigh 85. Give her a bit of a break.
    I'm not quite 5 feet tall and weigh 90, wear a 14 in that any reason to judge someone? And yes...this is all okay with my doctor.
    She does appear really thin...she should see a doctor but it's not right for you all to jump to conclusions that she has an eating disorder. Over-eating is also classified as an eating disorder...most people on the site are here for a reason, back off.