40+ Club: Beating The Winter Bulge



  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    Frank: Nothing goes better with a good glass of Red than a nice filet medium to medium rare :love: Yum! As a woman I always have the good excuse that I need to increase my iron :laugh: But remember a good filet has one of the lowest fat contents for red meat and for me if it is cooked perfectly 4 ozs is enough to satisfy my animal urges. FYI sorry to hear about more snow for you. We will be getting some just not a lot. For me right now I'm just so tired of the cold. All this girl wants is for it to get above freezing and stay there.

    Stiring: Actually the Icespikes are little screws you self install on any shoes or boots - Very easy today although it did take me about a half an hour for me to do mine. I just picked out an old pair of running shoes but now I'm considering ordering more for some old boots.

    ALF: Like you Push Circuit 2 always gets my hip flexor (primarily just my right one so I'm not sure what that means) I really don't like all her one legged exercises in this phase. I just feel like there has to be a better way. Oh well only one more Push Circuit then I'm moving on up to LEAN:drinker:
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    Morning Sing, Duffyz and friends:

    Sing: I'm voting for the medium rare filet too. Go for it.

    My HRM is a Timex, and while it reads the heart rate beautifully, it matched up with the treadmill readings always at the most 1 or 2 beats off, the calculation that Timex uses is way off. It was practically double what the Precor Treadmill and elliptical were calculating for my calories, so I e-mailed Timex and he actually sent me the formula, and also took my data and put it in his spreadsheet to do the calculation, we confirmed that the watch was calculating to the manufacturer's specification, but if I use it, I cut the calculation in half!
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Yummy!!! Go Filet Mignon!!!! Now vote on Cabernet or Merlot!!!!!!
  • tamarads
    Good Morning All! :smile:

    Filet Mignon, definitely!!

    I'm going with the Cabernet! :drinker:

    Have a lovely time Sing!

    Thank you to you all for always posting, I don't have much to post, but I love reading yours!!:laugh:
  • cardigirl
    cardigirl Posts: 492 Member
    Well, I know it's not as low fat as filet, but if you're gonna splurge, Sing, go with a nice medium rare ribeye!!!! YUM!!!! :love:

    And I vote for a big Cabernet!!! :flowerforyou:
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    Definitely Cabernet - YUM!
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Cabernet it is!!! Now how about some bubbly in the room before dinner? Somehow that didn't sound right....no, that was not an invitation...:embarassed:
  • sunnysmile
    sunnysmile Posts: 1,192
    Howdy Friends.

    I would vote for filet mignon and cabernet ... but the idea of strawberry in a glass of champagne intrigues me too. Lately my husband and I have been sharing a Miller Light 64 at dinner ... I know, can I spare 32 calories for alcohol? LOL. Actually I can't taste the difference between that and other light beer so I'd rather have a lower carb one ... glad they came out with them.

    tonight hubby and I may go for sushi ... if the weather holds as rain (snow is expected by tomorrow)

    I am pleased that I swam 30 lengths in the pool today. I shared a lane with someone who swam fast and I felt like every couple of my strokes he was passing me again ... but I realize I have to look to myself for improvement and not to pace myself against this hot fast young hunk of man in tight swim trunks (no one tell my husband I said that).

    Here is my question exercise experts ... I have been coming back from being inactive for like 6 months. I have been consistently going to the pool and have been building up my muscles but I am unsure when to try adding in the weight machines. I ask because as recently as beginning of February my knees were absolutely killing me, now are feeling better as I build muscle in the pool, but I am concerned about flairing them. Should I keep swimming longer, perhaps try using the flippers before trying the weight machines? My shoulder (near the neck) muscles are also screaming ... likely tha tis part of rebuilding those muscles, but they are so tight.

    Any suggestions oh wise ones?

    (and have a wonderful day)

  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Sunny, my suggestion would be to do your exercises starting with fairly light dumbbells. That way you can better control the amount of weight you are lifting as well as the range of motion. For example, doing squats or lunges, do not do them as deeply to start. As you test your muscles to see if they can handle the movement and weight, you can then determine whether you can safely continue. Also, try to incorporate a good amount of stretching to your workout routine. Good luck!
  • mkwood10
    mkwood10 Posts: 428
    Definitely the medium rare filet mignon!!! I'm not a wine drinker, so I'd have to say my favorite Patron' margarita on the rocks. Don't know what the calorie count is on it, but it is well worth it to enjoy once in awhile.

    Sunshine here for the 3rd day in a row.........we're all confused! :laugh: :laugh: Frank - I feel for ya; I know PA has been getting pounded with snow this month.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Hang in there......spring IS coming, spring IS coming, spring IS coming, etc............
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    Hello everyone... I am happy to say that today is a beautiful day here in northern California but tomorrow the snow is supposed to fall again. So, I took advantage of the sunshine and took my little dog for a nice long walk. It felt so nice to be outside. I think I needed the sunshine to perk me up.

    My brother had his acid reflux test which turned out negative. His doctor forgot to order his other set of tests so now he has to wait until sometime in March for that. I'm not exactly sure what the next test is but hopefully they will determine one way or another if its cancer so he can get started on his treatment. I just think that considering the fact that they think its such a serious stage of cancer they wouldn't want to wait too long to get started on fighting it.

    My eldest daughter is getting married on March 27th so we have been busy getting things ready for that. A short notice and the date but they wanted to get married before he ships off for boot camp in April. I dont blame them, after all she wants to be with him when he finally gets stationed.

    As for my weight. I haven't weighed myself. I dont think I have gained anything sense the holidays but I cant be sure. I have said this before but I do need to get serious about this again and fast. It just seems that so much is happening latly and life just got in the way. I need to learn to juggle everything better and "just do it"

    I hope all is well with all of you and you all are having a terrific day
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,806 Member
    tron, good to see you. With all you've got going on in your life right now, I think you should be proud to be maintaining your weight. Hopefully as the weather gets nicer, you can enjoy more long walks. Congratulations to your daughter and future son-in-law! I'm sorry to hear about your brother and agree with you that, if they think it is a very serious cancer, they should be working a little faster right now. I don't know how I'd handle that if it were me. I hope he is okay.

    sunnysmile, I agree with singfree's advise to you. I would suggest that you even start some exercises outside of the pool without weight to see how they feel. For example, for your legs, you can do some lunges and squats in various forms (static lunges, forward lunges, rear lunges; wide stance squats, narrow squats, etc) to see how they feel. Just changing the stance a little bit on those exercises may impact the way you feel it in your knees. Find a way that is most comfortable for you, and then start building. There are quite a few exercises for the lower body that can be done without weights at all if you don't feel like you are ready for weights yet. As far as upper body, I would, like singfree, choose light dumbbells over working the machines right now to see how your body responds. If your shoulders are a particular problem, I would suggest not working them out yet with weights since they do get incorporated into so many exercises targeted at other muscle groups (for example, shoulders get worked out alot when you do chest work). So you might want to start with the bigger muscles (chest/back) first, see how your body responds, and then move to the smaller muscles (biceps/triceps) and, finally, to the shoulders. Make sure you are very warm before you lift any weight (even 3lbs!), and stretch the muscles after the workout. Work each muscle no more than twice a week (once a week works too), and never work the same muscle on consecutive days. If you try weight or non-weighted exercises on land and that hurts your joints more, then stick with the pool for a little while longer. Let us know if you have any other questions!! Great job in getting back on track. :flowerforyou:

    singfree, Happy Anniversary!! :drinker: I hope you get to Gettysburg. My vote would be for a filet mignon with a glass of Pinot Noir....but Cabernet is good too. :happy: And there is always room for bubbly before dinner. Have a great time, and be safe with all that snow.

    Time for my Friday check-in. It was a really good week for me. I ate clean all week (no cheats, treats, sweets, alcohol, etc). I also worked out HARD all week. I'm loving where I'm at in STS right now and am really beginning to push the heavier weights. And my body is responding very kindly. I'm very energetic during the days, get tired about 9:00pm...and sleep like the dead. I take that as a good sign right now that I'm doing something right. I did weigh myself this morning (after promising not to :blushing: ) and weighed in at 103.4. I'm happy with that. My measurements are good, my clothes fit, and I can see muscle in my arms once again. So, like I said, a very good week for me. :drinker:

    We're enjoying beautiful weather here still, and I've been walking outside everyday as a result. It feels so good. We're supposed to get snow next week, but that's okay. I can handle it if there are a few days like this thrown in every now and again for the rest of winter. And I tell you, South Korea is celebrating today their new female Olympic figure skating gold medalist! And they should. She skated beautifully. But if anybody questions whether what NBC was saying about what kind of star this young lady is in Korea, don't. She really is quite a star, and a wonderful one (from what I can tell) at that.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    For a change I am at my desk at home right now. Vacation day today, not because of the snow, but today is our anniversary! For the past few years we've been going overnight to Gettysburg and dining at a great restaurant there. It really did not snow a whole lot, but the wind is very powerful, causing much drifting. We will be leaving around noon today, which allows me time to shovel some snow for exercise. The place that we're staying has a gym, so we can get a workout there as well.

    Yes ladies, I am really craving a nice filet mignon and either a cabernet or pinot noir (thanks sis). It's just so nice to get away, even if the weather is not cooperating.

    Friday reporting day. It was a pretty good week for me. I did a lot of exercising, via kettlebells and other weights. My diet has improved as well. Even though I don't weigh myself, I can see an improvement in the mirror and my clothes are fitting much better. I'm actually looking decent in "fitted" dress shirts. It's funny how my regular shirts have so much extra material around the midsection. Fitted shirts actually enhance the look by showing off a slimmer physique. Not too many 55 year olds can say that! Sorry if that sounded boastful, but I am really happy and proud of the work I've done over the years to maintain my good health. I am still a work in progress...a never ending challenge.

    Have a great weekend!
  • cardigirl
    cardigirl Posts: 492 Member
    Go ahead and boast, Sing! I wear the fitted shirts too, (well, not TOO fitted) because I love that I can. :bigsmile:

    Happy Anniversary and congratulations on a long and loving marriage!

    Since it is reporting day, this week I have eaten within my calorie amounts each day and exercised every day except Tuesday (rest day). Didn't weigh myself, because I'm trying to go 2 weeks between weigh ins to see if I notice a difference more easily then. But feel good, and clothes are still fitting the same. Tomorrow is boot camp class.

    We had a monsoon here in Boston yesterday, with high winds. Survived it all, thankfully, and now I'm heading up to the gym.

    Happy Friday everyone! :drinker:
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    Day 2 of the Snowicane. However, Day 1 was all rain, not its snowing and supposed to last all day. Morning commute was fine.


    Stiring, the Korean girl really did earn her gold medal, she was amazing.

    So, I ate well this week, tracked my calories and exercise and lost 2 lbs. Yippeee
  • tamarads
    Very Happy Anniversary to you Sing, be safe and have a lovely time!! :smile:

    Just watched the recap of the figure skating last night, very moving indeed! Very well deserved! Love the Olympics and all the personal journeys behind the athletes!

    Great job on the weight loss Zebras and I'm happy to hear Stiring that you are feeling good and getting to where you want to be! So nice to hear such positives from everyone... love this thread! Keep up the good work everyone!! :happy:

    Tron, I agree with Stiring, you have a lot going on in your life right now, hang in there and just do what you can.

    I think I'm stuck in a rut, I exercise and follow my calories and here I stay, I have lost inches so I can see the difference. Will continue with what I'm doing and pray for spring to get here so I can change up my routine with some running outside!

    Happy Friday!
  • sunnysmile
    sunnysmile Posts: 1,192
    Like Zebra I must say I worked hard this week ... did pool workout everyday from Sunday through Thursday. Am taking today off pool because of the SNOREICANE ... it's not a snowicane because I am yawning the snow ... it's old news and should go bother some other cities for a while and leave mine alone.

    I am proud to announce I lost 2.6 pounds this week. I have been upping my fluid intake, I do think that is key to the weight loss.

    Thanks for your advice on weights, I may try a land based exercise today since I am at home (my commute is very far ... from the bedroom to the home office so no snow day for me).

    Have a great day everyone.

    Hooray Korea woman's skating! Hooray Canada female hockey! Boo poor skiing conditions that made US do so poorly on skiing yesterday, at least there was no more crying!

  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    Happy Anniversary Sing! Stay Safe and have a great time. As for the bubbly! I vote yes - good sparkling wine is something I only recently began to enjoy.

    Reporting day - Great exercise week for me so happy to be back running outdoors although today I'm a little bummed that the weather may not cooperate with that this weekend. I've been making much better food choices although I'd still like to step it up a notch by eliminating a lot more of the whites (white potatoes, rice etc.)

    Enjoy your weekends all!
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    I'm Back!

    We had a wonderful time in Gettysburg and a great dinner too. I got my red meat fix with a small(er) portion of prime rib. I haven't had that in years. it was very tasty, but i am ready to start eating good stuff again. I had 2 glasses of cabernet with dinner. We ate breakfast at another hotel this morning which was very nice too.

    Have a great weekend!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,806 Member
    singfree, happy to see you had a good, safe trip! I was concerned the storm might have kept you home, and I'm glad it didn't.

    I had a formal dinner last night and managed it pretty well. When we lived in Europe, I joked that I was going to write a book called 'The Chocolate Lover's Guide to Europe', so I HAD to try chocolate in every place we visited. :laugh: Actually, it was kind of fun, especially when visiting some of the Eastern European countries. Anyhow, last night there were some dancers at our event from an island here in Korea, and they brought bits of chocolate with them as a way of publicizing their island. It dawned on me that I hadn't yet tried any Korean chocolate....so I had a couple of pieces (they were very small). The taste reminded me alot of the Ritter Sports bars in Germany (for those familiar with those) except they were much thinner bars (like an After Eight mint size). So now I've at least started the process of doing a 'Chocolate Lover's Guide to Asia'. The sacrifices one has to make in the name of research......:bigsmile:

    Off to do a leg workout and then, hopefully, enjoy a relatively quiet Sunday. I hope everybody is enjoying their weekend.