40+ Club: Beating The Winter Bulge



  • denimangel
    denimangel Posts: 85 Member
    Good Morning everyone. I am beginning to think this is my favorite time of the day... after I have exercised, enjoying my breakfast smoothie and a cup of tea... catching up here... logging in and tracking my exercise and food.

    Stiring like you I hate to take days off.. I do feel more energized and ready for the day after I have exercised. This morning I was back on my treadmill (yay it felt soooo good!) punched it up a bit today.. ran (jogged) 4.5mph for 20 minutes and ran at 5mph for 15 minutes. Dang, my butt muscles are feeling this!! But It did feel good. So far so good with my knees... no problems since my last gel injection. Hmmmm.. nothing officially planned this morning at the nursing home (cancellation) so maybe some tennis this morning.

    wingslion do you know of any serious problems with your knees? Has the dr said NO you shouldn't do this or that? If not then maybe the aching you feel is the muscles protesting the extra activity and they will get better with time. If that is all.. try icing your knees after exercising. I read somewhere that if you run you should sit in a tub of ice water for 15 minutes after running. (I certainly can't see myself doing that) but I also read that if you lay on the floor with your legs up the wall it helps too.,., that I have tried and it seems to help.

    Well tomorrow is weigh in day for me... I'm almost excited to get on the scale to see if all my work this week has paid off. It certainly feels like it has! Even if it is only 1/2 pound it is a step in the right direction.

    Good news!! My daughter, who has been overweight for over 15 years, called me yesterday and said that she is going to lose weight that she is serious about it now and asked for some advice and some of my exercise dvd's. YES!!!! I am so excited for her!!

    Well friends it is time to finish getting ready for work. Hope everyone has a great day!

  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    Happy Thursday All!

    I'm still enjoying CX today is Burn Intervals day - one of my favorites.

    Stiring: I'll have to drag out my book to let you know why he is so pro 3 meals only.

    Sing: I'm very interested in your experiment - I'm guessing the way you hold the weights is really engaging your core?

    Wingslion - lots of good advice here - knees are tricky things especially for women due to our wider hips. If slowing down your pace doesn't help, you may need to look into some other options. Where exactly is the ache? Inside or Outside of your knee.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good evening!

    Back at work tonight! I don't think I'll ever get used to night shift. The problem is that I was at work before 6 am, stayed 'till 3 pm, no rest and back to work for 10 pm. Gosh, I wonder why I'm so tired????

    Friday reporting day is upon us again!! Eating was ok this week, but still not where I'd like to be. My exercising is going well, though. Not quite as sore as I was the last few weeks, which is good!

    Friday night we are going out for a nice dinner. I'm not sure what I'll be eating yet. I do know what I'll be drinking...Sam Adams Winter Lager (sorry Yuengling). A really good dark beer that reminds me of the old country....Ein Prosit der Gemuetlichkeit!

    I'll try to check in tomorrow, have a great night.

    Your night watchman..
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,812 Member
    Hi singfree! Sorry to hear you are back at work, but it is always nice to know that somebody is 'up' with me....even if it is the middle of the night there.

    It is Friday evening here, so time for my Friday check-in. I had a really good week. My eating was very clean (no cheats, no treats, etc). I worked out every day, and I'm feeling increasingly stronger and more fit. I'm back into my 'skinny' clothes, which is nice. So even though the scale read 105 this morning (up 7 pounds from three months ago), I'm very happy with where I'm at right now. My goal is to continue to eat clean until I get rid of some of the outrageous cravings that I started getting after my last bit of not-so-healthy eating. I'm kind of aiming for the end of this first mesocycle in STS for that (which is in two weeks), but we'll see. It is winter, and, as a result, I'm not feeling as strong in avoiding temptation as I usually am. After all, I'm the gal who lived on peanut butter/chocolate and wine for an entire winter in Alaska. :laugh: Sadly, I'm not joking. :noway:

    Anyhow, speaking of peanut butter.....singfree, I understand what you are saying about your evening snack of wine and pretzels. But I guess my question is 'Would giving them up be worth it?' The one thing I can't seem to give up is peanut butter. Yes, I know there are some health benefits (like there are in red wine, as a matter of fact), but that doesn't negate the fact that my body fat might be a bit lower if I didn't eat peanut butter every.single.day.of.my.life! But, for me, it is the one thing I won't give up, regardless of the reasons why I should (more bang for my nutritonal buck in 200 calories of other foods and lower body fat possibilities). I have been able to move beyond many things I never thought I could (like cream and sugar in my coffee), but this is one area where I know if I were to give up the peanut butter, I would feel TOO deprived. So I opt not to because, to me, that feeling of deprivation isn't worth the lower body fat percentage I would have because I have a feeling that I would throw in the towel at some point or another and I don't want to do that. So, for me, any healthy eating plan I create for myself is going to allow for one serving of peanut butter per day. I make it as healthy as I can (natural, no salt, etc), but it is still high in fat and calories. But it is here to stay. So what I'm trying to ask is....is it possible that glass of wine and bit of pretzels is your peanut butter?

    hisangel, I'm so happy to hear about your daughter. I know for so many people, taking the first step towards weight loss/creating a healthier lifestyle is the hardest step to take. I'm so happy she has you to turn to. I wish her the best of luck! You seem to be quite the role model for an active life!

    tamarads, those houses you lived in here at Osan are FINALLY scheduled to be demolished. There are three new apartment towers, and I live in a beautiful new townhome. We have everything you'd ever want (unless you are trying to eat healthy :tongue: ) on the base....Subway, Krispy Kreme, Popeyes, Chilis, Pizza Hut.....It's a little American city now. Speaking of which, when we were overseas the first time, we were in Europe for 9.5 years straight, and I only returned to the US once during that time. What I noticed the most (in addition to the size of the people) was the number of restaurants. It still amazes me (having only spent 36 months in the lower 48 since '92). I find it a tad...disappointing....to be honest. Anyhow, we've been stationed in England, Germany (twice), Italy, Alaska (I know, not technically overseas but overseas by AF standards!), and now in Korea. And I totally agree with you about the Korean people. I find them to be about the most gracious and generous people I've ever encountered.

    Off to make dinner....grilled chicken greek salad (YUM!). I hope everybody has a great Friday and a wonderful weekend. :flowerforyou:
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Stiring, you sure know how to ask a question! OK, here goes. You're asking if your PB habit is the same as my W & P habit. Technically, the answer (IMHO) is yes....BUT...let me explain!

    From a pure "habit" standpoint, you certainly don't "need " it. But am I correct in assuming that you build the PB calories into your daily total? I will usually have W & P no matter what I've eaten during the day. That's why I become disappointed in my lack of self-control. I can easily consume 500 cals, which is a LOT of extra carbs that I dont need, not to mention the processed flour in the pretzels. So, PB is giving you a "fix", but in a good way. Think of it as a healthy cheat. If I could do 200 cals of PB daily and give up the W & P, I would be much better off, due to the increased protein and fat rather than all those carbs.

    Actually, I believe that by eating PB you are contributing to your being lean. In other words, PB is helping you stay in those "skinny" clothes. Think about it, most people who are bodybuilding eat PB almost daily for it's beneficial effect on their quest to have a better body. Now I'm not suggesting that you are a bodybuilder...but you are a fairly serious body "sculptor". As you've said before, your weight is no longer an issue and you want to concentrate on body composition. You are in a very good place now with your overall health and fitness. We all aspire to be there, at least I do!!!!

    So....keep chompin' that gooey goodness for goodness sake! And don't feel a bit guilty about it. Two worriers in the family is too much!

    PS- Duffy, yes the kettlebell experiment is going well. Most of the exercies engages the core in a big way. I probably will spend less time on core and abs work.
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    Happy Friday - or at least I'm finally happy to be on the site able to post (I'm guessing MFP is a lot like the gym in Jan - overloaded but give it a bit and things will calm down:wink: )

    Check in Day - Well I did great all week until yesterday. I don't know what was going on but I was craving sweets like crazy and I'm generally not a sweet person more a salty snack person. The good news is that when I grabbed the brown sugar pop tart from the pantry - it didn't taste right (I'm guessing that is from all the fruit I'm consuming now) Hopefully, that memory will stop me the next time I'm craving junk. But moving on - all in all even with the weak spot last night I ate well probably 70% this week and more importantly I have stayed right on track with ChaLeane Extreme :drinker:

    Stiring: Here is what Dr. Fuhrman says about eating 3 meals: In scientific studies, reduced meal frequency increases the lifespan of both rodents and monkeys, even when the calories consumed each week are the same. The body needs time between meals to finish digesting, because when digestion has ended the body can more effectively detoxify and promote cellular repair.

    Sing: You must be my brother from another mother because beside the love of red wine - drinking a Winter Ale is on my agenda for the weekend. Although I'll be saving it to have with my bowl of chili while cheering on my Colts to an AFC Championship.:drinker: My husband finished off or Hacker Pschoor Weisse last night so Winter Ale is my #2 favorite right now.

    Have A Great Weekend one and all!
  • denimangel
    denimangel Posts: 85 Member
    It's Friday.. end of the work week for me... maybe only half a day if things work out, if not... oh well.

    check in time for me this morning. I lost only 1lb but the good thing is that I lost 2.75inches!!!! I knew something was going on because some of my pants were feeling a bit loser than they were a week ago. I may not have lost as much in lbs as I would have liked but I'll take it! It is better than nothing.

    Stiring.. we went out for supper last night.... kind of. We actually got take out and brought it home where we could relax and eat in front of the fire. Our favorite Chinese place is closing for a month (they go back to China every year for a month) so we had take out from there. I stuck to the dishes with veggies... Chicken and Broccoli .. I did have some lemon chicken too.. but pulled all breaded coating off and ate just the chicken... and only 4 small strips, the veggie dish filled me up!

    singfree you aren't the only one who likes peanut butter... I have it once or twice a week on toast with a bit on honey (less than a 1/2 teaspoon) . If you are working it into your diet then I really see no harm in having it.. it is good for you. A girl I work with who is really big into body building, etc has a tablespoon of chunky pb every morning in her oatmeal. I tried that once and I'm sorry but in my book oatmeal and peanut butter do not go together.

    Anyway, I hope everyone has a great weekend. time for me to finish getting ready for work.

  • angelwings2000
    angelwings2000 Posts: 357 Member
    Boy, what a great name .......Beating the Winter Bulge! My Winter bulge took over and after seeing pictures taken over the holiday and my brother asking me if I was pregnant again, I knew I had to do something. I started coming back on mfp just after New Year's Day. So far I have lsot 8 pounds and feeling better already. I am 48 years old and marrying my childhood sweetheart in June. I plan on being gorgeous by then!! :wink:
    Glad I stumbled on to this posting today.
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    Happy Friday all. I completely missed Thursday because of jury duty. I was not picked for the case I was interviewed for because it was against a doctor, and my first father-in-law passed from doctor negligence, so I couldnt' have been impartial. In CT its a much kinder and gentler process now, and they dismiss you once they've interviewed you for one case.

    Angelwings, your story of marrying your childhood sweetheart must be amazing, you should share it with us!

    Stiring, can you share your bread recipe with me? I have a machine, and I don't have a good whole wheat recipe, and it would be big improvement over store bought whole wheat bread, I'm sure.
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Friday check-in ~ I had a really good week. My eating was very clean (no cheats, no treats, etc). I worked out every day, twice a day except for yesterday just one workout in the evening! :smile:
    I am happy to report that I think some changes are FINALLY happening. Maybe it is just the endorphins all fired up :laugh: It might be a combo of the food and calories + the additional evening workouts, but whatever it is I am feeling good about it! :tongue: I won’t be jumping on the scale anytime soon :blushing: but maybe in a few more weeks.

    Last night I went to the Strength Class (more of an endurance workout w/ lots of reps and then interval cardio between) w/ my friend from work and then this a.m. I had STS Disc 33 – Shoulders Biceps & Triceps. Eventhough it makes it a little tougher on me in the a.m. to do the evening & then early a.m. workout I am really enjoying it! I actually feel more energized vs. more tired. :noway: Tonight I am going Spinning again; anxious to try this instructors workout. This weekend my goal is to attempt Athletic Step again and some ab work and then on Sunday a good stretch (by Cathe of course) and volleyball.

    Hope you all have a great Friday & weekend! :flowerforyou:
  • ttfit2
    ttfit2 Posts: 54 Member
    :bigsmile: Glad I found this site.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Hi folks,

    Just a note to let you know that my Mom passed away this morning. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member

    So sorry to hear about your mom ~ :cry: I know there are no words that can really help to ease the loss you bear, just know that you are very close in every thought and prayer. May your memories give you strength. :flowerforyou:
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,812 Member
    Oh, Frank.....I am so sorry. Please know you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.
  • denimangel
    denimangel Posts: 85 Member
    Frank... so sorry to hear about your mom. You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers.

  • biffy107
    Sorry to here about your mom Frank!:sad: Mom s are special to are hearts. God bless. Take care
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    ((((((((((((((((((((((FRANK))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) My thoughts and prayers are with you and your loved ones. Take care. Come back when you are ready. Annette
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    I'm here dear friends! Thank you for your prayers and I will be back with you very soon!
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    As you might imagine, the past day has been a bit rough. I was on my way home from night shift yesterday morning at 6 am when i received a call from my wife. She said that the assisted living home called and said that there was an "emergency" with my mom and that I should come right away. Usually they tell me the nature of the situation, so that raised a red flag. I just knew this was not going to be pleasant. When I arrived, they immediately ushered me into the nurses' station. At this point I braced myself to here those dreaded words, that she had indeed passed away. The night nurse check her at 4 am and she was sleeping fine. At 5:45 am the nurse came in again and my mom was on the floor by her wheelchair. They surmise that she passed away quickly and that there was no suffering. I am most grateful to God for that. Now comes the task of the next few days of planning the funeral, etc... which is on Monday.

    All of you have been a great source of comfort to me. I will try to check in when I can.

    Take care friends and I am sending all my heartfelt thanks to you for your prayers and best wishes.

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,812 Member
    Thank you for checking in, Frank. I've been thinking about you all day. I can't imagine how difficult this must be. I suppose it does make it more comfortable to know that your mother didn't suffer. Please take care of yourself over the coming days and let us know how you are doing when you get a chance. I'll be thinking about you. :flowerforyou:

    While I'm here, I would like to welcome angelwings to our group! Congrats on losing 8 pounds since New Years! That's amazing. And how exciting to hear about your wedding. Congratulations on that as well.

    duffy, thanks for the info on the 3 meals a day recommendation from Dr. Fuhrman. I've heard something similar about eating fewer meals vs. more meals, but I've usually heard it in relation to insulin (that your body is continually releasing insulin when you eat many small meals a day) and such. I still think there is no clear answer and whatever suits each individual is best for that individual.

    zebras, what size bread machine do you have? I have a couple of good recipes, but one is only for one pound loaves. If your machine is bigger than that, I'll send the one that I have that has all of the breakdowns for the various size loaves. I like that recipe more than the one I'm currently using (the one for one pound loaves), but I can't get all of the ingredients here in Korea (wheat gluten). But, again, let me know what size machine you've got and I'll send you either one or both.

    2BLean, happy to hear it feels like you've broken through your plateau. Great job!! :drinker: And before I forget....don't forget to take that week off after STS before going into your next rotation. I didn't last summer when I finished STS....and paid for it. :noway: I, too, feel more energized when I do more workouts (up to a point). It's kind of weird, isn't it?

    I actually got my husband to do a weight workout with me this morning. That was fun. Had another good day of eating, so all is well here.

    Again, singfree/Frank, I am thinking about you, and thank you for checking in with us.