Crossfitters! / crossfit at home



  • PhilyPhresh
    PhilyPhresh Posts: 600 Member
    The thing is what really makes this "crossfit" some pull ups, push ups, and squats isn;t some unique thing that crossfit invented. It's jsut working out.

    No one said that all movements in Crossfit programming are 100% Crossfit originated and designed... It'd be rediculous to state that Greg Glassman created the squat or push-up, HIIT, cross-training, ect. Crossfit is it's own methodology just like Wendler 5 3 1, Westside, The 5 x 5 Program, Upper Lower Split Training, P90X, Insanity, Zumba, ect. As you so elloquently put it, "It's just working out." That's all it is. You do your method, because it works for you... we'll do ours.

    You can't argue the fact that with poor coaching, at a Crossfit Gym or at a Globo Gym (there are VERY bad trainers at both) that you risk serious injury. That said, if you don't like or feel comfortable with a trainer at a Crossfit Gym, or you just don't like their programming, there's a LARGE number of gyms to choose from. I learned my olympic lifts at my Crossfit Gym and I have not injured myself to date. I can C&J 195# and I can Snatch 185. I learned to DL (PR 455#), to back squat (PR 425#) and to Front Squat (PR 385#) all at a Crossfit gym. Still not injured. High rep workouts are done at a VERY light weight and scaled if you can't do the workout RX. Not a big deal. You still get in a great workout and work up to the heavier weights.

    Like anything else, I don't care if you're ACE, NASM, or CF Level 1 Certified. There are good coaches/trainers and terrible one's. Seek out the good one's and learn from them. The foundation of any fitness program is good solid mechanics. Then you can start going for some fast times, high round counts and heavy weights. Til then, just learn, sweat and smile.
    I guess it's only crossfit if you wear reeboks, time it, and ate paleo that day.

    ^^^See that's funny, even to a Crossfitter. We have a sense of humor. You should try it sometime and not feel intimidated by a new growing faction of fitness. We don't bite. You don't have to like us. We still think you're cool and would welcome you into our gym at any time to work out.


    love your comments here Rob, and totally agree. Great job on the PR's btw! I cannot wait until I can get my numbers close to those!!! My C&J and Snatch are only off by about 10lbs, but my DL, BS, and FS have a little more work to do... lol Keep up the great work buddy!
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