i don't want to be in love anymore :-/



  • Natashaa1991
    Natashaa1991 Posts: 866 Member
    i've been forever alone in a while now. it sucks. i wanna fall in love :(
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    You could try Ayureveda (I know I'm spelling that wrong). It's wonderful for self healing. I used it earlier this year.
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    I'm sorry all these "people" are trash talking you for going through a hard time and talking about it. Most people think women shouldn't talk about their emotions, but I think you should!

    Don't let their sexism get you down.

    Block them and add me. LOL.
  • MTBrob
    MTBrob Posts: 513 Member

    he is the one being distant

    Your king is in another castle.
  • dkoroschetz
    dkoroschetz Posts: 67 Member
    you can't just get it and out.
    Love isn't a joke, if you really truly love him, make it work.
    The only exceptions to get out is if he has another woman or he is beating you up.

    Agreed!!! Love is like war, easy to start, difficult to stop.

    Oh my goodness, my husband and I have been through years of good and bad and as much as I would like to think I could move on without him, I can't. We are just meant to be and we just make it work. We've certainly learned over the years how to deal with issues and communicate better.

    Only YOU can decide if you are willing to work for the relationship and only YOU can decide if the relationship is worth working for. Good luck!
  • TaylorsGranddad
    TaylorsGranddad Posts: 453 Member
    I split up & that was the kick i needed to start dieting, I have patched things up and split up 3 times with me wife, and I understand what you mean, it's not easy & we both had to realise we werr lying to each other cos that was easier. I hope you find happiness, I'm still looking AND quite enjoying it, if I'm honest.

  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,450 Member
    For the love of all things fried and quinoa. Get to the damned therapist.

    I know you are going through tough times, you know you are going through tough times, All of MFP know you are going through tough times, people in Guam know you are going through tough times.
    Last night in the Presidential they both acknowledged that YES you are going through tough times.

    I'm sure you are a really sweet person but you HAVE got to move on. Everytime you think of him, make a list of things YOU need to do to make things better for YOU and your son.
    Of course the man is being distant you broke up.


    She's totally right. Why are you giving him permission to keep you dangling (on a break) That's a bs excuse for I don't want to tell you it's over incase I can't find something else. Move on. For your own sanity. Take charge of this for yourself.
  • holly3585
    holly3585 Posts: 282 Member
    Honey it is ok. There are ups and downs, and if it doesn't hurt sometimes, then the good won't feel as good. If the time apart is hurting you, and he isn't responding to your pain, maube a clean break and a fresh stat will be a good thing to ponder.

    Best of luck :flowerforyou:
  • rossi02
    rossi02 Posts: 549 Member
    You need to stop thinking with your heart and go with your brain. Even if you two are trying to work things out, never allow yourself to be in such a vulnerable state again. Do not allow someone to have so much control over your life that without them in it, you can't function. Use this time to work on you and figure out what you want to do in life... if later down the road, you two end up back together, you'll be able to go into it with a better frame of mind and have your independence.
  • well to the OP, there is absolutely nothing wrong with posting questions like that here, I have done it myself. I believe that physical well-being and emotional well-being effect each other, whether it be positive or negative. So if you need help, with either one, you can come to us. The only thing I will suggest, is to make syre you talk to him first, which in my experience doesn't always work, but it is the avenue that should be traveled first. He might just need time to sort things out like he said, or there could be other reasons which I really don't want to get into, (They are the reasons that hurt.)

    To all of the a**holes that keep fussing about her post.....................................*kitten* OFF! Here's an idea for you, if you don't like having to read posts that don't relate to diet and fitness...................................................DON"T F*CKING CLICK ON IT!!!!!!!!:explode:

    Sorry for my rudeness to those that are trying to help her.:flowerforyou:
  • fawndam
    fawndam Posts: 595 Member
    Awe sweetie.:flowerforyou: ..sorry to hear that..."time apart" usually means, I am thinking about dating or screwing someone else" ..take it as a grain of salt if you will but girl...YOU DESERVE BETTER! There are men out there that know how to treat a lady and love a woman. Give yourself the gift of freedom...delete him from your phone and life...no contact at all is the best way to get over him sweetie...(((hugs))) and ignore stupid posts on here...:mad:
  • djsupreme6
    djsupreme6 Posts: 1,210 Member
    not sure about anybody else but even though this isn't necessarily fitness related something like this on the mind certainly can affect fitness. Right now she does need this support as it may help in many other facets of life which may include fitness, but most certainly wellness.

    As far as your relationship goes, you cannot just not be in love anymore. Thats not up to you and you can't make it happen. They say time heals all wounds which is right to an extent. At the moment you just need to muster up any kind of strength and courage you have and really say the hell with him. He needs to be cut off because it's not helping you to have him around. He needs to know you mean business because he sure knows what he's doing. The time may come where you have hope and he strings you along then boom..he's in a serious relationship with somebody else. Not saying it will happen but it's possible so you need to handle your own business and think for you and yours first.

    Somebody above me said time apart can often mean dating others or just getting a fix...well yes it sure can be, so protect yourself from even more hurt and as I said...go go go
  • Faintgreeneyes
    Faintgreeneyes Posts: 729 Member

    he is the one being distant

    Your king is in another castle.

    unfortunately- agree
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    You need to focus on your SON and worry about getting your life together.
  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    Keep looking....maybe he's just not right for you....This is coming from someone married 3 times, now for 24 years!!
    Find someone who wants to spend all their time with you....and never wants to be apart!! Life is to short to be with someone who isn't feeling the same way you do : )
  • Dont worry Uncle Andy is here
  • sunnyside1213
    sunnyside1213 Posts: 1,205 Member

    Um, I think many will agree that physical fitness and health go hand in hand with mental health. Relationships have a HUGE impact on our physical well-being. I guess you can "ignore" me too.

    Well said.
  • Certain things happen at the beginning of a relationship that get the initial attraction going and we fall into infatuation. As time progresses we learn the cold hard facts about the other and we accept them, warts and all. We make a dicision to love at this point. And we can decide not to love. When we get married we commit to loving forever, so there is no going back. Love is a choice ultimately. The feeling of falling in love comes and goes many time in a life time even in the same relationship but the committment, or chioce to love, is there forever.

    LIKE!!! =D
  • dawndw
    dawndw Posts: 203
    Grab a copy of "The Truth Is..." by Theory of a Deadman and blast track 6 (Love is Hell) out loud - feels great! Along with quite a few other tracks off that album.

    Sorry to hear things are going so rough for you right now :-(

    Sorry you are having a bad time. Be strong!!! Great Album to listen to.....
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    For the record, I'm on here a lot, and I've never seen her post about this. Some of you need to chill.

    I don't have any advice because I basically suck at these kinds of things. I've just simply become a cold-hearted *kitten*. It helps to ensure that things like this don't happen to me again.

    The only thing I can say is you have to eliminate all reminders. You have to move forward everyday for you. You have to start the process of forgetting about him. This "space" thing is bullsh*t. No one needs "space" from someone they love. Sorry, but space is code for break up. It's just a seemingly nice way to do it. It's actually more cruel, but appears nicer. The actual nice thing to do is for him to just cut it off and end it immediately. Then, you could move on and you wouldn't live through years of yearning. As it is, he is going to string you along for a long time.

    My advice is that YOU make a decision. Don't let him make it for you.