Why are you losing weight?



  • dizzydi1968
    Vanity and clothes

    Yes, I admit it, I'm shallow :)
  • Sarge516
    Sarge516 Posts: 256 Member
    Trying to get 100 lbs lost by Christmas just to see if I can, and if I can, just to say I did.
  • magj0y
    magj0y Posts: 1,911 Member
    Trying to get 100 lbs lost by Christmas just to see if I can, and if I can, just to say I did.

    YAY!! 7 pounds left!! You can do it! I know thanksgiving is going to be tough, but you can make it!
  • frj85
    frj85 Posts: 62
    Look good and feel better
  • Bigjap666
    Bigjap666 Posts: 24 Member
    To be as fit as possible when I fifty and reach my next goal to be 155lbs.
  • kevokie
    kevokie Posts: 53 Member
    For health reason, I don't wanna be fat anymore. I have kids that I wanna be active with. Also, I wanna look good naked ;)
  • heatherloveslifting
    heatherloveslifting Posts: 1,428 Member
    I don't know, all of a sudden I just think it's really fun. I'm developing a disturbing fondness for weights and flaxseed. If this is a midlife crisis, bring it on!
  • opuntia
    opuntia Posts: 860 Member
    I lost weight because my body felt wrong after I gained weight - it felt uncomfortable and heavy, and I felt lethargic, and so I realised that my body is at its best health when I am a lower weight. It wasn't for vanity reasons - I don't think I looked bad, but I felt bad. I'm not losing weight any more because now I've lost the weight that I gained, and my body feels comfortable again now. Now I'm gaining muscle, because that makes me feel even better.
  • RumpusP
    RumpusP Posts: 163 Member
    Joint and general mobility problems. I was having a hard time doing just normal life stuff, my heart rate and blood pressure (while still in the healthy range were inching up), and I was generally at risk of many things in coming years.

    It'll be and is easier to buy clothes in the smaller sizes, so that's nice but not the main reason.
  • WeekndOVOXO
    WeekndOVOXO Posts: 779 Member
    Hated every time Summer came along. Wanted to enjoy myself. See people going for runs, swimming, biking, playing soccer, playing hockey. Which i could do, but not close to everyone else. My nephews an athlete and not being able to keep up with him sucked.

    Went out with my friends one time and one of the girls took pictures of all of us. I see her uploaded the pictures on Facebook and i was just disgusted with myself. Weighing over 246lbs at 5'7. Knew I had to do something and that's when I started reading up on nutrition.

    Before that I had a gf of 2 years and she broke up with me. I know big people can get girls, but why make it that much harder for myself?

    A combination of a lot of things that just pushed me over the top. Couldn't deal with it anymore and went ham. On and off, but this time I'm here for good!
  • TheBiggestLosee
    Better health
    More attractive looks
    More opportunities: in today's world, looks matter.
  • lachesissss
    lachesissss Posts: 1,298 Member
    Because my weight is a manifestation of my personal unhappiness and deep ingrained self hatred. It stemmed from childhood and followed me through college. I never realized what a big deal it was until I started to lose it. That being said, I started to lose weight because I thought I was fat and unattractive and the kind of men I wanted to date wouldn't give me the time of day, but as it came off I realized so many things were attached to it. Little bits of myself that I just buried and never let out. I let my fat define me for so long, but now, I just feel freer and lighter and so much better.
  • becs_91
    becs_91 Posts: 180 Member
    Easy answer: My wedding is in 9 months.

    Real answer: I stopped recognizing myself in pictures. Gained 50+ lbs in 3 years. Blood pressure spiked. Apparently at some point reached obese BMI range. I want to be proud to stand next to my husband, and in a few years I want to be one of those fit pregnant women that all other women hate. Okay, and for the wedding pictures. :)