Desk Jobbers, How do You get 10,000+ Steps/day?



  • calamity71
    calamity71 Posts: 207 Member
    I hit it hard at the gym...

    I've been considering a gym membership (haven't had one in 2-3 years)... Haven't found a gym that makes me swoon though. Most around my area are overcrowded chain gyms and I'd be working out during peak after work hours.

    Take what you would spend on gym fees and gas traveling to the gym and buy a treadmill. It will pay for itself really quickly and all you need to do is clean out a corner of a room to fit it. There are a lot of advantages to working out at home; privacy, you can fit in a workout to meet your schedule, and no waiting for the machine to become available.

    I have a treadmill... actually been thinking about saving up for a rowing machine because I find the treadmill so difficult to tolerate for any length of time (boredom primarily, if I have to be honest).

    It is boring! BUT just do it! I know I have when I can't get outside. put the music on, set a goal and focus on that rather than your boredom. If you push yourself, Incline for as long as you can and as fast as you can....and then decrease, increase....make it a challenge. STOP the excuses. Wii Zumba, its okay that you can't keep up.....nobody is watching and you are moving and burning Calories. You've gotta just Do It.