Tired of being this way



  • been285
    been285 Posts: 99 Member
    motivation site?
    your height weight is good ,,, mind and desired body are what you seem to want to change.

    sooo what are you willing to do for the next six months to progress toward this goal ??????.

    you and 2-3 friends could exercise together ,,,, chip in ,, buy a dance type exercise dvd rotate houses 2-3 afternoons a week ... make it a party !

    join and attend a karate school

    try a new ab exercise every two weeks until you find 5 or 6 you like. http://randomabs.com/

    you can,,,,, you can.... no buts .... call back in 6 months , put it in your calendar ,,
  • IzzyBmydog
    IzzyBmydog Posts: 58 Member
    Yes it is Erika.
  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,690 Member
    At the risk of sounding very mean, I think you may have issues that go beyond your weight. From what you have said, I suspect that even if you were the "perfect weight" you would not be happy. I would suggest you talk to a mental health professional about self-esteem issues and reliance on men for validation (since your post seems to focus on the role of your boyfriends in your desire to lose weight). Such a professional can do a far better job of evaluating your situation than I can (obviously), but seeing someone a few times can be useful even for very healthy people. I'm sure you are a great young woman, and I wish you a wonderful life--sometimes a little help is necessary along the way.
  • elenathegreat
    elenathegreat Posts: 3,988 Member
    Holy cats! 5"3" and 132 lbs?!?! I would kill for those numbers! I can remember hating my teenage body because it didn't compare with my beautiful, skinny sisters who constantly berated me for my boobs and booty---just not in style in my day. I look back at those pictures now and realize I was SLAMMIN'!! It really tics me off that I couldn't appreciate that at the time and love myself more.

    I don't know if (almost) 48 can make this meaningful to 18, but please just embrace the youth and beauty that you have and don't let anyone ever tell you that you aren't good enough.

    *Hugs and kisses*
  • lncgurley
    lncgurley Posts: 37 Member
    First.>BIG HUGS...second, it has helped me to realize that for me, my weight has to do with how I'm managing stess/emotions. You may need to see someone to learn some new ways to think that will support your "new attitude" and approach, excercise to help you rid of negative emotional energy and stay positive (excercise boosts seratonin levels). The behavior you speak of, cutting, bulimia, etc, are indicators that at a core level you believed that jerky guy (and I'm not saying shame on you..I GET IT, trust me), but you need some truth and love spoken to you/over you. I pray you find a counselor (one that compliments your religous preference would be great). Do some good work on your inner self, which will definitely help you in the long run stay at a good weight, along with the excercise which will help you be toned and blow off steam. I wish you so many blessings!
  • thedreamhazer
    thedreamhazer Posts: 1,156 Member
    Therapy now will save you a world of hurt later. I'm not being sarcastic or an *kitten*. I am a therapist, and I believe this is something you need help with.

    Very true. You've dealt with a lot for someone so young. Those are some heavy things to handle during such a formative time. Luckily, you are still very young and I think you still have a lot of emotional and psychological malleability that would make therapy an incredibly helpful path for you to pursue. Physical and emotional abuse are not something that you can necessarily just suck it up and move on from. I believe your post indicates that you have not been able to move on by yourself -- and you aren't expected to.

    Find someone to help you. Good luck :)
  • ErikuhhNicole
    thank you everyone
  • ShallaLovee
    ShallaLovee Posts: 341 Member
    I'mma tell you anybody who puts you down and hurts you isn't worth your time at all. Glad you kicked them to the curve. It takes strength to do that and to make it as far as you have. I'm also 5'3" but I weigh in at 199 atm. <.< >.> Last time I checked LOL. I will be where you are one day. You are far from "fat". That is the healthy weight for us shorter people. You might just need to tone up and what not but you don't necessarily need to lose weight. I want to be 135-140. So I have a ways to go. I think no matter what anybody says you should love yourself. If you don't like something of course change it but don't put yourself down nor let someone else put you down. It comes a time where you have to say "No you will not disrespect me like this" and move on. People are so mean and cruel nowadays. It's like ridiculous how people treat others. As long as your working towards your goals, you should be happy with you and how far you've come and where your trying to go. I wouldn't care about anything else or what someone says. When I first started losing weight I was a wooping 260lbs. Crazy right? Being 5'3" that doesn't look to good but I look at how far I've come from depression, etc. We are strong. If we overcome that we can overcome this and whatever obstacle comes our way because we're growing and becoming strong women. Good luck to you and your beautiful :)