Whats your workout?



  • 2bskinnyagain1978
    I have been aiming for the gym so I try to do 30 -45 min on the treadmill at 15 percent ncline at 3.2 mph it burns about 350 cal in haf an hour 500 if u do the full 45 min .. I try to do this on mon and Tues but someties I have to use the treadmill at home.. which can be diff cause my kids always interupt my workout.. weds I take a beg spin for 45 min at the gym.. thurs treadmill again and same on fri then sat I do wii fit and walk and sunday rest or vice versa depending on schedule.. Good luck I also love Leslie Sansone's walk away the piunds videos they r great and if u have older kids they can join in and they will love it to my girls do..