Okay...Now what...you've lost all that weight....



  • voncreepy
    I think I'm hooked!!! Tough Mudder it is...there's one on Oct 20th here in Jersey...I might go it alone if I can't find anyone to do it with me...but either way, if I do it this year, it will be just as I am!!! Looks like an awesome time!!! THANKS!!!
  • RunIntheMud
    RunIntheMud Posts: 2,645 Member
    Wow..thanks everyone for the reply's. Tons of great ideas. I like the idea of the tough mudder...there's an event in my region on the 21st of October. I may just find myself checking it out. I used to love partaking in the Ranger Challenges and Obstacle courses when I was in the Army. And now that I went from the physique of Eric Cartman (South Park) to Eric Northman (True Blood), I want to make certain I stay that way. Honestly, I developed a weight training plan to keep me up to par going 4 on 1 off working each muscle group (Day 1: Chest, Neck, Shoulders; Dat 2: Legs, Abdomin, Lower Back; Day 3: Arms, Lats and Upper Back; Day 4: Weighted Training, Cardio, Calastenics, Plyometrics, etc) in order to reduce the event of muscle fatigue and soreness. Thus far it's working. The one thing I don't want to do is bcome bulked up. No offense to anyone, but I don't personally find having huge muscles that impead the ability of me to touch my elbows together too appealing. Just ot my thing. Keeping a good healthy cut in the muscles and still bench a good amount works for me. Once again, thanks for the ideas!!!

    Good luck if you do the one in October. If you happen to miss it, there are a lot of other mud runs offered that can keep you motivated. I think I have the same mindset as you where I've reached my goal weight, but don't want to bulk up. But, I do want to maintain my current fitness routine for a reason. I hurt my knees in the army, but not to the same extent. Working out helps me to keep the muscles built up so I don't completely kill them again. Anyway...that was a long rambling.... Good luck with whatever you choose. I know it's hard to stay focused and maintain.
  • voncreepy
    Thanks...I'm definately going to do one. I'd like to train first before I do it, but what the hell..Just do it I say! What's the worse that can happen...it takes me half a day to knock it out...lol Also, the weight I dropped was below my goal of 225. I dropped to 224 recently but am trying to build it up a bit with more muscle, just not too much bulk however. This AM, I was 226. But the funny thing is, I had to eat way more than my normal calories...normally, I go between 800 and 1300 calories per day WITH my protien shakes and Creatine after my workouts (and believe me, I am not hungry and feel good off that amount of intake). But on another note, about the knees, I get Synvisc injections in my left knee because of the deterioration of the cartlidge and arthritis that set it (yea, 41 and arthritic...lol). They look chewed up on the x-ray but that synvisc is a God-send! I think it's Chicken fat or something odd like that, but quite frankly, WHO CARES...the relief is amazing! The Doc's said it should last 3 to 6 months but that everyone is different....he didn't want to set my expectations up. Well, it lasted over 15 months and I am going back on October 29th for my first of three injections set 1 week apart. I can't wait! If it lasts another 15 months, I'm golden....until I need a new knee that is. But knees are a dime a dozen these days...right?!?!? lol.