Crossfitters! / crossfit at home

Hi! I've been curious about crossfit. However, there doesn't seem to have any gym or personal trainer near me offering crossfit training (also, as a college student, I don't have much money to spend on gyms either, and I prefer to workout on my own anyway :) )

I was wondering, could any of you give me some advice (links, videos, workout routines) for begginers crossfit training at home? I've been doing some online research but I'm kind of lost since I don't know where to start...

Thank you!


  • eduardoschoen
    I did CrossFit for about six months. I was getting a lot stronger but I was not meeting my goals. I cancelled my CF membership. However, I know many people who were and are very successful with meeting their goals with CF.

    The main CF website lists WODs (Workout of the Day) and gives demos. Also, I used to search YouTube for examples of exercises and to help prepare me for the day's WOD.

    Here is a link:

    Best of luck in your research and in meeting your goals.
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    as listed above they have sites with WODs that you can follow.

    you're still gonna spend a significant amount on equipment, in which case I would look into better programming than crossfit.
  • Mainey13
    Mainey13 Posts: 54 Member
    I am a Crossfit member and I love it. However, we had to do 2 weeks of beginner training to learn the fundamentals before we started doing WODs. This is ESSENTIAL to learn the PROPER form - without form you have no chance of success and could cause an injury to yourself. Perhaps doing it at home without any training is not a good idea.
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    I am a Crossfit member and I love it. However, we had to do 2 weeks of beginner training to learn the fundamentals before we started doing WODs. This is ESSENTIAL to learn the PROPER form - without form you have no chance of success and could cause an injury to yourself. Perhaps doing it at home without any training is not a good idea.

    2 weeks isn't enough time to learn form on even basic lifts though. especially olympic lifts which are extremely technical.

    thats why a lot of crossfitters end up injured...
  • Determinednoob
    Determinednoob Posts: 2,001 Member
    I am a Crossfit member and I love it. However, we had to do 2 weeks of beginner training to learn the fundamentals before we started doing WODs. This is ESSENTIAL to learn the PROPER form - without form you have no chance of success and could cause an injury to yourself. Perhaps doing it at home without any training is not a good idea.

    2 weeks isn't enough time to learn form on even basic lifts though. especially olympic lifts which are extremely technical.

    thats why a lot of crossfitters end up injured...


    Also I think I heard a rumor about no more posting about crossfit in the main forum because it is a "devisive" topic?
  • PhilyPhresh
    PhilyPhresh Posts: 600 Member
    Here is a great link to some CrossFit style workouts that don't require any equipment!

    (note, I have not read through all of these and some of them are a bit lame... but several of the ones on here are pretty kick *kitten*!)
  • Macote
    Macote Posts: 12 Member
    Does your school have a gym? Is there anyone else there that may be into crossfit and would be able to help you? Learn the proper form for any of the lifts is very important whether you are doing crossift or any other workout routine. You can use the videos on the Crossfit Main site to learn some of the movements, but try and find a person willing to help. Also, most of the lifts that are performed during a workout are olympic lifts, so you might be able to find a trainer that is local who can teach you the correct form.
  • monty619
    monty619 Posts: 1,308 Member
    crossfit at home? sounds dangerous AF
  • PhilyPhresh
    PhilyPhresh Posts: 600 Member
    crossfit at home? sounds dangerous AF

    CrossFit does not HAVE to require heavy Olympic lifts. Granted if you are training to compete for the games or something you wont get far... but you can do plenty of body exercises and still get in a fantastic workout (especially if you do them in a weighted vest!)
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member

    CrossFit does not HAVE to require heavy Olympic lifts. Granted if you are training to compete for the games or something you wont get far... but you can do plenty of body exercises and still get in a fantastic workout (especially if you do them in a weighted vest!)

    but then it's basically "p90x at home" or " not lifting real weights at home"........
  • Determinednoob
    Determinednoob Posts: 2,001 Member

    CrossFit does not HAVE to require heavy Olympic lifts. Granted if you are training to compete for the games or something you wont get far... but you can do plenty of body exercises and still get in a fantastic workout (especially if you do them in a weighted vest!)

    but then it's basically "p90x at home" or " not lifting real weights at home"........

    It's almost like the only thing that makes crossfit unique vs just "working out" is the bad parts?
  • PhilyPhresh
    PhilyPhresh Posts: 600 Member

    CrossFit does not HAVE to require heavy Olympic lifts. Granted if you are training to compete for the games or something you wont get far... but you can do plenty of body exercises and still get in a fantastic workout (especially if you do them in a weighted vest!)

    but then it's basically "p90x at home" or " not lifting real weights at home"........

    It's almost like the only thing that makes crossfit unique vs just "working out" is the bad parts?

    :laugh: Then do p90x, I don't care. I'm just trying to help the guys out. If you two want to just cause trouble about it then go right on ahead, but I am out. I have found what works for me, you guys seem to have found what works for you, let this guy find out what works for him and we can all go on living life instead of working out our finger muscles typing away in a pointless forum... :wink:
  • Determinednoob
    Determinednoob Posts: 2,001 Member
    If I stop one person from injuring themselves, then it won't have been pointless.
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    If I stop one person from injuring themselves, then it won't have been pointless.


    I usually don't go out and argue with someone for the intention of rustling their jimmies. I do it because they're wrong, and I'm trying to explain a better way of doing things. I don't like people getting hurt, not making progress, etc.
  • Macote
    Macote Posts: 12 Member
    If I stop one person from injuring themselves, then it won't have been pointless.

    Its not crossfit that hurts people, it is not knowing the proper technique. The same injuries happen at places like Planet Fitness because proper technique is not being taught. Do not blame the style blame the trainers.
  • PhilyPhresh
    PhilyPhresh Posts: 600 Member
    If I stop one person from injuring themselves, then it won't have been pointless.

    Its not crossfit that hurts people, it is not knowing the proper technique. The same injuries happen at places like Planet Fitness because proper technique is not being taught. Do not blame the style blame the trainers.


    I will totally agree that there are a LOT of CrossFit boxes out there that have crappy trainers, but just because someone does CrossFit doesn't mean they are automatically going to injure themselves. I used to see dingbats pulling stupid crap all the time at the regular gym... It isn't the sport, its the player. I can appreciate you want to keep others from injury, but don't be "that guy"...
  • Determinednoob
    Determinednoob Posts: 2,001 Member
    If I stop one person from injuring themselves, then it won't have been pointless.

    Its not crossfit that hurts people, it is not knowing the proper technique. The same injuries happen at places like Planet Fitness because proper technique is not being taught. Do not blame the style blame the trainers.


    I will totally agree that there are a LOT of CrossFit boxes out there that have crappy trainers, but just because someone does CrossFit doesn't mean they are automatically going to injure themselves. I used to see dingbats pulling stupid crap all the time at the regular gym... It isn't the sport, its the player. I can appreciate you want to keep others from injury, but don't be "that guy"...

    high rep oly lifts for time, one of the main things that makes crossfit crossfit vs just working out, is by itself a recipie for injury.
  • PhilyPhresh
    PhilyPhresh Posts: 600 Member
    If I stop one person from injuring themselves, then it won't have been pointless.

    Its not crossfit that hurts people, it is not knowing the proper technique. The same injuries happen at places like Planet Fitness because proper technique is not being taught. Do not blame the style blame the trainers.


    I will totally agree that there are a LOT of CrossFit boxes out there that have crappy trainers, but just because someone does CrossFit doesn't mean they are automatically going to injure themselves. I used to see dingbats pulling stupid crap all the time at the regular gym... It isn't the sport, its the player. I can appreciate you want to keep others from injury, but don't be "that guy"...

    high rep oly lifts for time, one of the main things that makes crossfit crossfit vs just working out, is by itself a recipie for injury.

    Then I guess one of these days you will get a PM from me saying I wish I had listened to you because I hurt myself lifting... But in the mean time, I am 50lbs lighter then I used to be, my body fat percentage has cut in half, I am in excellent health, I can actually lift pretty decent amounts of weight, I am physically active, and I look pretty damn good... all thanks to CrossFit.
  • Macote
    Macote Posts: 12 Member
    Way to go Phily, great results and keep up the good work.
  • PhilyPhresh
    PhilyPhresh Posts: 600 Member
    Thanks Mac. It has been a long road, but I love how great I feel now and I am so glad to be away from my old habits and lifestyle. Yesterday I worked on my backsquats (form and weight) and nailed a 255lber which set a new personal record for me... so now I am even more hyped up about CF...