Here again...will fail again...

I am trying this again but I have no motivation. I will fail yet again...

I'm not depressed, I just know me. I was always fit and lean until I got married and had a few medical setbacks, diagnosed with PCOS and all that comes with that.

I was shocked when I gained 80 lbs in one year and then 30 the next. I have not gained any more weight and I was able to lose 25 but I still see my self thin even though I do in pics see myself as two ton tilly!!!

I'ts not my fault for gaining the weight but it defiantly is my fault for not loosing it.

I have very small bones and well, I fractured my bones in my feet yet again from the weight. You think I would learn but nope!

I wish I had someone to give me my food and help me exercise but I don't and I don't want to be on a TV weight-loss show...

I'm not a junk food person, I don't like ice-cream and cakes or any sweats, I never have, not even when I was little, I even have to put water in Crystal light because it taste to sweat for me...not even half and half... more water that CL. I love veggies and chicken and all kinds of fish so eating right is not hard for me. My downfall is pasta and exercise....Pasta I will have once a week but always an organic kind like Fiber Gourmet and Miracle Noodles. As far as exercise, I have an extremely high heart rate when resting 105 to 110 and I am scared to push myself for fear of having a stroke or heart attack.

Any who, I am back and we will see what happens....:tongue:


  • hope8311
    hope8311 Posts: 166
    Well at least you took the first step and joined mfp...So this time just be more aware and continue logging in...You lost weight the first time and will again....Stick in there...
  • pholbert
    pholbert Posts: 575 Member
    You need to change your atitude first. Tell yourself that you can do this. Work the diaries Make some friends that you can see their diaires that you can get some ideas from. Look at the success stories, alot of people are getting their goals. Walking is great excercise, everyone can find a way to get more steps in their life.There is alot of help here if you look for it. I would like to wish you luck, but it is determination that will get you to your goals. So get determined and make this work for you this time.
  • redlibby
    You've joined the site so hopefully you'll manage to keep the motivation up. I too have been diagnosed with PCOS and am also insulin resistant so I know it can be difficult to keep the weight down.

    I'm hoping that with the help of MFP I can get to down to and maintain a healthy weight though a healthy diet and regular exercise.

    Good luck
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    I am trying this again but I have no motivation. I will fail yet again...

    Guaranteed to if you've given up before the game even starts.

    Attitude is everything, if you expect failure that's what you'll get; approach this with a positive attitude, an expectation of good results and the resolve to make it happen and it will.
  • jrbb03092
    jrbb03092 Posts: 198 Member
    I don't know what kind of health coverage you have, if any, but you should consider seeing your doctor and having them do a monitored stress test in the hospital. They put you on a treadmill and have you walk and run and make sure your heart is working okay and/or if there are any problems. Once you get the thumbs up from them, you can exercise all you want without having to worry.
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you will.
  • Josephina57
    Josephina57 Posts: 170 Member
    I am trying this again but I have no motivation. I will fail yet again...

    Guaranteed to if you've given up before the game even starts.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I am trying this again but I have no motivation. I will fail yet again

    Whether you think you can, or you think you can't, you're right!!!
  • suzieqcookie
    suzieqcookie Posts: 314 Member
    i have PCOS (insulin resistant) also, am over 40 and have lost 40 lbs in 111 days. you need to change your attitude before you try anything else. You have already given yourself permission to fail :( As someone with PCOS, you need to keep under your carbs every day. I also, even before joining MFP was not a fast food, junk food, sweets person. You can do this. And i don't get much steady exercise either... but keep busy! If you're not sitting, you're burning calories.
  • 2f2bl
    2f2bl Posts: 12
    Thank you every one...Attitude is key and mine stinks!!! I think it is because I have a headache and my feet hurt..

    My short term goal is March, lose ever how much I can lose and go with it.
  • Serenstar75
    Serenstar75 Posts: 258 Member
    One helping of pasta a week isn't going to make you gain a ton of weight. Attitude comes first. If diet is 80% of this, then what is it you're going over on? You can have too much of a good thing. Have you talked to a nutritionist to figure out your own actual needs? That's probably one of the best places to start.
  • 2f2bl
    2f2bl Posts: 12
    awesome coverage I have a appointment Tuesday...
  • lalipoon
    lalipoon Posts: 11 Member
    Hang in there. It is good advice to consult your doctor and make sure your heart is up to it. Also if you are getting fractures in your feet you may want to get a bone densitometry test as well. After that, focus on the tasks. fill out your food diary EVERY DAY. Keep within your calories and then exercise. You might want to consider getting a fitbit. It will measure and track your steps and "floors" (stairs, inclines). They have a new one for ~$60. Focus on the tasks NOT how far you have to go.
  • beansprouts
    beansprouts Posts: 410 Member
    There are two kinds of people on MFP...Those who reach their goals and lose the weight...and those who don't.:brokenheart:
  • kiwigirls
    kiwigirls Posts: 4 Member
    Fake it til you make it Honey!

    Just log your calories, walk 30 mins every day (either altogether or 6x 5 mins walks) drink 8 glasses of water a day, don't put any pressure on yourself to achieve anything and see how that goes...

    Good luck.
  • 2f2bl
    2f2bl Posts: 12
    I have talked to a nutritionist and I have been maintaining my current weight since I gained it and from what the Dr and nutrish tells me about PCOS I have to work really hard to lose the weight and I have not done that. I also stopped all my exercising since gaining the weight, I was once very active, I even cheered in college so I know what it takes I just.....attitude and my motivation stinks.
  • gazelleintraining
    Welcome back. :) As someone who in the past has given up rather easily, I have recently found success (and I believe it's going to stick--it's very exciting to make true change) in understanding that you have to work with what you've got.

    1) Start small with the exercise--you'll ramp up quickly and build up endurance for your heart. Just set a small daily amount of "you time" and stick to it no matter what. Leslie Sansone's one-mile walk DVDs are fantastic for those just getting back into an exercise routine. Regular daily exercise will make you feel so good that it's self-reinforcing. You'll look forward t it on most days. What's more is you'll feel stronger, more in control, and more confident.

    2) Stick to your food plan. It really is about calories in and calories out, PCOS or not. You may burn at a slower rate than others (partially because of PCOS but also because you're super sedentary), but it's your rate and you have to work within those confines. Try shooting for a one-pound loss per week according to the MFP system. For the first three weeks I lost nothing by trying to adhere to it on the weekdays, but blowing out the weekend nights like I was on vacation, but once I started sticking to the calorie limits, and using exercise to "earn" more calories, the weight finally started coming off.

    3) Perfection is not required (really), but honestly try the best you can, and if you slip up, get up quickly and try, try again. Be honest with yourself about why you eat and what's stopping you from working out. Anybody in any shape can make improvements to health. If you need inspiration, watch an episode of Extreme Makeover Weight Loss Edition. If those folks can work that hard, so can I--and so can you.
  • ilovemaisy
    I don't know what kind of health coverage you have, if any, but you should consider seeing your doctor and having them do a monitored stress test in the hospital. They put you on a treadmill and have you walk and run and make sure your heart is working okay and/or if there are any problems. Once you get the thumbs up from them, you can exercise all you want without having to worry.

    I really like this idea too. I don't recall what you said (or didn't say) about exercising but you have to find something you can do every day (or at least 5 days a week) that doesn't hurt, that you somewhat enjoy, and that gets your heart rate up.

    I walk my dog every day, sometimes we jog and sometimes we meander. I always enjoy it though.
  • DonM46
    DonM46 Posts: 771 Member
    Any who, I am back and we will see what happens....:tongue:
    A passive approach won't work.
    No one is going to log your food intake or tell you when to eat nor what.
    Put on your big girl panties and DO IT YOURSELF.
    Whining about being overweight won't result in any weight loss.
    Take charge of your life and assume some responsibility.
    Sorry to sound uncaring, but if you get mad enough at me, maybe you'll do something.
  • TinaBaily
    TinaBaily Posts: 792 Member
    I hope you can find your motivation. I also have PCOS. I was diagnosed with it after my 14 year old was born. (She's my 5th child, so I suffered from it for years, along with the weight gain and food cravings. I'm also a former emotional eater.) I was feeling last April as you seem to be right now, but I decided to give it a go anyway. Two people who are close to me told me about this site within a week of each other and I took it as a divine sign to try once again to drop the weight. I'm 5', 3.25" short and weighed a whopping 207lbs. I dropped 1lb just before my first official weigh in here, so my ticker below says I've lost 49 lbs, but it's actually 50 lbs, which has me over the moon with joy.

    I have found that with PCOS I do have to be very dedicated to being honest with what I eat (I record EVERYTHING I eat, weighing and measuring it all), and I exercise hard for 6 days a week. It is a lot of work, but oh my gosh, to have gone from size 18 pants that were too tight to a comfortable size 12 and dropping, is well worth it to me. We CAN lose the weight, despite having PCOS. YOU can do it, too!! You know you can, but you must find your will power. Some days will be better than others. I'm not saying that it will be easy. But, it's well worth it to lose the weight, feel great, and not have sore knees, hips, back, and other sore places due to the excess weight. I wish you all the best of luck in your weight loss journey!!!