40+ Club: Beating The Winter Bulge



  • Thanks for the encouragement. Boy, I sure agree with you on the metabolism thing when you get older. Of course, a sedentary lifestyle and eating too many and too much of the wrong foods was the major factor but the metabolism thing is definitely a factor.

    I didn't lose this week (well, .1kg/.22lbs) but at least I saw a loss in inches so that's not too bad. I really would've liked to have made it below the 90kg mark but it didn't happen this week!

    Onwards next week!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,870 Member
    Anahita, those body measurement changes are amazing!! :drinker: Pay no attention to the scale when you are having that kind of result from what you are doing. Great job!!

    duffy, great idea for a new book.....Wine Lovers Guide to Asia. Hmmm......I may have to pursue that one. :bigsmile: Happy to hear you are enjoying your running. I bought a pair of shoes the weekend (ended up with New Balance because they fit the best) and am ready to hit the road. Maybe my husband and I will get out this weekend. I hope so....and I hope I enjoy it. If I do, that will be a first with me and running. :tongue:

    zebras, the Wii game sounds like fun. I really think Wii is wonderful for those days when you don't feel like doing a 'formal' workout but don't mind moving. I just bought a new tennis game that I'm anxious to try out. I love Wii tennis.

    alf, didn't you just finish the heaviest lifting phase of CLX? That could explain a little bit of the weight gain (including the extra around the waist) and the hunger. Because of how much you are working out, though, I'd recommend that you make sure you don't cut your calories TOO far. I believe you are hungry for a reason, and I would listen to that if I were you (regardless of what the scale is saying). You can put on weight if you aren't eating enough, especially given how much you are working out right now. That kind of situation (working out hard/not eating enough) can put on weight around the waist in particular (because of the stress hormone, cortisol, which gets released in that type of situation). You would best know if you feel you are eating enough vs. not eating enough (but afraid of gaining weight). But I'm living through a similar situation right now (still frustrated at the weight I gained through the move), but know at my weight, I can't diet it off like I did the weight 40lbs ago. You are in a similar situation. Decreasing your calories may not be the answer right now. So listen to what your body is telling you and, as singfree said, try juggling about the types of foods you are eating to see if you can better tell what your body is telling you (because you might need more protein vs. carbs, etc). But I don't think it would be good to disregard the hunger entirely. :flowerforyou:

    hunibun, I used to work out with The Firm!! Those are some good workouts. If you don't mind, can you tell us more about this Weight Watchers At Home Kit. I've never heard of that before. I know quite a few people who have had great success with Weight Watchers.

    JuliaSoCal, I don't know the answer to your question. I think if you still have the same deficit (1 or 2 pounds a week), then I wouldn't worry about it too much. If that deficit ever changes to the point that you aren't set to lose the amount of weight you'd like per week, then I'd look into why MFP isn't lowering your calories beyond 1380. But, as others have said, given your activity level, I think that is a very reasonable amount of calories, and you probably shouldn't be eating too far under that number.

    Swissmiss, it's okay to hop off the wagon for a few weeks. I know I've been struggling on and off for months too. But the key is to keep getting back on the wagon when you are ready. For me, I still think about why I wanted to do this in the first place (never want to diet again), and that keeps me from going too far off track. So think about why you are wanting to get/stay healthy and lose weight, and let that get you back on path when you are ready.

    hisangel, great job on the treadmill!! And I hope your grandkids wanting to hike in the mountains is good inspiration for your daughter.

    tron, good to see you. And congrats on getting back to the treadmill. Is does feel good, doesn't it?

    maytanewfie, welcome! I'm sorry to hear you've been through chemotherapy. No doubt that probably messed with your metabolism in a huge way. Please stick with us!!

    I need to take some of my own advise right now, to be honest. I've been trying not to stress about the weight I gained through the move, but I would be lying to say that it hasn't been on my mind now for the past three months. I've been working out harder and harder, and I've been ignoring those signs of hunger I was telling alf not to ignore....and I'm tired. And, of course, I haven't lost any of the weight. I haven't gained any, but I'm not losing any either. And I'm letting myself get increasingly upset about it, and I don't know why. My clothes fit. My measurements are good. My husband thinks I'm crazy for even thinking about it because he thinks my body fat percentage is probably way down. So I know intellectually I need to ignore that number on the scale....but emotionally I'm not doing that.

    But it is time for me to turn over a new leaf. I'm getting ready to start the heaviest phase of STS, and I really don't want a calorie deficit to negatively impact how I do in this phase. In other words, I want to see the results of these workouts, and I know that nutrition is key at this point. So I'm going to set my calories a bit higher, listen to genuine hunger I'm experiencing, and get off the scale again! I had great results from this cycle last year when I was eating quite a bit, and I'd really like to see those kinds of results again.

    I hope everybody has a good day.
  • Thanks StiringWendel!

    I'm feeling a bit better and I might tackle some TurboJam this afternoon!
  • aholly70
    aholly70 Posts: 577 Member

  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    Good morning everyone!

    I got skunked out of our gym last night after an hour. The room is on the 2nd floor of the condo building, and we have to open the windows even in the winter to get a breath of air, and suddenly that Pepe Lepew smell came in the windows! Gag. I had a good Elliptical machine workout, but I still had excess energy, so I went back to my unit and put in the new Walk it Out Wii game, and thought I would do that for a little while. I think I stopped 1 1/2 hours later. Its nuts. All you are doing is walking in place, or I did a lot of dancing in place, but its highly addictive. I'm surprised I can walk today, but I don't feel bad. Tonight I'm going to work out at the office gym for a change of pace. I can definitely feel my core tightening a lot considering this is only my second full week that I've seriously got my act together again.

    For those of you who are new here, stick with us even during bad weeks. In the past, when I've had setbacks, I tended not to get back on track for 6 months or a year. Now that I have this group's encouragement, even though I had three bad months in a row, I was still constantly trying to get myself on track, so those months were not as bad as they could have been.
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    Happy Tuesday All! Glad to see we are still building in ranks! The more the merrier.

    I'm stalling around the house for it to warm up just a little more (to a balmy 34 or 35) so that I can wear my better running shoes for a good hard tempo run. When I took the dog for his morning walk there were only few spots where ice covered the entire street so hopefully I can get a good run in today.:drinker:

    I enjoyed the Lean Circuit 1 - Definitely am encouraged by all the core involvement. ALF- we must be in the same boat after finishing the Push phase - although let me tell you 28 inches is just about my goal waist measurement (I think the smallest my waist has ever been was 27) That is just the way I'm built and I'm hoping my cut shoulders make my waist look smaller.:wink:

    Stiring: I hope you get to try out your new shoes - I know my spirits are much better after a run. I think those of us in the 10lb and under fluctuation phase need to start focusing on BMI or % bodyfat. It has got to be better for our mental health that the darn stubborn scale.
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    Duffyz your 28" waist is making me nostalgic. I remember back when I was a teenager, and women's jeans were more likely sized by waist rather than dress size, I bought a pair of 28" waist and 28" inseam. (My legs are very short.) I have absolutely no idea what I weighed back then, but remember the 28 by 28 jeans, so it gives me something to work towards. I'm probably around 45" right now, so we'll see how close I can get in a few years! LOL
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    hunibun, I feel sorry for you. My parents were also married on Valentine's Day so my mom never got anything special for her anniversay. But on the other hand...it is very romanic.

    I am doing better. Have about 10 more pounds to lose and am getting discouraged. Went to strength class last night and will be going to Zumba tonight.
  • aholly70
    aholly70 Posts: 577 Member
  • Thank you all for the warm welcome. Today was my weigh in for the contest. I did not do to well this time. Only .70 oz. but better than a gain! My daughter is a wrestler and we have to travel alot so I did not get my exercise in like I should have. My biggest problem is that I do not eat enough calories in a day and my body goes into starvation mode. Help! I am not a very creative cook and so I just eat a salad for my afternoon meals. I'm pretty good with breakfast. My favorite meal.
  • mkwood10
    mkwood10 Posts: 428
    Hello all!!! Work's been crazy again, which is why I haven't been in MFP lately.:grumble: After spending the whole day on the computer at work, I just can't bring myself to get on the home computer at night. I keep saying I'm going to buy a laptop so I can have it with me in the living room, but there's too many choices out there.......I'm waiting until the hubby gets home!! He told me to just buy what I want, but I can't bring my self to spend over $500 without him having direct input!!!!:laugh: :laugh: Yeah, I know - that dates me as old, but that's one of the reasons our marriage has survived almost 28 years - we don't do anything major without discussing with the other one first!!

    Scale's down not quite a pound, which I can live with because the clothes are definitely fitting looser!!! I've walked around all day today hitching up my favorite khakis........I guess it's time to see if I can fit back in the old ones from lighter days!!!

    Welcome all newcomers.............we're a bit of a crazy bunch, but we keep each other motivated, right all????:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Gotta get back to work...........scheduling lots more meetings BEFORE spring break...........what fun!!!!
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good afternoon everyone!

    I'm really enjoying all the great discussion going on here. This is what it's all about! Keep it coming!

    MK, your hubby will be home before you know it. What a grand homecoming it will be!! Even sweeter as we grow older...we appreciated those "little" things in life.

    Stiring, you are doing great, even after the big move. You know how your body reacts to different combinations of nutrition and exercise. This will be a lifelong thing, so just go with the flow and don't let the little ups and downs frustrate you.

    As for me, I just finished a hike up the mountain to a place called "Pulpit Rock". It's on the Appalachian Trail, which is only 5 miles from my house. I start from the valley below and climb steadily and sometimes steeply for about 40 minutes. It's nearly 1100 vertical feet of climbing. The payoff is reaching Pulpit Rock and being able to see all the way to New Jersey (60+ miles). I'm about to do a Kettlebell workout in a few minutes. I want to make a big push before we go to California on 3/18.

    Have a great day!
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    String and Alf.... Have you been gaining muscle mass and maybe thats why the scale is up a bit?

    Hunibun.... When you first start with WW do you stick with a certain food menu or do you pick and choose as long as you dont go over your points?

    Swiss... I just noticed your new pic. You look absolutely terrific!!!

    Sing... You must have better weather if your out there hiking. I wish it would warm up here I'm starting to get cabin fever.

    As for me, I made my husband a nice brunch. Eggs, sausage, hash browns and toast. And of course I had some too. Now I am going to total up my calories and see how much I have to burn off. I know it hurts your progress when your trying to lose weight by not eating correctly but how much does it hurt if you burn off the necessary calories?
  • denimangel
    denimangel Posts: 85 Member
    First day on the weight bench today... thought my arms were going to fall off by the time I was done. Then it was exercise day for the residents at work so I had another workout...although it was nothing compared to what I do.. but a workout none the less. Tomorrow is cardio day again... treadmill again... but I am going to increase the incline a bit tomorrow.

    Tonight my husband made homemade pizza... it had turkey sausage on it so a bit less fat... only had one piece... and then a cup full of grapes... but I AM STILL HUNGRY!!!! Not sure what else to have... another cup of hot tea? Will need to find something.

    LOL... just saw pictures on the side of this page of an advertisement for Sexy Stomach Rules... it would appear to me that the before pic is of someone who is pregnant.... Of course you are going to lose the belly after you give birth!! They must really think we that need to lose weight are gullible.

    Well time for Biggest Loser... so I'm off to watch.

  • aholly70
    aholly70 Posts: 577 Member
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good evening!

    Back at work...

    MK, We are finally getting some "warmer" weather here. Today was all of 45 degrees, actually not too bad outside today!

    Hisangel, I think you need to eat some more nutrient dense foods. The pizza dough is not terribly nutritious. Also, you are working out harder and your body is craving more good nutrition. Think about adding a lot of whole grains and veggies to your diet. Shoot for balance as you choose your foods. Good luck!

    Have a good night!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,870 Member
    Hi singfree...and any other night owls out there! :flowerforyou:

    hunibun, thanks for the info on Weight Watchers At Home. This could come in handy for some people I know who are struggling with their weight but far away from home. I'm happy to hear it is working for you this time.

    zebras, amazing workout!! Isn't it nice to start feeling the changes?

    duffy, I'm hoping getting back outdoors and doing something will help my spirits as well. I think the sudden shift from California weather to winter did me in....plus everything else involved with a move, the holidays, etc. In light of that, I don't think I've been doing too badly. But I certainly could use a little 'lift'. The sun is shining today, though, and that in itself makes a HUGE difference in how I feel. I'm going to try to get my husband out of the house this weekend and on to the running path. We'll see how that goes.

    Swissmiss, good job getting back on your program!

    mk, I am again amazed at how well you are doing given everything you are going through. And I wouldn't buy a computer without my husband either!! So....I guess I date myself as well. But he wouldn't either. We've been married 20 years, and it works for us too.

    tron, I wish my weight gain was from gaining muscle, but it really is from too many Christmas cookies. :laugh: While I've certainly tightenedd it up and such over the past two months, I'm not going to pretend the weight is there from increased fitness. It is there because I ate way more than I should have for about two months. The worst thing is I wasn't even lifting weights at the time, so I know it isn't muscle. Oh, well. :ohwell:

    As far as your question about what you eat and losing weight....no, all calories are not equal. But, at the same time, depending on how they are cooked, the breakfast foods you described aren't THAT bad. I mean, everything there has some nutritional value. It isn't as if you ate a dozen donuts which have little nutritional value. So while there may have been more fat than you otherwise would have taken in and such, I wouldn't beat yourself up over that breakfast at all. In fact, I don't think you should concern yourself about it in the least if you've fit it into your calorie allowance for the day. Again, I might say something different if you ate a bag of potato chips, but you didn't.

    hisangel, I find that eating a big salad with dinner keeps me feeling really full throughout the evening. It is 'bulk' food (few calories but filling), and that really helps me at night. That being said, though, if you are just starting out lifting weights, you may find yourself hungrier than usual for a little while. Lifting weights really increases my appetite, so be on the look out for that. So you may want to try to find foods that fill you up more (more protein, less carbs) during this time. As singfree said, look for whole food and lots of veggies to help with that. Fiber is probably the best thing for making a person feel full, so pay attention to your fiber intake as well.

    singfree, the hike up the mountain sounds great. I've been talking to some friends about climbing up a mountain here in Korea. We were supposed to go in about 10 days, but given that we've edged our way back into winter, I'm not so sure that would be a smart thing right now. I'm hoping to take the hike someday. I love to hike, and I miss it. I hope you are planning on doing some good treks in the Alps in a couple of months!!!

    homehealthy, if you don't mind my asking, how do you know you've fallen into starvation mode? Are you more tired than normal? Have you stopped losing weight? I ask this because there is quite a bit of...panic (for lack of a better word)....about starvation mode on this board, and I find most of it to be somewhat unfounded. So I don't want you to be too concerned about slipping into starvation mode if you are going under your calories a couple of times a week and/or are under your calories consistently but only by less than 100 (or so) IF (that's a big IF) you aren't actually experiencing any symptoms of starvation mode (decreased metabolism, increased illness, etc). That being said, if you routinely are going under your calories, try calorie dense food. One of the best post workout snacks out there is....a peanut butter and jelly sandwich on whole grain/wheat bread. Go figure. But it is highly recommended because of the breakdown of protein, fat and carbs. And...you can pack in quite a few calories with a good ole PB&J sandwich. So try foods like peanut butter or nuts or avocados if you need food that is higher in calories but still has some beneficial nutritional value. I used to do things like add walnuts (very good for you) to my dinner salads to make up calorie content. Very simple and easy to do. I am far from a creative cook (I mean....FAR from a creative cook :laugh: ) so I do everything I can to keep things simple. Hope that helps and please ask if you have any other questions.

    I started my last week of the second cycle of STS. While I feel so strong, I've also been increasingly tired the past couple of days. I remember that I went through this during my last go-around with STS as well. It was at the very end of this muscle building cycle last year that I felt that I might have been overtraining. And I'm going through the exact same thing now. I am looking forward to giving my body a rest next week. In fact, I might take about five days off from working out before I tackle that last cycle. I remember I had about that much time off last year, and it really helped. The good thing is I know that about a week or two into the third cycle, my energy levels went back up....and the weight just started falling off my body without me doing anything about it. I'm hoping that happens again this time. :tongue:

    Off to take a walk while the sun is shining......:drinker:
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Stiring, I agree totally about the sun having an effect on one's mood. That AND the calendar. I can see light at the end of the tunnel!!! Literally...Daylight Saving Time is only 10 days away!!! Speaking of DST, did you know that Ben Franklin devised it way back in the 1700s??? Just read it online last night when I was bored....

    I was amused by your description on STS. When I do a longer cycle of heavy weights, I get that "burned out" feeling of overtraining. I can overtrain with the best of them in my quest for instant gratification. For me, the weight falls off after a few more weeks. Truly, I can look at myself in the mirror one day...and the next day I am thin!!! Hope it happens soon for me. I'm telling you that within a day or two of this phenomenon, I can drop 5-6 lbs seemingly overnight. The KEY for me is consistent heavy exercise AND cutting down on junk carbs.
  • sunnysmile
    sunnysmile Posts: 1,192
    He told me to just buy what I want, but I can't bring my self to spend over $500 without him having direct input!!!!:laugh: :laugh: Marla

    Maria, I think it would be fun to spend $500 without my husbands input or potential bad advice, LOL. I usually do the research and find the best prices and items so he usually turns to me for that anyway. I don't part with $500 easily though but spending money can be fun.

    Today I am pleased to report I am feeling more strength and flexibility in my swimming. I swam for 40 minutes and did 30 lengths. 18 lengths is equal to a quarter mile. If I can get to 36 then I am at a half mile, but I don't know if I will be able to. I don't want to add more time because it can make my skin itchy (even with oiling it afterwards) so I will improve as I speed up perhaps. Maybe the number of laps don't matter as much as the consistent time I'm starting to put in and the changes I'm seeing in my body.

    I am afraid though that I may see no weight loss this week and even possibly a gain.

  • sunnysmile
    sunnysmile Posts: 1,192
    He told me to just buy what I want, but I can't bring my self to spend over $500 without him having direct input!!!!:laugh: :laugh: Marla

    Maria, I think it would be fun to spend $500 without my husbands input or potential bad advice, LOL. I usually do the research and find the best prices and items so he usually turns to me for that anyway. I don't part with $500 easily though but spending money can be fun.

    Today I am pleased to report I am feeling more strength and flexibility in my swimming. I swam for 40 minutes and did 30 lengths. 18 lengths is equal to a quarter mile. If I can get to 36 then I am at a half mile, but I don't know if I will be able to. I don't want to add more time because it can make my skin itchy (even with oiling it afterwards) so I will improve as I speed up perhaps. Maybe the number of laps don't matter as much as the consistent time I'm starting to put in and the changes I'm seeing in my body.

    I am afraid though that I may see no weight loss this week and even possibly a gain.

This discussion has been closed.