HCG Diet- thoughts, opinions?

My NP told me I could really benefit and lose weight well from it... I've heard good, I've heard bad. I want thoughts, opinions and experiences... :) Thanks!


  • AbsoluteNG
    AbsoluteNG Posts: 1,079 Member
    You're about to get a flood storm of people in here that says it's unhealthy for you. I think you'd be better off juicing or becoming a vegan for a month.
  • dwh77tx
    dwh77tx Posts: 513 Member
    I'm sure you will lose weight on it- a good amount too-if you follow it. However, once you go off it, you will probably gain back most of it. Just what I've heard. I wouldn't do it. I've heard most of the weight loss is from the extreme 500 cal diet, not the HCG.
  • stroutman81
    stroutman81 Posts: 2,474 Member
    Here's an article I wrote for my newsletter a while back about the hcg diet:

    I've received a slew of queries pertaining to the hCG Diet recently. It saddens me that so many folks are still looking for shortcuts. How many special diets is it going to take until you wake up to the fact that permanent weight control stems from permanent behavior modification?

    You can't have one without the other. I know, I know... "this time it's different though." Sure thing, whatever you say.

    If what you're currently doing to control weight isn't something you can see yourself doing forever, the chances are extremely high that you're wasting your time. And money. Don't believe me? Just check the stats pertaining to long term success rates of the average diet. Do you think they go up or down when extreme tactics are used?

    Heck, the long term success rates of sensible dieting are pretty atrocious. Stop looking for the quick fix. Experiment with logical, sane approaches until you find something that you can stick with indefinitely. And accept the fact that weight loss/control is a continuous, never-ending process. It's not something that you work really hard at for a short while and then stop once the weight is gone.

    Onto the hCG diet...

    Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) is a hormone that's produced in women during pregnancy. It's used as a fertility drug. It's also what helps women find out they're pregnant when they pee on a stick. Leave it to the diet industry to also suggest using it as a weight loss aid.

    The diet protocol entails injecting hCG into your body. You can also use sprays, pills, drops, pellets, and powders. Some people even go as far as having pregnant women pee on them.


    I made that last part up.

    Along with supplementing with hCG, the protocol also has you eating 500 calories per day.

    Read that again.


    Knowing what we know about calories and their role in weight loss, do you really believe that it's the hCG rather than the enormous calorie shortage that is causing the fast weight loss? That would be akin to suggesting that magic fairies sprinkled pixie dust on you while you slept causing you to gain the excess weight in the first place. Never mind the fact that you were in a calorie surplus over the last few years... it had to be those damn fairies and their pixie dust.

    Come on people!

    You might have a case for the use of hCG for weight loss if the research suggested its effectiveness. But it doesn't.


    Don't believe me or the research? How about a little self-experiment? First, eat the number of calories your body needs to maintain itself. If you don't know how to calculate this, check out my Nutrition 101 article. While eating your maintenance calories for a month or so, inject or ingest hCG. Watch the weight literally melt off. Or not.

    Then nix the hCG from the equation, but slash calories down to 500 per day for a month or so.

    If I were a betting man, let's just say I'd be letting it ride on the latter approach for attaining the most weight loss.

    This doesn't even factor in the possible side effects of using hCG. And what sort of relationship with food are you developing when you slash calories down to 500 per day? That's the calorie range that some anorexics use to achieve the skeleton look. I don't think it's a relationship that's going to lead to optimal health or long-term success... that's for sure.

    I truly do understand the desire for quick fixes. It's very easy to pack on pounds in our culture of calorie-laden, easy-to-no prep foods. Due to our genetics and biology, it's not easy to lose the excess pounds either. The deck is stacked against you.

    What's more... there's an endless array of programs that offer magical results. Desperation mixed with confusion isn't what I'd consider "stable ground" for making logical decisions. I assure you that the path of quick fix gimmicks is paved with a lot of frustration.

    Obesity and overweight are conditions that are attained from a long-term trend of hypercaloric eating. You're consuming more calories than your body needs, which, in turn, leads to storage in fat cells. No pill, potion, or injection is going to erase this.

    You need to flip the switch and eat hypocalorically... in other words, you need a calorie deficit. You can use huge deficits (such as 500 calories of total intake per day) or you can use conservative/moderate deficits. You have to be as objective and honest with yourself as you possibly can, though. If you choose the former route consisting of very low calories, where do you think that path ultimately ends? Are you taking one step forward that's only going to lead to three steps in reverse?

    If you do diet with starvation tactics (such as those utilized in the hCG protocol), you will experience short-term success. And it'll feel good. But you won't be changing the mindset and behavior patterns that led to the fat gain to begin with. And unless you plan on starving yourself for the rest of your life, the fat's going to come right back once you resume your old habits.
  • CATindeeHAT
    CATindeeHAT Posts: 332 Member
    You're about to get lectured by everyone and their mom for posting this topic.

    About 30% of the people here are actually nice and the rest take beef with everything. I know it says these are 'support forums' but they're mostly just a bunch of people telling other people their stupid, incapable, etc. because they hate themselves.

    Just thought you'd appreciate the warning. Keep your head up!
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Not healthy!! Why subject yourself to such extreme measures when weight loss can be achieved through a reasonable calorie deficit and a healthy lifestyle change. That is the sustainable way to do it. Shortcuts and fad diets are for the weak. Be confidant, be strong and change your life for the better!

    And yes, brace yourself for the *kitten* storm of replies you'll get on this post :flowerforyou:
  • stephc0711
    stephc0711 Posts: 1,026 Member
    I know it's like asking people who the true God is or which presidental hopeful isn't the spawn of Satan... But I know I have my opinions on it, but I'm trying to find BOTH sets of opinions, and possibly a person or two who has used it. I'm not going to, just for the simple fact that I don't have the money to do it. But, this was a health care provider giving me the advice (though for the sake of time and space, I won't go into the entire discussion, but it was a half hearted comment!), so it just made me wonder what others thought.
  • babyhazelz1
    babyhazelz1 Posts: 39 Member
    Ive tried it and aside from wanting to stab my boyfriend for a bite of his dinner, it did work. HOWEVER- i stopoped after a few weeks and gained everything back then some. It's just not realistic. Yes, I lost 14 lbs in 2 eeks, but I was miserable.

    Tracking my cals and exercise on here is so much easier.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    My NP told me I could really benefit and lose weight well from it... I've heard good, I've heard bad. I want thoughts, opinions and experiences... :) Thanks!

    Since Mods are going to shut this down ill start by saying DONT DO IT!
    Use the search!
    Just eat like a normal human sand youll lose weight!

    Heres a scientific chart chowing people who use HCG diet...
  • HopefulLeigh
    HopefulLeigh Posts: 363 Member
    The problem with these quick fix fad diets is that they're like putting a bandaid on a crack in a dam. In the long run, not helpful at all and a whole lot of chaos could be avoided by just fixing the actual problem.
  • _granola
    _granola Posts: 326
    I know it's like asking people who the true God is or which presidental hopeful isn't the spawn of Satan... But I know I have my opinions on it, but I'm trying to find BOTH sets of opinions, and possibly a person or two who has used it. I'm not going to, just for the simple fact that I don't have the money to do it. But, this was a health care provider giving me the advice (though for the sake of time and space, I won't go into the entire discussion, but it was a half hearted comment!), so it just made me wonder what others thought.

    There aren't just "sets of opinions" on this. There are the facts, and then there are the opinions of people who don't understand the facts.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    The problem with HCG is they say the drops work but they are pairing it with a 500calorie diet.
    So IMO its a waste of money.
    Just eat 500cals but thats stupid too!

    Heres why:

    The 4 major biological functions of fat tissue are
    (1) energy storage
    (2) toxin storage
    (3) protection against insulin resistance, and
    (4) protection against estrogen decline in women.
    Eliminate the functions of fat tissue also eliminates the reasons for its existence.

    If you diet down at 500cals, what do you think happens once you start eating a normal amount?
    Or if you go out with friends and have a drink and eat?
    Fat storage for one of the above.

    So eat at a moderate deficit of 15-20% below TDEE depending on your body fat and lose weight naturally.
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    If that pregnancy hormone worked the way it's 'supposed' to, you wouldn't need to cut your calories to 500 a day to lose weight.

    It's a scam.

    I had a friend who went on the HCG diet. She gained all the weight back once she stopped taking the hormone.

    Don't look for a fix that you will be dependent on for life. Instead try the good old fashioned eat only what you need and move more diet. It will work and you can sustain it forever. :)
  • dayone987
    dayone987 Posts: 645 Member
    You will get varying opinions but double blind studies have shown there is no difference between HCG and placebo diets; no difference in % fat loss either.

  • minkakross
    minkakross Posts: 687 Member
    Fad, anyone would lose weight eating 500 calories a day. The HCG injections are so they can charge you for the privilage of not eating.
  • nicleed
    nicleed Posts: 247 Member
    Wow! This is the first time I had heard of this. Thankfully it hasn't hit our shored yet (Australia). But I am guessing with the weight I gained from seven failed pregnancies HCG didn't do me much good at all :)
  • Health_Gal
    Health_Gal Posts: 718 Member
    The HCG diet is a SCAM and the only reason people lose weight is the dangerously low calorie diet.

    It is NOT safe to lose weight that quickly. It is very stressful on your body, and can cause a multitude of health problems. That is why doctors recommend that people not try and lose more than a pound or two a week.

    You will most likely regain any weight you loe on that dangerously low calorie diet.

    This is what the medical experts at WebMD have to say about that dangerous fad diet:

  • Health_Gal
    Health_Gal Posts: 718 Member
    My NP told me I could really benefit and lose weight well from it... I've heard good, I've heard bad. I want thoughts, opinions and experiences... :) Thanks!

    Please fire the NP that told you it was safe to attempt that dangerously low calorie diet!

    They should lose their license to practice medicine for recommending such a dangerous and unscientific approach to weight loss!
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    <-- has more HCG running through my veins than ever before.... gained 20 lbs in the last 5 months.

    I've been duped.
  • nw00778
    nw00778 Posts: 22
    I've been doing HCG and got it from a very well respected doctor in the state i live in. I have friends who have done it and kept all the weight off. I never go to bed hungry, in fact i have to force myself to eat all the food. I've lost 30 lbs, its not from low cal its from HCG...I needed it to get a kick start on weight loss. There is a phase after you finish the drops that most people dont follow, thats why they gain it back.
  • stroutman81
    stroutman81 Posts: 2,474 Member
    I've been doing HCG and got it from a very well respected doctor in the state i live in. I have friends who have done it and kept all the weight off. I never go to bed hungry, in fact i have to force myself to eat all the food. I've lost 30 lbs, its not from low cal its from HCG...I needed it to get a kick start on weight loss. There is a phase after you finish the drops that most people dont follow, thats why they gain it back.

    Do you mind me asking how you know it's "not from teh low cal its from HCG"?

    I'm not trying to be combative. I'm simply trying to understand where you're coming from with that statement.
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