How long did you exercise before it got easier?



  • birdieaz
    birdieaz Posts: 448 Member
    Sigh..I'm still waiting.
  • NCchar130
    NCchar130 Posts: 955 Member
    As far as getting winded, each time I did some cardio, it seemed I could go a little longer without getting completely winded. My body adjusted pretty quickly.

    For example, I have a step aerobic DVD that is 40 minutes long. At the beginning, I took sometimes 3 breaks of 3-5 minutes each during it to catch my breath and had to stop at around 30 minutes. I've been doing this DVD 2-3 times a week. After about a month, I could do 30 minutes with one shorter break. After 6 weeks, 30 minutes with no break. And as of last week (9 weeks) I can go the full 40 minutes with no break to catch my breath. I don't finish real strong yet and still do a few of the moves in a modified version, but I'm getting there.

    I don't mean I don't get out of breath now, I'm still breathing hard and sweating like crazy and my heart rate is WAAAAAY up there. I just mean, I don't get to the point where I'm gasping for air and coughing, etc, where I have to stop.

    Just keep plugging away at it, and your endurance and lung capacity will increase. :flowerforyou:
  • Sarah47201
    Sarah47201 Posts: 18 Member
    I don't run (post-knee surgery) but I do hike. Before surgery I would get winded on one climb that is about 3/4 mile and a 400' incline. After surgery I started working out at the gym and doing cardio, lifting weights, etc. and now I can climb it without having to stop for air and feeling like my heart is exploding. I did it today and my HR didn't get over 85%-- and I've been religiously going to the gym for about 7 weeks.

    You'll get there!! Don't give up!!

    If it was easy everyone would be doing it!! :)
  • fitQueenbeast
    Never when it got easier I went harder =). Best way to do it. You will get there just keep at it.

    Yeah I like this right here. I don't want easier. Keep the challenges coming. When I feel I'm not being challenged, it's time to up the ante.
  • jmeyer925
    jmeyer925 Posts: 326 Member
    Think it gets easier mentally to do the exercise, because you start seeing the results.

    I learned that I'm not a runner, at any weight. But I've walked for 10 miles in one day with no problem, think it gets easier with trial and error to find the exercises that you can do. Then the main thing is to stick with them.

    I recommend easing into your running. Try fast walking to get your muscles and lungs used to it. Then take it from there.

    Weight loss is a marathon, not a sprint :flowerforyou:
  • summerfool
    summerfool Posts: 72 Member
    I'm not sure it ever gets easier. I'm just not sore like I was in the beginning.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    i guess im in the minority that believes it does get easier. when i started 1 year ago i was sore and tired almost all the time. but within about 1 month i reached a point where i didnt have that same level of soreness and tiredness. and at the same time i was working out much harder.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    If it gets easier, then you're not trying hard enough.

    Yeppers. I've been at this 20 years and I'm still waiting for it to get easier. I guess if I quit trying harder it might get easier. Don't know. Never stopped trying harder
  • Jongfaith
    Jongfaith Posts: 195
    I would say a couple months til it gets easier but I definately start working harder to keep the results coming. With running though there is a proper way to go about it. I follow a running schedule when ever I start again from the beginning ( which has been many times). Find a book on running with a training program mapped out. I always got hurt until I started following this.most are very helpful explaining why you should count your breaths to prevent favoring one leg and generally recomend to start walking for a week then run a min walk four for a half hour the next week and bump it up running another min out of five every week for ten weeks. Find something like that and it will help you not feel like you are going to puke when working out. Kudos on the motivation to keep going through that I quit long before I want to throw up
  • blakejohn
    blakejohn Posts: 1,129 Member
    working out 6 days a week for 3 months I started feeling better. it took about a year working out and eating right for it to become part of my life,
  • BPayton27
    BPayton27 Posts: 626 Member
    When it gets easier you go harder.
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    after 2 weeks it kept getting easier
  • ixap
    ixap Posts: 675 Member
    I feel like it gets easier about 2 months into it. Sure I still challenge myself with very hard workouts several times per week, but at least now there IS such a thing as an easy workout. And somehow even the very hard workouts aren't quite such a shock to the system when I've been doing them consistently.

    I'm sure part of it is mental -- it's not as frustrating to be exhausted by a workout you know is challenging vs. being smoked by something that you feel should be easy. But I do think part of it is physical conditioning to the activity. I can get my heart rate just as high and be just as sore the next day and feel like my perceived exertion throughout the workout is as much as it every was, but it just doesn't have the same level of awfulness as those first few weeks.
  • Jessicapages1
    Jessicapages1 Posts: 114 Member
    I don't think it ever gets easier,but you do get stronger! I have been busting my butt for 6 months and it has not gotten easier,but I am able to push past the pain now! Keep going don't give up! If all you can do is run for 1 min,then thats ok.start to work yourself up to 1 min 30 sec in 2 weeks,i promiss you will get stronger if you keep pushing yourself!! Don't give up,and give it you ALL in every workout and in no time you will be better than you were last month!!! Good luck!!
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    If an exercise ever gets easier I add weight and make it hard again.
  • dcat4563
    dcat4563 Posts: 33 Member
    I am super out of shape. I am way to young to get short of breath running for like 1 minute. My question is how long till it get easier. I try and do sit ups and ab exercise and run but ugh I get tired. I keep telling myself keep going but wen I finally do stop I feel like im going to puke.

    Are you doing a couch to 5k program? That is a great way to build up your running. after each week, if you haven't gotten any better you can repeat the previous week. I have been doing Zumba for about 3 months and I still catch myself out of breath and pouring sweat after each class, and it is harder when the routine changes as well. you want it to keep getting harder to push yourself and change your routine whenever you feel like it is getting easy
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    maybe for some of you its been so long you forget when you first started or maybe i just way over did it at first. but i remember having difficulty putting on my clothes i was so sore. that doesnt happen anymore.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    If an exercise ever gets easier I add weight and make it hard again.

    It's too damn hot for a penguin to be walking around here.
    AXAGEM Posts: 56 Member
    Sorry not easy but I meant when does it get to the point to I can do more for longer periods of time.

    For sure.

    With continous exercise be it cardio or strenght your body will get stronger and you will be able to run further and over time faster. However iike others have said it should never get easy.
  • ixap
    ixap Posts: 675 Member
    maybe for some of you its been so long you forget when you first started or maybe i just way over did it at first. but i remember having difficulty putting on my clothes i was so sore. that doesnt happen anymore.
    that's what I was thinking about. I feel like nothing I could (safely) do to myself now would feel quite as bad as those first few workouts trying to get back into it (which are now easier than what I'd do for a warmup!)