Weight Loss Pills



  • MIM49
    MIM49 Posts: 255 Member
    One thing that is really helping me and is all natural is green coffee bean extract and raspberry ketone.
    My husband talked me into trying raspberry ketone because he saw it on Dr. Oz. I have never been a believer in a magic pill but gave it a try because according to my husband," if Dr. Oz recommends it it must work" What a joke. I continued with my calorie restriction and exercise but added the pill and my husband continued eating and exercising the same way he always has and also took the raspberry ketone. (he is not officially dieting) Neither of us after 30 days saw any change in our weight loss patterns--except our wallet was $60 lighter. My husband would like his $60 back!!--LOL The only positive is that he agrees now that when it comes to weight loss there is no magic pill.
  • opalescence
    opalescence Posts: 413 Member
    When I was 18, I took dr prescribed diet pills and ended up losing at first *AT FIRST* then I became addicted to them and needed them just to have the energy to wake up in the morning, no longer were they used to lose weight but to have energy to get out of the bed. I ended up being hooked on them for over 10 years. I bought them off the internet for a while when my Doc quit practicing. I was like a fiend needing a fix. I paid outrageous amounts for them through these medi quick places...

    If you want to lose weight and keep it off and not for a month yo-yoing, you have to change your habits if you dont you will not succeed.

    take it from someone who has been down that road... its not worth traveling.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Oxyelite pro worked for my husband. It suppressed his appetite a lot! He lost 40 lbs. on it and has kept it off but he also worked out a lot too.

    I'd like to add that I got best results on OEP while fasted to take advantage of the yohimbine in it.
    Yohimbine only works when insulin is at its lowest.