Anyone with Depression/Anxiety



  • healthyformeanMona
    healthyformeanMona Posts: 143 Member
    no easy answer from me. but they tell me in alanon to ask myself 'how can i take care of myself until this passes?' Kudos to you for reaching out. Oh, and I pray a lot. You can add me if you like.
  • violetpearl76
    For me it’s A LOT of talking to the Big Guy Upstairs and I don’t mean Bible banging type talk. I mean how you would talk to your favorite relative/friend, outside of your parents, who could keep this secret. I then look for little signs of anything positive from Him to help keep my noggin on straight, even something as simple as beautiful cloud formations on a bright blue sky day - I'm serious when I say that! Get me in front of a beautiful garden and I may not leave my "happy place" :bigsmile:

    Now there are times when this doesn’t work at all, but that’s when I allow myself to just have a good cry. I’ve also taught myself that I’m not to blame for having depression as its origins are out of my control/just the way that my brain is hardwired. BUT it’s how I deal with it that is what I need to own outright!

    Over the past few years, I’ve come across certain wonderful folks who have brought it up in conversation about their own struggles. I felt comfortable enough to gently mention my issues and after one of these lil “sessions amongst friends” I actually felt a lil better.

    That said, take advantage of this great technology we have here and expand your “community” of others who are struggling just like you, because, after all, we MUST remember that we’re not alone, we have each other. :heart:

    On the physical end, this whole healthy eating (but NOT depriving which makes symptoms much worse) and excercise is critical. While you don't have to join a gym, even walking in your neighborhood is a start, then you can expand from there.

    One thing to remember is to take baby steps as you MUST be patient with yourself - we can be our own worst enemies and that very bad habit is what must be broken if we are to make it.

    Keep your chin up beause life is worth it - YOU ARE WORTH IT!!!!!!! :heart:
  • veitsh
    veitsh Posts: 2
  • RunningDirty
    How: It just takes practice and I'm sure differs for everyone.

    For me this was my crazy cycle with anxiety:

    1. Got engaged and started having panic attacks.
    2. Wondered what the F_ was happening.
    3. Googled. Figured out they were anxiety attacks.
    4. Got married in a sweat and looked like a hot mess on wedding day.
    5. Continued miserable marriage.
    6. Divorced.
    7. Anxiety went away.

    I just woke up and they were gone. The anxiety seems to come back when I hit a certain point in dating so I end it because it's a sign that something unhealthy is going on so poof. Anxiety free and I'm now a free, happy bird.
  • RunningDirty
    Identify the cause and then let it go.

    How exactly do you let go of a biological neurotransmitter imbalance? I'm intrigued.

    Maybe it was the exercise.
  • lachesissss
    lachesissss Posts: 1,298 Member
    Running. Honestly, the endorphins light me up and I just feel better. My anxiety on the other hand swings way out of control. Sime days I don't know what to do.
  • miranda_mom
    miranda_mom Posts: 873 Member
    good for you (and everyone on here) for pushing through this. I have had two fabulous therapists (one at my college when I was there and the other in my hometown area) and it helped tremendously! But I agree with a lot of the others - a bad therapist can be worse than no therapist at all. You have to feel comfortable with the person for it to really work.
  • lydia_the_tattooed_lady
    I've also had depression since I was a child, with some mild anxiety on the side. I have days where I suddenly feel like all my strength and energy have been sucked out of me. I have times where I feel like the lowest being on earth. I've learned that when I'm already feeling down, alcohol works only as a slide down to the very pits. What does help me is being around my friends, animals, nieces and nephew. They are the best uppers I could ever find :) I have never been on medication for depression but I have seen a psychologist for it. Running is a constructive way for me to work out all the things overloading my brain :) I wish you luck in finding what works for you! I'm going to add you on here too :)
  • evereadysmile
    Also, anyone else with PTSD that suffers from recurring nightmares? If so, any suggestions on how to stop them? They are seriously about to be the death of me. I don't want to live afraid, either. I find myself extremely paranoid everywhere I go due to past incidences. Any suggestions/advice truly welcome! Please message me! :)

    A few months ago I started taking a magnesium supplement at night (Natural Calm) in place of klonopin and I've had a pretty good decrease in the nightmares and associated night terrors. Not completely gone, but less than once a week now. As opposed to 3 or 4 times a week. I have PTSD and a pretty terrible related anxiety disorder.

    Also I can't recommend EMDR highly enough for PTSD folks. If you can find a way to pay for it, it can go a long way toward ending not just the nightmares but daily flashback stuff and the things that keeps you in the house.
  • bethfartman
    bethfartman Posts: 363 Member
    Identify the cause and then let it go.

    How exactly do you let go of a biological neurotransmitter imbalance? I'm intrigued.

    I don't think some people understand the difference between clinical depression and being in a 'funk,' it's quite frankly offensive.

    I think being aware of your mental state and catching yourself before you get really deep into a depressive episode is key.
  • LordBear
    LordBear Posts: 239 Member
    ur not alone... i suffer from a bit of anxiety every now and then and depression and stress non stop... more than once i have thought bout turning in my room key and checking out. some times for the pain i am always in, the bullying the depression, the unfairness of life etc. and lately more of the case of it being the honorable way out... and i feel shame at not doing it cuz i want to live... and i am fighting against it.. only wanted 3 things in life and have been denied all 3... job, gf, family of my own... never had gf... injured my back and got screwed by the company i was working for and cldnt get docs to do anything for me to help win a law suite i had... living off of couches for several years with no income..finally after years i finally got my ssd. but got shorted on that as well..but at least something.. any how several doctors later... one finally gets me in to a pain clinic..and i got a shot in my back... 10 years later... and omg... i can walk again... FREAKING 10 YEARS??? lets see hurt my back..denied help, gain weight cus i cldnt do much,,, get hernia..will not fix because they said i was to fat... develop sleep apnia and need oxigin at night. they wanted me on it during the day to..but i said screw that..night was bad enough. teased, rediculed, stared at, rude comments etc.

    any how pain or not..i started working out.. sitting stuff at the gym mostly... i got sick of sitting at home and rotting and not offending anyone by being in their presence. any how ..F@$#2K the world... and fought thru the pain the best i could... after about 6 months at the gym i started taking tae kwon do again. harder than it was the first time i did it and it was a struggle then. started doing more at the gym.. some things are getting better with my tkd classes and my stamina is increased by tons. i can now see that i might be able to get my black belt some day .. orginally i got started doing it again just for health reasons.. and bout a month ago..i got a shot in my back.. and i can walk around an do things again..before that...i was doing good just to make one lap around a store and be ready to go home and crash cuz my back hurt so much. but second or third week after i got the shot i walked 17 miles for that week.. 2 miles the first day and then 3 each day after.. and i can now walk at least 5 miles straight with out a break... and then i did a tkd class after on that

    this is so frustrating..if they did this years ago..i wouldnt have all the other health issues and i could still be working and not have to know that i borrowed money from people that i can never pay back.. maybe in a couple years i can maybe start working again...maybe.. problem is if i try and get off of ssd i lose all my insurance etc. and a minimum paying job isnt going to cover my needs.

    but i say hell with the world and just fight back... let ur anger and ur frustration and what ever else to fuel you... all though it is probably like a million to one chance...i am still hopefull of working and again and more importantly finding a special lady and having my own family. doubtful but tiny bit of a posibility.. but ladys didnt even like me when i was healthy and who knows....but in any case everything i do is a slap in the face of the haters.. if i go down it will be fighting and i will take as many as i can with with me...haha.

    got a letter in the mail today..stating they are going to pull my cdl. they have some new stupid law that requires u to have a med certification now to keep ur cdl...before u needed both to drive truck... and since i havent been driving i didnt need the med exam.. so it is stupid.. i put all the time money and effort in to training for that cdl... they are now just going to take it away... sorry but that is like some one earning a degree then some one taking it from them because they cldnt find work in that area or they decided to try something else..and then tell them oh by the way if u ever want to go back..u have to retake all the tests.... freaking b.s.......
  • whouwannab
    whouwannab Posts: 350 Member
    How does one know what is causing the depression? Whether it is a chemical imbalance or life really is ****ty and you need to make some changes? ex: change jobs, spouse, friends. You wouldnt want to go and quit your job or get divorced or what have you if you could have just started on a medication and tadah it's all good. And who wants to take a medication if it is just masking the real problem. Confusing.
  • RunningDirty
    Identify the cause and then let it go.

    How exactly do you let go of a biological neurotransmitter imbalance? I'm intrigued.

    I don't think some people understand the difference between clinical depression and being in a 'funk,' it's quite frankly offensive.

    I think being aware of your mental state and catching yourself before you get really deep into a depressive episode is key.

    Actually I do understand the difference and was not trying to be offensive. Sometimes the answer for someone isn't that complicated and I based my response on my personal experience, just like everyone else is doing. I guess since just "letting go" worked for me it's considered offensive. Awesome.
  • Chopper88
    I can't believe I am posting on this thread (because having depression, anxiety & PTSD has always been embarassing for me - which doesn't help any of these disorders I know).

    But anywho, here goes, the answer for me is its a work in progress. It always has been for me. I am on meds for both depression and anxiety and they help but don't make it go away completely. And due to my circumstances, and I'm sure many others, it will never go away completely, so I have to learn to cope and live with it while still functioning.

    I have found that focusing on anything intensely is my best medicine. Working out for example. It gives me a focus and I can think about that (all day sometimes) if I want as opposed to the things that trigger my anxiety. Before exercise it was work. But I am entreprenuer and I dove into my work too much which ultimately lead to my biggest changes. I didn't work out for almost a year because I had such a bad anxiety attack that I literally was afraid to raise my heart rate! Crazy I know. But it, as you know, messes with your head and leads to irrational thoughts at times.

    Luckily I found a great doctor who is very sincere in helping me get healthly. I feel like in many ways she, literally, saved my life.

    People say get off the meds and meditate but there was no meditation that was going to take me out of my anxiety episodes and there is no way I could throw on some shoes and go running. The episodes were debilitating. And afterward I would be depressed for days, sometimes a week, at a time.

    So, it's different for everyone. Youre going to have highs and youre going to have dark days too. Its just finding the balance the limits the latter. I wish there was a magic answer but you just have to find what works for you and that will take some trial and more trial. : /

    For me, these are the three things that helped the most (from most important to least):
    1. Great doctor with the right meds (which will take time)
    2. Removing external factors that triggered the anxiety and lead to days of depression (I can't remove all of them, but owning a business for example I learned wasn't a good idea - despite it being my ultimate dream.)
    3. Focus intensely on my exercise and eating right.

    Don't give up trying to get better. Good luck to all of you and remember you are never alone and there is always help.
  • elizabethhlt
    elizabethhlt Posts: 5 Member
    Wellbutrin (Bupropion) does not cause weight gain (actually, most people lose weight on it) or other common side effects. I have responded well to it. I also do some journaling, reading, and acupuncture (which is miraculous).
  • RitaSantoss
    RitaSantoss Posts: 986 Member
    I also have been dealing with anxiety all my life. Since I have rare type of OCD, it's harder to deal with my inner demons. And honestly, I don't know how to cope with it yet. I've been with a therapist for almost 2 years and I still can't udnerstand why I come up with the fears that I do. I just live one day at a time, some days are better than others. You just cope with them.
  • EccentricDad
    EccentricDad Posts: 875 Member
    I have suffered from depression all my life and Anxiety in more recent years. How do you deal with taking care of yourself when you have moments that you just cant give a damn. I was on antidepressants but they made me apathetic and tired so I gained more weight by just laying around all day. Im off now so I am losing weight but then I will have a bad couple of days were I just dont care. What are your ways to cope with depression??

    I have generalized anxiety disorder and I used to have bouts of depression. There's nothing you can TELL yourself to cope with this. The only thing that works is changing your lifestyle and going towards a path you believe is good for you. For me, that was quitting junk food, dieting, and learning to be a better father to my children. You will find reasons to live, but they need to be YOUR reasons before you do anything about it.
  • morningmud
    morningmud Posts: 477 Member
    I have depression and social anxiety. Lately, I remind myself that once I get a good workout in, I will feel better. It's awfully hard to make myself get out to the gym and actually do that but I really do feel at least a little better once I'm into my workout. My son has both as well, much worse in fact, and he has started taking Lumiday from GNC in place of rx meds. So far he seems to be doing pretty well, no more episodes of severe depression since the 1st week or so of starting it. I would take it myself if it didn't cost so much.
  • AmelodyAngel
    AmelodyAngel Posts: 152 Member
    I suffer from anxiety...... Prayer works best for me and reading my Bible..... If your not a religious person mediating on anything might help. With a nice candle and focus on the person you want to be and work towards it. It certainly is a journey. Sometimes it helps to talk to others too ( like this thread) :)
  • ndwyer0910
    ndwyer0910 Posts: 86 Member
    I need Visuals to get me going. I will sit there and tell myself that I will better myself by working out or eating right but the bed just feels so comfy and the donut smells so good. I have pictures of dancers on my wall for inspiration. I used to dance and that was my mindset away from life but now that I am a single mother I cant do that anymore. So i use those pictures as inspiration to do the workouts I do to get my old body back. Also I have inspirational quotes on the wall. I print them out or write them big enough so I can see no matter where I am in my room. Once it seems those quotes dont work for me I search for more. I also have my boyfriend that helps me. Thankfully I can be open with him and tell him when I am starting to feel sluggish and I am not pushing myself anymore and he gets me back on course until I feel I am okay again. My mind is that one that is telling me "nahhh i dont want to" so I always need something on the outside to get my mind in the right place again. Hope you find a way to get moving!! :flowerforyou: