Cheat Day: A Necessity or a Setback? Your thoughts?

I've heard several people who have dieted and lost weight that they always incorporated in a cheat day. This special day (like a holiday to many of them) would allow them to have whatever they wanted, at pretty much any time of the day. I was wondering what all of you thought about this? I, at this point, don't use a cheat day probably because I'm trying to be very strict with what I take in. With that said, I will still sometimes eat out or something like that as long as I know I'm hitting the gym extra hard to make up for the increase in calories. Anyways, just looking for thoughts. Thanks again!


  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    Some people don't like the word....but I think without having opportunity to indulge in something you love here and there, you will never succeed long term. Now this doesn't mean eat 10,000 calories in one day...but today is Oktoberfest here in GERMANTOWN, Md. LOL. I will probably have a bratwurst in a BUN. I've kept my carbs under 100 all week, worked out and ate clean...but I may go crazy and share a funnel cake with the kids. I think if you stay STRICT then ultimately you will binge. :-)
  • Jester522
    Jester522 Posts: 392
    If you're +15% body fat cheat meals have no place in your diet.... yet.
    It's all about leptin control - there's a science and an art to it.
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    If you're +15% body fat cheat meals have no place in your diet.... yet.
    It's all about leptin control - there's a science and an art to it.
    Could you explain more of the science? Thanks!:flowerforyou:
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    If you're +15% body fat cheat meals have no place in your diet.... yet.
    It's all about leptin control - there's a science and an art to it.

    i agree, although i don't get into the science of it.

    personally, i had plenty of cheat years, i don't need a cheat day just yet.
  • suzieqcookie
    suzieqcookie Posts: 314 Member
    I do a cheat day no more than once every 2 weeks. For ME, it keeps me from getting too frustrated and throwing in the towel. I eat what i want, but no grazing, stop when i'm full and i still keep active and/or exercise. I think it's personal. If a cheat day would be the beginning of the end, don't do them. If they help keep you from falling off the wagon, do them. To each his own.
  • Impy84
    Impy84 Posts: 430
    Depends on the person. For myself while i wouldn't call it a necessity I do enjoy knowing i can have an off day and not feel any guilt. I don't force myself to have a cheat day but if i go over or go out and want something not on my regular routine I consider that the cheat meal/day and keep on moving fwd.
  • strikerjb007
    strikerjb007 Posts: 443 Member
    My body fat is pretty low so a cheat meal here and there doesn't hurt me at all. But with that said, I personally think that it's not a necessity or a setback.

    Now, if you're after a specific goal, say you want 6% body fat.. Them a cheat meal or day is a setback. But if you are just looking to be somewhat healthy, it is not too bad. Besides, commit to do things long term. If you have to have that ice cream every week, then do it. Otherwise, you're in for a miserable ride!
  • ShaunaNichol
    I have always incorporated a cheat day when dieting. After my first child, I was very successful with weight watchers. I would use my "weigh day" as a cheat day. I was the only person in my entire group of people who never once had a gain for the week. Now, after my 3 child, I am doing weight watchers again, but with the help of MFP and I am still doing the cheat day thing. My official "weigh/cheat day" is tomorrow, but right now I've lost near 25 pounds since July 27 and I have not had a weekly gain this time either. I talked to my doctor about it once because I get a lot of people telling me that I'm crazy for doing it, but he told me that it's likely boosting my metabolism AND helping to keep me on track because if there's something that I'm craving on say Wednesday, I can just remind myself that I will eat that on Sunday. . . on the agenda for tomorrow is Krystals! LOL I suppose everyone is different, but for me a cheat day is most definitely a necessity!
  • martintanz
    Maybe a cheat meal, but not a whole cheat day. Life happens. We find ourselves at social occasions and we will be tempted and might even give iin from time to time. I have, but frankly, I don't give myself license to dive into an all you can eat buffet or a 700 calorie dessert just because I had a couple of beers and pizza for lunch.

    Last night I took the family out to dinner, told myself if I wanted, it could be a cheat meal. Ordered a beer. When my sandwich arrived and was, as expected,more than twice the size of any sandwich I would make at home, I stopped at half, and put the other half, along with the potato, in a box to take home. The thought of stuffing myself like I used to do just wasn't that appealing.
  • Jester522
    Jester522 Posts: 392
    If you're +15% body fat cheat meals have no place in your diet.... yet.
    It's all about leptin control - there's a science and an art to it.

    i agree, although i don't get into the science of it.

    personally, i had plenty of cheat years, i don't need a cheat day just yet.
    HA! Interesting perspective. You've earned my enlightenment, although I didn't feel like posting.

    Basic rundown: leptin is a cellular signal in adipose (fat) tissue that, when high, signals the brain that the cells are happy and satiated because they have energy. The body likes this - the body wants to have lots and lots of energy to hold onto. When leptin is low, those adipose cells decrease leptin signaling leading the brain to believe there is minimal or no energy available for expenditure. This is why drastic diets and too low calories fails: the body fights back. When you're 7% BF like I am right now you have to cheat almost every 3 days just because I have very little energy stored up before going catabolic.

    Long periods of complete liver and muscle glycogen depletion can bring this onset. If you're >15% your leptin is still plenty high because you have energy to burn. Mental/social reasons for "cheat meals" are apparent and obvious but people often think they deserve more than they need. Choosing the right meal is an experiment in its own. Cheeseburger and fries do wonders for my physique but cheesesteak ruins me. Prior to a photo shoot or competition ill deplete carbs completely then down a whole pizza the morning of.
  • ClementineGeorg
    ClementineGeorg Posts: 505 Member
    I count calories every day and I try to remain under... but during the week-ends I try to have 2 workouts a day and to do a lot of activities, so I can indulge with a `cheat meal` and a `cheat snack` without going over my calories.

    Cheating mean for me eating something quite unhealthy, from a restaurant or ordering chinese or a pizza. Snacks include eating 200-300 worth calories of chips (Pringles, I love Pringles) or drinking a good beer (like thoise with lemon, cranberries, etc.), a glass of wine or an cocktail.

    Being able to overindulge some days just keep me sane. And it didn't get me off track.
  • laddyboy
    laddyboy Posts: 1,565 Member
    bump to read
  • JossFit
    JossFit Posts: 588 Member
    If you're +15% body fat cheat meals have no place in your diet.... yet.
    It's all about leptin control - there's a science and an art to it.

    ^^ This

    Oh, and today happens to be that day! I don't plan mine on a weekly basis, but use 'special occasions' to do cheat/treat/refeed/diet break days. (e.g. Today isn't that day just because it's Saturday, but because I have a baby shower to attend and dinner plans with my husband and some friends from out of town)
  • sjeannot
    sjeannot Posts: 143
    A necessity. Sometimes you just need that day. Like for me. I had given up meat years ago and when I did it, I lost 50 pounds in three months. But as soon as the weght came off, I started eating meat again and gained all my weight back. I think if every once in a while you have it, you will more likely stick to your lifestyle as opposed to going backwards.
  • kepete
    kepete Posts: 268 Member
    Occasionally I'll have days where I "let my hair down" so to speak. The thing I don't like is the four pound gain from the aftermath. I hate having to work 3-4 days just to take it back off again. Now that I'm at goal weight I tend to go up on the weekends then down during the week. I hate the cycle so last weekend I put it to a stop. I'm going to work with cheat meals instead of cheat days. I like weighing 100 pounds less than I did & want to keep it that way! So what's in for me today? A 5k run, shopping trip, baking for friends & a steak dinner with a baked potato. Couldn't do that 100 pounds ago!
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    How about a cheat fortnight?

    Coming to the end of mine. Actually, quite looking forward to getting back to calorie deficit days.

    As to cheat days, for most people irrespective of BF%, they help from a psychology or social view point. Most of us aren't fitness models and just want to look better than we did before. If the very occasional cheat day means you don't quit your long term goals then have one.
  • Ke22yB
    Ke22yB Posts: 969 Member
    I never schedule or worry either if you feel this is a life style why plan I know alot of thin people and they live day to day if an occasion or holiday they eat day to day they are doing normal eating and exercise
    I dont understand well its saturday so I can eat things I wouldnt eat any other day Tommorrow I am supposed to go to a feast of St Gennaro fest I dont plan to eat or cheat as you say but I know some sausage and peppers or cannolli may present themselves so I will consider eating them if so Monday working out and eating well thats normal living
    As overweight people we diet we cheat normally thin people just live well
  • amberlilies
    amberlilies Posts: 41 Member
    Usually I don't have a cheat "day" so much as a cheat meal. It's usually connected to a social thing (happy hour, a wedding, date night, Thanksgiving, etc.)

    I think it's important to allow yourself that so you can continue to feel like a regular person who lives in the world. Diet, exercise, weight loss--they're hard work. For me, it's important to feel like life is not passing me by while I count calories.

    That said, I still make reasonable choices in terms of portions and food options when I allow cheat meals. I just don't worry so much about staying under my goal. I think going to hell with yourself for a whole day can eat up your progress for the week following, and that gets discouraging when you don't see results.
  • ilovemaisy
    Timely post.

    I don't ever aim for a cheat Day. I follow the Bob Harper idea of one cheat MEAL, and I only do that once in a while.

    Like someone else posted, I save that for holidays and special occasions.

    Although, given how I feel today after overindulging last night to celebrate my son's birthday...maybe I don't even like doing that. UGH. Pasta, bread, cheesecake = 2,500 calories OVER my daily goal. And I feel sick, 12 hours later.
  • FelicityEliza36
    FelicityEliza36 Posts: 252 Member
    I dont allow myself a cheat DAY but I do allow myself a cheat MEAL once in a blue moon. Where if I wanna order a steak and cheese sub and fries I can - like once every 3 months or so..... its just all about self control :)