I got called an old grandma while running.



  • Anaconda62
    Kids say stupid things all the time. They're too young to have an opinion which is why they're not allowed to vote.

    At work I got called by one of the 20 year olds "the coolest old person I know". WTF. I'm 28 (I was 27 at the time?!)

    You'll spend the rest of your day thinking of all the awesome things you could have said in reply. But I know what you mean about one person's comment ruining your day!!

    This one made me laugh.
  • lorettaasmith
    lorettaasmith Posts: 418 Member
    I had a group of fifth graders estimate my age once as a way to practice their Roman Numerals. The youngest guess I got was XXXVII. I was horrified because at the time, I was XXII! Kids are kids and sometimes lack perspective! Let it be "water off a duck's back" and roll on off.
  • jallison12
    '65 was a good year!
  • MariaKohut
    What do kids know? Keep doing what you're doing! I am nearly 61 and walk/run in the confines of my house. People say I look fantastic for my age, so there you go! Hang in there!
  • besaro
    besaro Posts: 1,858 Member
    kids suck.
  • muchadoaboutme2000
    muchadoaboutme2000 Posts: 86 Member
    7 year olds think naps are lame. They are clearly the inferior beings. LOL Don't sweat it. That kid still has to go through the torture that is puberty.
  • hope8311
    hope8311 Posts: 166
    I wouldn't sweat it, 7 year old is a child...There innocent and are not aware of the world yet...And you do not look like a grandma...But a hot mom....So that would make you what they call these days a MILF...But I really don't like that word.....
  • love22step
    love22step Posts: 1,103 Member
    Don't feel too bad. At 31, I was holding my 18-month old twins and an adult man asked if they were my grandbabies! I had a little bit of gray hair and was wearing a dowdy dress. I never wore that dress again!
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    My step kids are 7, 8, and 12. Their grandmother is 53. Now I think of her as a young grandmother... but my ex, for instance, became a grandpa at 42 *snicker*...

    I also have a friend who used to be a teacher. She asked her students once how old they thought she was... "Like, 50!" said one of the kids. "Fifty!?" She said... "How old do you think Mrs. Jonhnson is?" "At LEAST one hundred and six!" Was the answer...
  • april522
    april522 Posts: 388 Member
    That was rude. If that were my kid they'd be punished for being rude.

    I don't appreciate comments from children who have no manners. My step kids think I'm old but I'm a known person to them however, it is not polite to say things they intend to be mean to anyone. Even if it is true, it's not ok to hurt someone's feelings.
  • DKWaggoner
    ummm a 7 yr old can not determine 20 from 50...calm down :)
  • blueandigo
    You're a sexy grandma :).

    Kids say the darndest things btw.
  • raystark
    raystark Posts: 403 Member
    I consider you a young hot chick, but then I did turn 58 ten days ago. :glasses:
  • Briko3
    Briko3 Posts: 266 Member
    A kid about the age of 7 called me this! I hate to admit it, but it really has me rialed up! Here I was in spandex with shorts over it, a long sleeved black shirt, turquoise tshirt, and sorty Nikes to match, and I'm out running my 29 year old running partner, and not a gray hair uncolored on my head, and she sees me as an old grandma! Grrr. I'm 47 and my youngest is ten, oldest is fifteen! I will have to just get over it, but I still needed to rant!

    I honestly remember being in 2nd grade (7) and a 6th grader came in to talk to the teacher and he might as well have been in college. I remember thinking how great it would be to be that old. Haha.
  • cameydri
    Venting is good. Now that it is out, you can let it go and move on. You're doing a good job staying healthy for your family and for you. You go girl and keep up the good work.
  • tuulikki30
    tuulikki30 Posts: 99 Member
    I do feel your pain. However, I am a grandma. and I run. Cause I can. Thank heavens I can run and I am a grandma. I have 5 kids, 4 grandkids, I have lost over 100 pounds, not once, but twice, and I snowboard. In fact I teach it. Do you know what's the neatest thing to hear on the slope? My grandson yelling from the chairlift, "that's my gran! Look at her go!"
  • tigerlinly
    tigerlinly Posts: 219 Member
    You care about the opinion of a bratty 7-year old?

    For real?

    They think 20 is old, for crying out loud.

    Also, they're SEVEN. :-P You can't ignore a 7-year old?

    i agree i'm 47 and if a 7 year old would of said that to me i woud of said your right i am a grandmother to a 3 year old
  • stevenleagle
    stevenleagle Posts: 293 Member
    Haha don't sweat it, to a 7 year old, even a very attractive parent in their 20s looks, er old!

    I firmly believe age is a state of mind anyway. You're only as old as you feel.
  • DKWaggoner
    And why exactly are people calling a 7 yr old names because he/she called someone a grandma? If you are that vain that an innocent passing remark by a child bothers you that much..well...I have no words
  • Brenda_1965
    Brenda_1965 Posts: 314 Member
    And why exactly are people calling a 7 yr old names because he/she called someone a grandma? If you are that vain that an innocent passing remark by a child bothers you that much..well...I have no words

    Geesh! I appreciate all the kind words! It seems there is always someone who enjoys creating turmoil. These people are not calling anyone in specific any names. They are simply categorizing little kids who haven't learned manners enough to just shut up. It didn't ruin my day, in fact, after posting, I let it roll off my back.

    I think mostly what bothered me at the time was what I thought they might be inferring...
    1. I run like an old woman. (But I was lapping my 28 year old running mate.)
    2. I looked fat. (I do have some to lose.)
    3. I look elderly.
    4. I look ugly.

    I shared this story with my 7th graders today, and they thought it was funny. I used to teach second grade, and I admit that I had forgotten how bad their perception of age is! I feel so much better today, and I'm ready to beat my PR of 34 this weekend on my 5k!