what are your trigger foods and how to avoid binging on them



  • RiverMelSong
    RiverMelSong Posts: 456 Member
    White wine and cheese.. :(
  • Ghkffb56
    Ghkffb56 Posts: 263 Member
    oh ummm gee!!! ^^
    Cookies and Cookies and Cookies and more Cookies and Cookies and cookies >.> I dont eat them... i can never just have ONE! cookies are sewious >.>!!! but when i do! i EAT THEM ALL >:D

    ANYTHING pumpkin!! pumpkin pie and pumpkin pie ice cream ! good thing its like a 3 month thing for pumpkins ^^

    French bread! from safeway! omg!!!!! .. <3!
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I don't have any particular food that makes me *want* to binge. For me, it's more of a psychological frame of mind. Food days at work make me want to binge because there are so many yummy things and it's all free. :laugh:
  • Alexandrareczska
    Peanut butter anything specially ice cream i can eat the whole big conteiner by myself :( but i found the way to stop .. i put pictures of fit bodies i would like to have on the fridge and all over the house and as my screen savers and that keeeps me going and not cheathing
  • sin485
    sin485 Posts: 125 Member
    you know those foods that once you start eating you just can't stop ? :) I'm a self proclaimed peanut butter addict. it's soo hard to stop once I open a jar up, it's so yummy. what are yours?

  • rachelw16
    Peanut butter, salted mixed nuts, and cereal. Currently trying to teach myself moderation with all three
  • mariieexo
    i'm the same way, i can eat one serving of pb with an apple or toast but give me a spoon and the jar and i could just eat the whole thing. wah!
  • MogwaisGrandma
    MogwaisGrandma Posts: 196 Member
    White bread, you know the lovely, squishy, soft stuff? I cant have it anywhere near me especially if there's marmite in the house!

    Ha ha me too. When there is none in the house I am fine. Once a loaf hits the kitchen I go mad with it. Toast with scrambled eggs, boiled eggs, poached eggs. Toast with marmite, jam or marmalade. Sandwiches with ANYTHING I can put in it. Soup and bread. You get the picture. I no longer keep butter/spread in the house and it helps discourage me buying bread.

    Also Malteasers. They are the Pringles of the confectionery world. An open box is an empty box!
  • pwittek10
    pwittek10 Posts: 723 Member
  • fitnhealthy21
    Pizza :( I can't just eat one piece!!
  • LeenaRuns
    LeenaRuns Posts: 1,309 Member
    All of the above! Well, pretty much.

    Chips, peanut M&Ms, peanut butter, nutella...I think those are the worst for me.

    ETA: I don't have a solution, so I'm defintiely open to suggestions!
  • angelique_redhead
    angelique_redhead Posts: 782 Member
    Trisket especially the rosemary flavored. I have to count out a serving, put the box back and then LEAVE IT ALONE!
  • torrini
    torrini Posts: 78 Member
    It used to be crisps but now it's candy :I And I guess I should also say diet coke because even if it doesn't have any calories, it makes me crave a ton of unhealthy stuff.
  • anaboneana
    anaboneana Posts: 195 Member
    anything sweet.. especially candy, chocolate, cookies, cupcakes, etc.

    i don't keep them around... if i reallyyyyyy really want something, i force myself to get off my butt to go out and get it (most of the time my laziness wins that battle, so i end up staying at home and taking a nap instead of wasting my time/money at the store). also, fruit. i've noticed that if i don't eat a certain amount of fruit, i start really craving sweets. (sugar/carbs? i guess.. dunno.)
  • Ayola83
    My trigger foods:

    Ravioli, especially the Chef Boyardee brand, was definitely a trigger food. I'd eat the whole can by myself. If it wasn't for the fact that other people were living in my house, I'd eat another if I could. Due to cutting off wheat and pasta, I no longer eat it.

    Cereal with almond milk was my "crack." Before I started on MFP, I'd eat a 3-cup bowl of cereal and would finish it, then get another one! There were days that I'd finish a box all on my own in one day (my brother and sister HATED that). The favorites? Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Froot Loops, and Golden Grahams. Special mention: Honey Nut Cheerios! I no longer eat this either, but I consume the milk with a banana (or two if possible).

    A lot of the foods that I used to eat were wheat based: crackers, cookies, cake, bread, cereal, etc. I couldn't get enough! Now I no longer eat these foods (or if I do, I stop at a cup or a serving, but thankfully it hasn't been often since I started).
  • sannsk
    sannsk Posts: 203 Member
    My mom's lasagna :blushing: I could finish the whole oven dish (4-persons). God, that lasagna is good :-D I avoid it now, it's easier now that I don't live at my mom's anymore :)
    Mac & Cheese and Spaghetti are also treacherous :)
    oh, and soup! Could eat the whole pot!
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Chips and dip.
  • deadgirl81
    deadgirl81 Posts: 412 Member
    Probably just easier to say everything for me I think, especially at the moment.

    Pepsi is my downfall at the moment though - if I have a rum & coke/pepsi, it has to be full fat - just doesnt taste right with diet drinks (Then again maybe I should add rum to my trigger food - once I start I don't want to stop :smile: )
  • szonjakun
    szonjakun Posts: 94 Member
    For me it's mainly chocolate, so I try to avoid having it at home. And ice cream is the same. I just can't stop and put it back to the freezer. (=___=;;)
    Every time I go shopping I usually spend about a good 5-10 minutes looking at the chocolates, cookies and so, but most of the time I get home without buying any of them.
  • Off10h8ed
    Off10h8ed Posts: 282 Member

    I can't even buy donuts because if I do, that is all I will eat... until they are completely gone...
    I have been donut and sweet roll free since I have started this journey.
    I figured once I get much closer to goal, I will re-introduce them but only purchase one at a time.
    No dozens at a time for me anymore...