Weight loss pills



  • mandy0688
    mandy0688 Posts: 335 Member
    green tea is a natural fat burner

    I definately agree with this. Packed full of anti-oxidants too.

    A friend of mine likes the the Silver ones. She had them checked out and approved by her GP who declared they are just herbal.

    Good luck xx

    Thanks but would taking a regular old multivitamin work. I would love to boost my metabolism
  • PibblesRun
    PibblesRun Posts: 236 Member
    So, here is a healthy alternative to diet pills. Like others have said, all diet pills help with is boosting metabolism. So a few weeks ago, I myself researched how to boost metabolism naturally. Heres what I got.


    Also ive read spices like cinnamon and pepper help as well. Ive been using all of those things listed daily, and it has seemed to help a bit with loss, im maybe losing 20% more but it has really helped with energy! Also, if you use any artificial sweeteners stop! I also stopped splenda when I read about the horrible effects, and I have so much more energy and feel so much better without it...artificial sugars can also lead to weight gain, or make it harder to lose!
  • Jester522
    Jester522 Posts: 392
    If pills actually worked dont you think we would be much more healthy of a nation. Its about diet and exercise (weight training and cardio).

    No, because America wants magic pills that stick to the claim "If I take this I'll have six pack abs in a week while eating potato chips and no exercise." Supplementation does work...as a 'supplement' to diet and training.
  • Trapwolf
    Trapwolf Posts: 142 Member
    sometimes when I want energy and not coffee...I drink the Crystal light powders on the go energy drinks....they are great!
  • Lift_hard_eat_big
    Lift_hard_eat_big Posts: 2,278 Member
    If pills actually worked dont you think we would be much more healthy of a nation. Its about diet and exercise (weight training and cardio).

    I'm not arguing with you that diet and exercise are critical. But there are supplements and drugs out there available that can get you to your goal quicker. Same can be said for diabetes, blood pressure, cholesterol, etc medications. Sure, diet and exercise can alleviate most of those illnesses, but using them in conjunction with medication will yield quicker and better results.
  • Lift_hard_eat_big
    Lift_hard_eat_big Posts: 2,278 Member
    This thread makes me depressed.

    Far as I know there is no such thing as a legal fat burner on the market. You fools are spending cash on placebo.. You're more than welcome to show me a blind trial proving the case, but I'm quite sure there is none.

    Even the ones that did work like ECA, only had a boost of like 20% fat loss when optimal diet was in effect. And diet not in effect was 0%.

    Are you taking crazy pills? Your post is so contradictory. "Spending cash on placebo. . . that boost fat loss 20%"

    Show me where I claimed that you could take a pill, sit on your *kitten*, eat a surplus and still shed fat? Of course you still need to eat at a deficit to illicit weight loss. I'm not a noob to nutrition, training or supplements.
  • blueandigo
    There's no such thing as a diet pill. There's such things as aids that are okay only if you take them the way you are supposed to and eat right.
  • TheMommyWifeLife
    TheMommyWifeLife Posts: 194 Member
    If pills actually worked dont you think we would be much more healthy of a nation. Its about diet and exercise (weight training and cardio).

    I actually don't know about pills. For me this week I have cut down alot in my calorie intake and making sure i at least walk everyday instead of sitting on the couch watching TV. I am forcing myself to get up and everyday it gets easier. Now for weight training I have a bad back and i need to find what works best for me.

    Hey girl look up online exercises to strengthen bad backs! that would help that back get better, AND help you to be able to reach your goals easier! In my opinion, if your back is bad you need to watch the exercises you do, because just about all of them that are working your muscles fairly well, are going to affect your back as well.

    Not trying to bring up an argument by saying the thing about the back, it is just my view on it. i have no proof, just dont want you to get hurt!
  • GomesDavid
    Me too agree that green tea is the best fat burner...as we all know Green Tea Fat burners are prepared with dried leaves, which are not fermented to ensure minimal oxidation while this natural product is processed.
  • etb23
    etb23 Posts: 7
    I am taking slimquick now (started 4 days ago) along with a restricted diet and exercise plan. It gives me the extra energy and suppresses my appitite. I tried it a few months back doing the same thing I'm doing now and lost nearly 30lbs in 2 months.
    It's not a magic pill by any means... but it helped me personally. Hope this helps.