Under calorie goals

I am consistently under my calorie goals and find myself eating things just to make up the deficit. I eat a lot of proteins and veggies but seem to always come up short. I do not feel hungry or deprived by any stretch. If I am not on target how far short is ok? I don't want my body thinking it is starved.


  • KatyCrum6969
    KatyCrum6969 Posts: 124 Member
    I almost never pay attention to my calorie goals. I know how far I need to go. If I don't feel hungry, I don't eat, plain as that. As long as you're not purposefully trying to starve yourself, you should be chill.
  • kellicci
    kellicci Posts: 409 Member
    Well what is your goal for calories each day? If it's 1200 constantly being under probably isn't good b/c there's almost no way your BMR is less than 1200. (I'm 5'1 133 pounds and mine is 1365). How far you are under makes a difference too. if' it's less than 100 calories then it's probably not a huge deal.

    In case you haven't seen this mentioned before your BMR is what your body needs to function....that's just keeping your vital organs going never mind running around after 2 kids all day. Eating less than your BMR is not really a good idea for most people.
  • Jenn037
    Jenn037 Posts: 18
    I have the same problem and I go over my fay grams if I eat all 1200 cal. so I am stuck o.n what to eat to make up the difference with out going over on my carbs, and fat
  • kellicci
    kellicci Posts: 409 Member
    I have the same problem and I go over my fay grams if I eat all 1200 cal. so I am stuck o.n what to eat to make up the difference with out going over on my carbs, and fat

    Well I eat 1300 usually and eat back most exercise calories but feel free to browse my diary if you need ideas.
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    From Lafayette, LA huh? My hometown =)

    If you've been assuming a calorie deficit for quite some time, your leptin levels can be greatly affected to the point you do not feel hungry despite eating very little. Never ever, ever, ever use hunger as a guide to determine energy expenditure while on a deficit.
  • Jester522
    Jester522 Posts: 392
    Well what is your goal for calories each day? If it's 1200 constantly being under probably isn't good b/c there's almost no way your BMR is less than 1200. (I'm 5'1 133 pounds and mine is 1365). How far you are under makes a difference too. if' it's less than 100 calories then it's probably not a huge deal.

    In case you haven't seen this mentioned before your BMR is what your body needs to function....that's just keeping your vital organs going never mind running around after 2 kids all day. Eating less than your BMR is not really a good idea for most people.

    ^ The human body requires a minimum of 1500 per day to sustain life.

    You're body wont go into "starvation" as long as you have body fat to burn. Although eventually it fights back if leptin is too low for too long.
  • goddesshimmy
    goddesshimmy Posts: 8 Member
    Well what is your goal for calories each day? If it's 1200 constantly being under probably isn't good b/c there's almost no way your BMR is less than 1200. (I'm 5'1 133 pounds and mine is 1365). How far you are under makes a difference too. if' it's less than 100 calories then it's probably not a huge deal.

    In case you haven't seen this mentioned before your BMR is what your body needs to function....that's just keeping your vital organs going never mind running around after 2 kids all day. Eating less than your BMR is not really a good idea for most people.

    Mine is the same as yours. Most days I am within 100 cals of meeting my goal but there are times I am in deficit by almost 500. I know this cannot possibly be good for me. I am almost always over on my proteins and fat, fat by very little, but everything else is generally way under. I have a healthy appetite-do not eat like a bird. lol Since I am a newb to this whole thing I am still looking for my best options. Thanks for the help out.
  • I have the same trouble I'm always under 1200 calories but i have a hard time with the sugar I'm always over because i love fruits.