I hate gyms and health clubs



  • lambch0ps
    lambch0ps Posts: 79 Member
    Agree with many others - you don't need a gym to be fit. It took me 20 years and a lot of money to figure out the gym was not for me - not for the reasons you say - mainly just too inconvenient and not worth the expense. Cardio outdoors and weight-training at home gives me more time to devote to actual working out. If you need support find a friend to hike, bike, or run with, and/or find a class that you feel comfortable in to take once or twice a week. I would never in my life attempt Zumba but there's so many other options (yoga, pilates, spinning, etc.).
  • Beethoven1827
    Beethoven1827 Posts: 102 Member
    I used to like going to the gym years ago when I had a membership. Now I can't get to one anything like often enough to make it worth the money, so am having to find ways of exercising that work for me. I run (alone) three times a week - and fortunately so far even quite enjoy it when it's raining! I'm sure this will change later in the season, but for now it's OK. Other than that, I go to Zumba - we're almost all beginners, so there's lots of wrong feet, different directions etc. The important thing is that no-one minds. We're all there to try and get a bit fitter, we're all doing our best, and frankly, we're all focussed on what we're doing individually, not worrying about other people during the routines. The few seconds between tracks are when we laugh together and encourage one another. Works for me! :smile:
  • SarahCW1979
    SarahCW1979 Posts: 572 Member
    I paid a small fortune for a gym membership and hated it so much I faked an injury to get out of my contract :embarassed:
    You get the 'peacocks' wherever you go and it just wasnt for me. Sure they're nice to look at but when they s****** at my weedy attempts at lifting its abit irritating.
    I took what I learned from the classes I could manage like body combat, pump, balance and kettlebells (zumba and step were a big no no, I also have the coordination of a frog in a blender) and made my own custom hour long workout. I do it at home while the kids are at school where no one can see me, it doesnt matter that I dont have the 'in' clothing, I can huff and puff like a sex pest all I like and then go and take a shower in a CLEAN place! The showers at my gym smelled worse than a public toilet on a really hot day.
    Im doing the 30 Day Shred right now so the custom workout is on the back burner, there are loads of videos on YouTube that you can do in the comfort of your own home :flowerforyou:
  • SarahCW1979
    SarahCW1979 Posts: 572 Member
    so... s.n.i.g.g.e.r is a swear now? Who knew? :huh:
  • Skinny_minny_mo
    Skinny_minny_mo Posts: 1,272 Member

    What do other gymphobics do?

    we exercise at home in our underwear where our unco-orrdinated efforts are not laughed at. for real.
  • Tat2dDom0105
    I currently workout at home, but wish i had more room for equipment ( my house has no basement) and that's why i'm considering going back to a gym.
  • shellydd
    shellydd Posts: 156 Member
    join your local YMCA......no one cares there. there's individual person trainers but she/he's too busy HELPING people they could care less about those who are HELPING themselves
  • yowza101
    yowza101 Posts: 196 Member
    I prefer working out at home...with all the cardio, toning dvd's out there, I'm saving money. Besides I prefer to work out by myself even in walking during my lunch. That's my time for me and not for conversation. If you want to do Zumba by the dvd and do it at home.
  • myth4ever
    myth4ever Posts: 372
    No one cares about you in the gym.

    Guys may look at you, only because they may or may not think you are hot.

    That is it.

    Stop making it so personal.

    Just go, I went to the gym when I was extremely overweight, no one ever said a cross word.

  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    In many ways, I prefer a gym. They have everything, it's all there for you to use. But, I can't afford a membership, so I turned my garage into a gym. In the long run, I save money, and it's turned out to be really great. It's so convenient.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member

    What do other gymphobics do?

    we exercise at home in our underwear where our unco-orrdinated efforts are not laughed at. for real.

    This, but more in whatever I slept in, than in my underwear.

    I rather enjoyed exercising at the gym, but I hated GOING, because it took two full hours out of my day. So much easier to just go outside to run (not in my pj's) or lift weights at home. I never have to wait for anyone to finish with the weights I want, or end up on the treadmill with poor ventilation, and I don't need to make myself the least bit presentable first.
  • eksproductions
    eksproductions Posts: 138 Member
    Once you keep going, and get over the insecurity you will be fine. Yes, you can workout at home, but will you push yourself as much as you would in a room full of people? Are there body parts that you really want to work on and need equipment that can be used in gyms and may help your progress? Besides, there are things to look at in the gym, people to see, it's an atmosphere of change, people are, for the most part there to build better bodies. I used to stay away from gyms, but I need it, and now I enjoy going.
  • peuglow
    peuglow Posts: 684 Member
    you never need have a stranger's naked bottom in your face in the changing room!
    That's the only reason I go to the gym! lol

    But seriously OP, if you don't like the gym, find something else that works for you. I won't make a statement on your mental health like some have. Just do something that makes you happy and sweat.
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    You certainly don't need to go to a gym to get in shape. Plenty of people save the money they'd pay for membership and use it to buy exercise equipment at home.

    You can do just fine out of a gym, or in it.

    That being said, it could be useful to come to terms with the fact that you can workout in front of others, that you have just as much right to be there as they do, and that frankly they're probably more worried about their own workouts than they are what you're doing.

    I will occassionally look at other folks at my gym. 99.999% of the time it's because it's an attractive woman and attractive women make me happy and generally improve my workout performance. 0.0005% of the time it's because I see someone doing something potentially dangerous and am concerned for their safety. The remaining 0.0005% of the time it's someone who can lift what I can or more and I look at their form to see how they do it.

    In all of those scenarios I have much more respect for the person who shows up to the gym and busts their *kitten* than the lazy folks who stay at home on the couch.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    I dislike them too. Mostly though because the times I was able to go it was just always too crowded. I work out at home and it takes me less time. No commuting, getting organized, packing a gym bag, etc.

    Plus they're fairly expensive now. Last time I joined one under a 2 year contract it worked out to 7 dollars a month. Now most of them are at least 30, usually more.
  • alaythea
    I HATE the gym. You're not alone! And I think that's why I avoided working out for so long. I thought it was the gym or nothing. I don't care what people say, other people DO watch you! I feel like I can't sweat, grunt, breath heavy, etc. because I know people are mentally laughing! I push SO much harder when people aren't watching. I discovered Beach Body programs and fell in love! Big push, minimal equipment and I could do it all at home! I've done P90X, Insanity, Turbo Fire and Brazil Butt Lift. And I've lost 30lbs and kept it off. Don't feel bad that you dislike the gym! My husband loves it, he hates working out at home. He likes people watching, it fuels him....not me! Everyone is different. Try some good home programs!
  • mikes99mail
    mikes99mail Posts: 318 Member

    (I hate gyms too, but love the 'team' vibe in xfit training)
  • Its_Nat
    Its_Nat Posts: 184 Member
    Why pay money to go to a gym when it's far cheaper and more enjoyable to work out at home (or walk in the fresh outdoors) and listen to your own choice of music, and do the exercises YOU enjoy.

    I'd far rather put my money to better use, and just use my legs and the great outdoors.

    Totally get your dislike of them lol
  • ejwme
    ejwme Posts: 318
    Gyms vary... With very few exceptions, most gyms will have:

    1. Muscle Men who grunt loud as they can as they throw free weights around and flex in the mirror. (They don't see you unless you look at "their" bench)
    2. Miss Thang who just KNOWs she's prettier and better than you, no matter your respective fitness levels. (They're allergic to being polite and permanently sneer)
    3. Tons of ordinary people ignoring the above two, trying to sweat and improve themselves with as little fuss as possible.

    Maybe you're not a gym person, or maybe you've not found a gym with few enough 1s and 2s that the atmosphere is to your liking. The breakdown also changes with time of day and time of year - I used to go to the Y near me, the handful of people there at 6AM not only didn't care what I was doing, they barely noticed I was there - they were grumpy but kept it to themselves. Same gym at 6PM was intolerably full of 1s (the 2s all came at lunch, I found out). Same gym at 9PM was back then full of friendly outgoing people.

    Some people are more sensitive to the attitudes of others around them - that's not something to "get over", it's something to sort out how to deal with.

    I don't gym unless I'm traveling for work and even then, I to most of my strength in my room (I've got a body weight routine just for this). I just won't run around the parkinglot, so if it's really not safe to run on the streets, I'll hop on a treadmill. Hotel gyms are the best - there it is especially true that absolutely nobody gives a hoot about what anybody is doing, because everybody knows they'll never see any of those people again, ever.
  • dougt333
    dougt333 Posts: 697
    I haven't been to a gym in over a year. I have lost 25 pounds in a few months and gained a lot of muscle mass. If you don't like them, don't go. Find other ways to work out.