


  • HlthyActvst
    HlthyActvst Posts: 3 Member
    I just started and love it. Yes, I feel like a fool when I tell people my age that I joined Jazzercize, but the women in my class range from college aged to Seniors, but the music is current and the work out is great! I'm not one who knows what to do at a gym, so the range of exercise from aerobic at the beginning and ending with weights and floor work is perfect for me!
  • ingasmile2
    ingasmile2 Posts: 43 Member
    I have been going to Jazzercise for a year now. Decided to test out the "600" calorie burn with my HRM. On average I burn around 260 calories per hour and I am working my butt off, dripping sweat, etc. But I also go to approx 5 classes a week and do kickboxing 3-4 nights a week. Plus, I am a smaller person so I think my "burn" will be less than others.

    I do love going though!