40+ Club: Beating The Winter Bulge



  • mkwood10
    mkwood10 Posts: 428
    Happy Friday all!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Friday check in stats............same weight, but got weighed and measured and...........lost 3 pounds of body fat!!!!!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: BMI shifted a little, down .1%, but I'll take anything I can get in the positive direction.:wink:
    I knew I was shifting things because my "skinny jeans" fit again!!!:happy: :happy: :happy: All of my work pants are big in the waist and behind also, but I'm just going to let them be that way until I can get back into the skinnier ones from summer 2008 when the hubby was in Baghdad. I'm not quite there.....yet, but I will make it there before he gets home in May!!!

    This is going to sound strange, but I've done better since I STOPPED logging what I'm eating every day.:blushing: ........don't know exactly why - I've been eating mostly the same things, but whatever......it seems to be working for me. I do end up not eating as much, especially at night, because I hate cooking for just one person and end up eating popcorn, a stick of string cheese and some fruit for dinner a couple of times a week.

    Today I'm not sure I'll go work out - the sinus headache I had yesterday has turned into a sinus infection/head cold and I can't get an appointment to see a doctore because it's a training holiday!!:grumble: :mad: :grumble: :grumble: So.....I'm trying to ignore it, but it's kinda hard to do that when your ears crackle and pop every time you swallow or talk!!!! I'll probably end up spending 4+ hours in the ER later this weekend, but will not go unless I'm TOTALLY miserable.........:noway: :grumble: I hate waiting in the ER.......

    Hope everyone has a great weekend and enjoys their holiday on Monday if they're fortunate enough to have it off - I know I'm looking forward to sleeping in on Monday:laugh:
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    I am so behind on my communication, the new thread is two pages old before I even saw it!

    Thanks Mayor Sing, for starting it up as always!

    Welcome all new posters, I hope you all continue to visit with us.

    I had a good week so far in terms of exercising, but still can't seem to get my eating under control. Had to take a sick kitty to the vet this week, going to pick her up shortly. Hopefully she's over whatever it was. Everyone have a great weekend!
  • denimangel
    denimangel Posts: 85 Member
    I have been very good today and have followed my healthy diet! It makes it hard when my husband comes home from work and makes brownies... my weakness is chocolate!! I have stayed away from them so far today so I pat myself on the back for that. Was starving when i came home from work... could easily have grabbed one but grabbed an apple instead. Now to come up with something for supper that he will eat... and I can eat!

    I did my 45 minute workout this morning and hoping to get my treadmill fixed tomorrow... needs a new mother board in it other wise it decides what speed it wants to go no matter what speed you set it at. We are also going snowshoeing tomorrow... and I know that about 1 1/2 hours of snowshoeing burns about 900 calories!~! Yes!!

    It is so discouraging that the older you get the harder it is to lose the weight... but I will do this!!! I will reach my goal !!! Does anyone want to be my weight loss buddy?

  • denimangel
    denimangel Posts: 85 Member
    Well today is off to a good start! I carried firewood upstairs ..that took about 20 minutes; then I got on my treadmill and ran 4.5mph for 45 minutes and about 2 hours later my husband and I went snowshoeing for 1 1/2 hours (thru trees following deer trails, on the river, and then thru knee deep snow and then back... about 2 miles total) so far today I have burned 1162 calories!! I am sure my legs will be protesting by tomorrow morning... but dang it felt good!! I know that I can do this!!
    Is there anyone else in this group who is 50+?
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Angel, your day sounds great. Wow, a lot of exercise and calorie burning. Good for you. By the way...I will be 59 on the 29th. I have the same problem with my husband cooking. Anyone in this thread will verify that. He loves to cook but not healthy foods.

    :flowerforyou: Zebras, the thread can get long very quickly. I never have the time to read it all.:grumble:

    :flowerforyou: mkwood, My pants are doing the opposite. I have lost a couple of pounds but for some reason my pants are fitting tighter. I can't figure that one out.

    :flowerforyou: Tracy, just remember: No cheating. You will soon be seeing results.
  • jchapple
    I started my exercise DVD and was appalled at how my legs don't move! I do a lot of walking in my life, but athletic I am not! I don't do running/jumping etc. So now when I go up and down the stairs, I try to go quickly to make my legs move :D
    I've decided to call mucking out the horse 'gardening' to get it into the exercise count! Well it's lots of digging, wheeling wheelbarrows and carrying heavy stuff (bales of hay and straw) I knew it burned calories but couldn't work out how to log them. So Gardening it is! As well as doing the DVD........

    Am considering doing 'Couch to 5K' as well.......
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,810 Member
    Hey everybody!

    hisangel, wow! It sounds like you had a very active day yesterday! It DOES feel good, doesn't it? I totally understand how difficult it is to eat right when your husband isn't as committed. My husband hasn't really adopted a full-on healthy lifestyle either. I'm lucky (I suppose) that he's never made brownies....but that's more because he doesn't seem to know where the kitchen is than because he's trying to achieve a healthier status. :laugh: Anyhow, one of the things I've done is taken food that he likes and tried to make them healthy. For instance, he loves sloppy joes. But I won't eat the canned stuff anymore. So I now make sloppy joes from scratch. It's a win-win for us. I have found that he is more than willing to eat healthier food....as long as it doesn't really come across as healthy food. So I make spicy, tasty stuff that is very similar to things we've always eaten but without all of the processing and calories. And it works out really well for us.

    jchapple, what DVD did you try? They can be tricky. I've been working out to DVDs since they were videotapes! :tongue: I actually started working out with tapes over 20 years ago, so if you have any questions on DVDs/videos, please ask. I try to keep myself aware of many of the programs out there, even if I don't do them. DVDs can be a good way to exercise, but they aren't for everybody. But it sounds like mucking out the horses would be GREAT exercise.

    zebras, great to see you! :flowerforyou: Please continue checking in when you get a chance. I miss you!

    I'm having a good weekend right now. My eating is well back on track (16 days completely clean....and counting!), and I feel better with each passing day. I pulled a muscle in my back last Monday, and it is finally beginning to feel better. So this morning I did a good step aerobics DVD AND a leg workout. It felt good. I'm planning on taking tomorrow off, and, hopefully, my back will be back to normal early next week for me to get back to some more intensity. I finished week 2 of STS this week, and am looking forward to moving on. I'm SO happy to be lifting weights again. My body is really beginning to respond to the cleaner diet AND the strength training and, despite my whining about my weight, I'm beginning to feel really fit again.

    Tomorrow marks my one year anniversary of my weight loss journey. I still can't believe I lost over 40 pounds, and have managed to keep (most of) it off since July. But I'm most happy about what I've learned about food and proper nutrition. More than anything, I think THAT has been the biggest change in my life over this past year. Because despite my transgressions of late, I really STILL have no desire to go back to my former eating habits. That's a good thing!

    Hope everybody enjoys the rest of the weekend. Stay warm and safe!!
  • mags2903
    Hi all

    This sounds like just the group for me . . . .

    I'm Mags, 47 from Scotland. I've got two grown up kids and have been overweight for as long as I can remember. I lost 5 stones about 4 years ago and have floated between 200 and 230 ever since. This IS the year I will get down to 168.

    I'm new to mfp but just love what i've found so far. I found the ap. on my i-phone first now it's my first stop on my laptop every evening after work. I'm a civil servant so work at a computer all day so no exercise there and I need all the extra hep I can get to actually do some. I find I can follow a healthy eating plan without too much difficulty - so long as I take the occasional day off!!!

    So in summary I've got 49 pounds to loose and need all the help I can get to start some kind of regular exercise routine. . .any suggestions?
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Welcome mags!! As far as exercise is concerned you want to do an activity that you will enjoy and will be able to be consistent. Also schedule it at a time that you know you will be able to follow through. I recommend cardio activity 3-5 days a week and strength training 2-3 days a week. But again dont do too much too soon, start slow but be consistent. Have at least one day a week, or two to rest. They can be active rest days, going to a park, taking a stroll, etc. Ever since joining MFP in Jan 2008 I have learned that the most important part of a weight loss program and a healthy lifestyle overall is the diet!!!! You want to slowly increase the amount of healthy foods and decrease the processed foods, high saturated fat foods, fried foods etc. The more natural foods you eat the better. I am not familiar with the diet in Scotland but I am sure you know in the US we eat lots of processed foods, fried foods and huge portions. Yes, the portions, eat in moderation. This is where MFP can help you tremendously, logging in those foods help you see those numbers right in front of you. Be patient but be consistent and you will start seeing results in no time. We are here to help you along the way. :flowerforyou:

    Stiring, good to hear that you feel better!!!! :drinker: :drinker: :flowerforyou:

    MK, how is your husband doing? He is coming back by summer time right? He will be here before you know it. :flowerforyou:
  • jchapple
    I don't know if my DVD will be available i the US - It's by Davina McCall, and it's called 'Davina-Fit'. I went riding today and it was coooolld! I'm hoping that you burn more calories keeping warm. Plenty of trotting! Riding is mostly about 'Core' strength and balance. Not cardio and therein lies my problem :D

    I've found it so helpful to log my food - but do feel wary about actually eating the calories I burned off.
  • denimangel
    denimangel Posts: 85 Member
    Swissmiss and StiringWendel it isn't that my husband doesn't try to eat healthy... we eat only chicken, turkey and occasionally fish(for me) neither of us eat beef for medical reasons.. I'm allergic to it and my husband has high cholesteral. And my husband gets lots of exercise.. he is a letter carrier and walks about 16miles a day so he definatly burns off everything he eats. For the most part I do make our meals low fat and healthy except he won't eat vegetables or fruit.. no matter how I try to disquise them! For supper tonight he wanted me to make hamburger helper with ground chicken.... ummmm nope...to many calories and sodium.. so instead we are having tacos... he can have the shells and I'll put the meat on a huge bowl of salad! That's a compromise. :smile:

    Welcome to the newcomers... this site really works.. Mags... you can do it here.The key to exercise is to find something that you like to do... it makes it much easier to get up and do it!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Mags, I don't know what you like to do but find something that you absolutely love in order to stay with it. I found that I love to dance so I am taking a Zumba class three times a week. I am not fond of using weights but I know that I need to. So, I am in a strength class two times a week. I have to have classes or else I would not do it. I have gone to the gym and just stood there staring at the machines and weights. I have to have someone leading me to get it done.

    :flowerforyou: Angel, I can't imagine begin allergic to beef. I have to have my occasional steak.:smile: Will your husband eat raw veggies? Some men just do not like them cooked and they are healthier raw.

    We are having barbecue ribs tonight. I know...not the healthiest and quite high in calories but that is what my husband picked out.
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend! :flowerforyou:

    I've had a pretty good weekend myself - I made myself have a rest day on Sat. Today was really warm and not raining finally so I took my two pals for a walk. It has been a while for them and they were super excited!!! Hence pulling me down the road a bit. :laugh: But that's ok, they settled down & it was a nice walk. This a.m. I played volleyball; I play on a womens league during the winter. We played 6 games so that was fun!

    This week I begin my last 2 weeks of Cathe's STS program. I was feeling kind of sad about it but thanks to Stiring I have a new "plan" and rotation of workouts after I am done. That helps and keeps me looking forward to my next workouts!

    Stiring: I hope you give yourself a HUGE pat on the back for your 1 Year B-Day of Weight Loss tomorrow!! :drinker: :drinker: Here's to you! Thanks again for all of your insight and encouragement.

    Alf: I peaked in on a Zumba class Friday night while I was waiting to go spinning. It looked pretty fun!

    Jchapple: Welcome! I love your photos w/ you and your horse. I spent half of my laugh riding and showing horses. I absolutely loved it and hope to one day have a horse again ..... it's a dream but that's ok. :blushing: That's so great you have that. :smile:

    Mags: Welcome! As others have already mentioned .... start with something that sounds good to you. If you begin with something you kind of dread or doesn't feel good to your body it will not be as easy to stay motivated. Start small and work/build from that.

    Hope everyone has had a fabulous weekend! :flowerforyou:
  • tracy1069
    Greetings everyone!

    I am checking in...day five of my membershhip here on MFP.

    I am a bit frustrated with my blood-sugar. The reason I joined was that I was have spikes and drops in my readiings. As a diabetic, that is very frustrating. I needed to be able to see in a table format how I was spreading out my carbs throughout the day. I thought that I was doing a good job, but realize that was not the case.

    For the past three days, I have stayed at 1200 calories (yippee!) and managed to fit in five "meals" (yippee!) and have not had a spike - nothing over 175 (yippee!) BUT... I have had constant problems keeping my sugar from dropping too low. I think that I need to have medications adjusted but can't get into the doctor until the end of February.

    When I look at my overall nutrition for the day, I am just under on my caloric intake, but well over the suggested carb/sugar intake by 50-60 grams...simply from trying to keep the blood-sugar levels where they should be.

    If you have diabetes, I would love to hear from you...please! Drop me a note or send a friend request with a mention of diabetes.

  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    It's been a very busy weekend for me. I had an all-day seminar with the Susquehanna Chorale on Saturday, and we hosted our Church Choir party yesterday. Of course, I did not do well with my eating either day. So today is a fresh start (yet again).

    Tracy, it might not be enough to just spread your carbs throughout the day. Make sure that the carbs you are eating are mostly of the low glycemic type (check out the "glycemic index" or "GI"). I think that you are on the right track though. If your blood sugar is spiking, I suspect that high glycemic foods might be the culprit.

    My brother was diagnosed last year with diabetes. He refused to take meds for it. He exercised, lost weight and ate right. Today he is no longer considered diabetic. You can do it! You must be especially diligent as you plan your food and get to know which foods trigger the spikes in your blood sugar.

    2BLean, I like your picture! I loved your puppy, but seeing you is very nice! When my "sister" Stiring speaks, listen!! She has been a friend and a source of information and inspiration to all of us for a year now.

    Welcome Mags! Our little group is becoming an international sensation! We have people checking in from Scotland, England, Australia, Korea, and the great republic of Texas! Please stay with us and post often. We are here to listen and encourage. Of course you must do this for yourself, but you are never alone!

    Swiss, it looks like you are really starting to beat the winter bulge. I'm very proud of you!!

    Stiring, way to go on your one year anniversary!!!! You are a dear lady and I wish you continued success!!! BTW, I was looking at kettlebells on Friday. They are a bit pricey, but I think that I will buy one in the near future.

    I'm not sure of the date, but I've been here at MFP for about a year now. During that time I've encountered a lot of people on various threads. Today I pretty much check one thread...this one! My dear friend Alf started this one in Jan. 2009 and we've been here ever since! You all are like family to me and I appreciate each one of you!!!

    Have a great day!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: 2BLean, love your new picture.

    sing, I think that you are right when you told Tracy about the GI. I have read some on that.

    :flowerforyou: Tracy, it really sounds like you are doing the right things. You should see some results soon.

    I am at work now. Just finished my oatmeal.
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    Happy Monday All:

    Hoping to start on the right track from day 1 this week. Going to get back to logging everyday and exercising more, etc.

    Hope everyone had a good weekend, and happy MLK day.
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Good morning!!! Glad to see everyone checking in! :drinker:

    2BLean, I love your new picture!!! You look great!!!! I don't see where you need to lose 9 lbs. Give Zumba a try, just for fun. :flowerforyou:

    Tracy, I don't think there are any diabetics in this group but as Sing said the best way to control it is through a clean diet and choosing low glycemic foods. Regular exercise also helps. Can you set up an appt with a registered dietician? That would be your best bet. I believe there was a thread on this site for diabetics. You might want to start one yourself. I can't imagine living with this illness, it is not easy but it is manageable once you get the hang of it. My dad is diabetic and struggles from time to time. I wish I was closer to him (he lives in Puerto Rico) so I can help him with his diet and go on walks with him.

    Swiss, you had to work today? :ohwell:

    Have a wonderful day!! :flowerforyou:
  • tracy1069
    :happy: Singfree...thanks for the thoughts about GI...I will double check all my foods. And thanks to you and :happy: Swissmiss for the encouragement!

    Isn't it great to know that we can start fresh anytime we get off track? :smile:

    Have a great week everyone!
  • tracy1069
    :laugh: Alf, I have actually taken a four day course with diabetes educators and registered dieticians...great info and they also worked with me one on one regarding our likes/dislikes of foods and a general meal plan. It has been a year now since I finished that class. Perhaps it is time for a refresher! :happy:

    The good news is that I have lost 23 pounds in the past 11 months and have had my medications lowered three times already. I think I am doing pretty well. And you are right about excerise...I need to be more consistent with it.

    I will look around for a diabetic thread...

    Thanks everyone! You are all fantastic and so supportive!! I am glad that I joined this site!