Not new looking for support not lurkers



  • checof
    checof Posts: 114
    I comment on workouts all the time but I'm more interested in the crazy people on my friend list that say random vulgar things to me...They are the ones who keep me coming back everyday!

    This made me LAUGH!
  • Amber82479
    Amber82479 Posts: 629 Member
    I'm game, add me :) I don't comment much on diaries (unless I see that you're only eating 900 calories a day), but I'm a big supporter in most other ways!
  • Brianna72994
    I'm looking for supporters, and will support in return :) Feel free to add me
  • debdelilah

    1 lb per week is a healthy loss...most people choose between 1 and 2 lbs, but the 2 lb/wk loss requires a more extreme diet, and often people lose control of the diet doing that. Remember that if you lost 1 lb every week, you'd be 52 lbs lighter at the end of a year...whereas the average person not watching what they eat might gain 10 lbs a year due to slowing metabolism with the aging process...Even if you plateau, it's better than not doing it.
  • KimZM
    KimZM Posts: 21
    i am new to MFP and not a lurket i read my posts and comment when necessary...and inbox people as well
  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
    <~~ Big lurker!!!
  • Sweetpea472
    Sweetpea472 Posts: 229 Member
    I enjoy supporting my friends, and I've been grateful for their support when I've had some down days. OP, and anyone else who is looking for friends to interact with, feel free to add me!
  • davadoto
    davadoto Posts: 105 Member
    I comment on workouts all the time but I'm more interested in the crazy people on my friend list that say random vulgar things to me...They are the ones who keep me coming back everyday!

    This made me LAUGH!
    Yep, made me laugh to. Such humour...Like it.
  • opuntia
    opuntia Posts: 860 Member
    I never know exactly what is meant by support. I like to have friends on here to share our different fitness journeys, to share ideas and tips, and learn from each other and interact. I find it interesting to talk to people who have similar goals. I don't lurk, but I have days where I'm more interactive and days when I'm less interactive - depends how busy/tired I am. I don't know what it means to support good days and bad days, but I have good days and bad days myself, so I understand that this is how life often works! And I do workouts, so I guess that means I support workouts. Feel free to add me, anyone who wants to.
  • Linda09189
    well my 2 pound loss happened on the first 3 days and NOTHING afterward, so I'm really not feeling so good about anything right makes no sense to me since I'm not a skinny's very frustrating, NO wonder I always quit cause this is the same
    results I get every single time I try to change my life....I'm going to keep on going, but I can't handle losing nothing
  • gabe_irun4coffee
    gabe_irun4coffee Posts: 232 Member
    I try to support my friends on here and get to know them and chit chat with them because thats what friends are for. I'm never at a loss for words. Feel free to add me. Work hard and play hard :-)