How much excercise....?

I started this weight loss journey in march this year at 220lbs, im currently sitting at 195lbs with alot of yoyo-ing in between, I joined mfp a couple of weeks ago and it gives me so much more motivation that i thought any website could!!
So im all set to make myself suceed and am very very motivated to reach my goal of 130-140lbs.

I just wanna know how much excercise (and what sorts of excercise) i should be doing to help get all this weight off faster than the rate i have been going...

What did you all do to work out? and how often? for how long? lol

Also did you all eat back the calories you burnt off?

Thanks guys, any feedback would be awesome =)


  • legnarevocrednu
    legnarevocrednu Posts: 467 Member
    Well everyone is different. I tend to switch things up. I started out with the couch to 5k. I think I lost the most weight doing that...not to mention, toned up. Then once that was over, I would do the elliptical for half an hour, then 15 minutes of strength training, 5 times a week. Now I do 15 minutes on the elliptical and 15 minutes with strength training 5 times a week. I've gotten lazy. I still have 11 or so pounds to lose. Once I'm down that, I'll start increasing the amount of strength as well. Just find what works for you...sticking with it is the hardest part in my opinion. Oh, I didn't eat back any of my calories. But again, to each their own.
  • LesleeBeAlive
    Cardio kickstarted me.
    Try the Couch to 5k if you are not running now :)
  • ChristyRunStarr
    ChristyRunStarr Posts: 1,600 Member
    Everyone is going to tell you different it can be confusing. But first, congrats on the weight you've already lost! MFP already has you at a defect when it comes to what you should be eating-if you look in goals, it'll tell you what to eat and what you're starting at before the amount you take off. Like me, they have me at 1600, with a defect of 300 something (since I did the recommended 1 pound per week)

    As for exercise-what do you want to get done? Cardo? Lifting?
  • Angelrica
    Angelrica Posts: 14 Member
    Have you tried spinning? It is a great workout esp. for the lower body legs, butt etc. I try to do 3 60 minute classes per week. I have lost 40 lbs. in about 6 months.,It is an intense workout almost as hard as running. Running is also a great way to lose weight fast. Good luck to you, and I know you can succeed. Also Congrats on your weight loss wow.
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    I go to the gym four times a week and when I go, I alternate machines. One day I'll do elliptical for thirty minutes and hit the treadmill for 30 minutes on the "hill" option. The next gym day I'll do a full hour on the exercise bike. Every time I go I do get the abs however.....To tighten up those flabby abs. Just make sure to bring water and have fun doing it.....
  • AlissaFL
    AlissaFL Posts: 80 Member
    Hey! Good for you for joining! I do walking, biking, pilates and yoga, but do whatever you enjoy. If you don't like it, it will be hard for you to stick with it. I do an hour regardless of the type of exercise, either because that's how long the class is or that's how long it takes me to complete the task. I walk around my neighborhood or I bike to the store and then back, so the biking part takes 30 min each way. I don't eat back my calories. Currently, I exercise 7 days a week, but I started with 3 days in June, went to 4 in July and just added the last 3 at the end of September. Don't push yourself too hard because an injury will sideline you for a few days. Better to do your best and be consistent. Good luck and hope this helped.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    if i could go back when i started, i would tell myself to start doing strength training as soon as possible. all i was doing was cardio, in the work of cycling.

    give this beginner body weight circuit a shot.
  • rugbyphreak
    rugbyphreak Posts: 509 Member
    Well I've been here for awhile... I suggest cardio, whatever you can manage, swimming is awesome, but because it's almost winter, you may not have access to a pool.

    I do cardio 4 days a week, lifting 3 days a week, stretching and ab work 7 days a week.

    I usually eat at least half of my exercise calories back. Sometimes I'm just starving after a jog! But sometimes I'm so stuffed at the end of the day that I can't possibly eat any more.

    Listen to your body. Eat if you're hungry. Rest if you need to. GET ENOUGH SLEEP!! DRINK LOTS OF WATER!!!!!

    I hope that helps at least a little bit.
  • SarahSteele89
    Thanks guys, Going to the gym isnt an option for me so all i have been doing lately is walking (with my son in pram) or using the zumba dvd set..

    What is the couch to 5k?
  • miqisha
    miqisha Posts: 1,534 Member
    hello and welcome to MFP and wishing you much success

    I do the elliptical for a hour Monday to Friday and on Saturdays I do it for hour and half. I also do the Firm cardio Sculpt, I usually do it everyday, but have decided today to switch it to Monday, Wednesday and Fridays only

    I strongly recommend you do weight training along with your cardio, so you can tighten up along with losing the weight

    I dont eat back my workout calories, however, I do give myself a cheat day on Sundays, where I drink my wine, and treat myself to a nice egg sandwich for breakfast. I usually eat oats in the week.

    I treat myself on Sundays, or I would binge more, so I look forward to my Sundays and it keeps me going

    You have to adjust your diet to your needs, dont force yourself into a situation you can't fully commit to or you will get frustrated and treat more often. Some people can quit cold turkey and eat healthy some cant. I am one that cant, so I workout hard and look forward to Sundays

  • marie_2454
    marie_2454 Posts: 881 Member
    Currently I run 20-30 minutes 5-6 times a week and lift weights for 75ish minutes 3 times a week. Before I was doing the elliptical for 45-60 minutes 4-6 times a week (and still lifting and eating the same), but I'm seeing better results in 1.5 weeks of this than I was in a month with the elliptical. I'm eating 1,550 calories a day and don't eat my exercise calories back.
  • SarahSteele89
    Oh and im from new zealand lol so its actually almost summer here =)
  • ChristyRunStarr
    ChristyRunStarr Posts: 1,600 Member
    What is the couch to 5k?

    It's an amazing app (you can print them out too if you don't have a smart phone) that gets you from the couch to running a 5K in 9 weeks. I loved it and it helped me to pace myself better and breath easier. Check them out at or
  • katescurios
    katescurios Posts: 224 Member
    I have lost 25lb in 65 days by following the calorie recommendation on MFP (the auto calculated one) and going to the gym for at least 30 mins 4 times a week. I am sticking to simple exercises like the exercise bike, treadmill and weight machines until I get more fit. I started at 271lb and am currently 246lb so I have a long way to go till I can consider myself "fit" but I'm trying to get there :D
  • sh4690
    sh4690 Posts: 169 Member
    I go on the elliptical currently for 65 mins 6 days a week.
    On my rest day Sunday I only do 30 mins (yes, yes I know, not really a rest day!!)

    I am doing the 200 sit up challenge 3x per week.

    I am going to start Gillian Michaels 30 day shred in the morning as well :)

    I eat roughly around 1,200 calories (sometimes more, sometimes less depending on how hungry I feel)

    I have massively cut wheat products from my diet and only have them on occasion.

    I eat tons of fruit and veg (mainly veg) and foods high in protein (tuna and chicken are my go to for these).

    I drink soy or hazelnut milk, and only eat chocolate when it is my TOTM.

    I started off at 185, just mainly dieting, got down to 165-170 and started incorporating cardio exercise.
  • SarahSteele89
    Yay soo many great ideas =) Now just to find what I enjoy the most, The couch to 5k looks pretty appealing as i like a good challenge!

    You all are very inspirational
  • SarahSteele89
    Also i dont have many mfp friends yet.. so feel free to send me a request =)
  • KimMaplesBaker
    if i could go back when i started, i would tell myself to start doing strength training as soon as possible. all i was doing was cardio, in the work of cycling.

    give this beginner body weight circuit a shot.

    Just checked out that it!....thanks for the info :)
  • lisamarie2181
    lisamarie2181 Posts: 560 Member
    Thanks guys, Going to the gym isnt an option for me so all i have been doing lately is walking (with my son in pram) or using the zumba dvd set..

    What is the couch to 5k?

    If you have the Zumba DVDS, do the program they have in the book. I believe they included the strength dvd certain days and kinda gives you a schedule.

    When you can or have the money to, invest in a few dumbbells for lifting at home. I don't have a gym membership either but I do have my dumbbells, a stability ball and zumba! lol I alternate strength one day, cardio the next, with 1 or 2 days rest, and if you want to do more cardio you totally can, but after reading a lot on the boards, it seems getting in the strength training is the best thing. I make my a bit more secondary, but I still do it!

    Good Luck!! :)
  • hokiemule
    I wouldn't recommend running. I think you'll end up injuring yourself - particularly your knees - and then being disappointed and depressed because you won't be able to exercise at all. Save the running for those last, stubborn 15 pounds, when your knees won't be absorbing so much concussion. If you do run, go to a running store and spend time with experts to get the shoes that are the perfect fit for you. Don't buy them off the shelf at Kohls or Wally World or Target or ****'s or wherever. Go to the pros, it really doesn't cost that much more and you'll get the expert help that will make a world of difference. Those places deal with all kinds of people, so don't be embarrassed that you're not a marathon runner.

    My advice, take it or leave it. So far, it's working for me.
    Get a pedometer - a good one, not one of those crappy ones from the Dollar Store - and set a goal of 10,000 steps per day. Meet that goal. Walk a dog, take a few walks a day by yourself or with friends, whatever. I use an Omron pedometer (they're about $40 - I think I got it from, and it's great. It logs total steps, aerobic steps (I think that's based on continuous walking), calories, and miles. Once you're consistently hitting the 10K step mark, set a goal for the number of aerobic steps and increase that goal incrementally as you advance. This will be better for you than walking. Try a brisk pace for at least 30 minutes of that time, because a newly released study suggests that the pace/intensity is better for your heart.

    Incorporate strength training 2-3 times per week. You don't have to start with weights. If you can afford it, get personal training sessions every two weeks (more often if you can - I'd do it every week if I could, but can't afford it).

    Keep up with the calorie count and portion control. Don't keep food in the house that's not healthy - make it really hard to get that stuff that's bad for you. But have a wee little bit of that every now and then (rarely, though) so you don't become obsessed with it and deviate from the diet.

    Consider using an indoor rowing machine for a combination of cardio and strength training. It's a great all-body workout when done right, and with NO impact. I have a bad knee, and it doesn't hurt me at all to row thousands of meters. But the elliptical and treadmill can cause me pain after a few minutes. Go to the Concept 2 site ( for instructional videos on the proper technique - it's critical. Done improperly, you can hurt yourself. Done correctly - and it's not that hard to learn proper technique - it's a GREAT form of exercise. They also have a list of people who are certified instructors, in case you want to take a lesson or two to make sure you know how to use it. Plus, these are often the most underappreciated pieces of equipment in the gym, so there's rarely a wait to use one. :)

    And most importantly, don't fixate on the numbers and become obsessed. Expect some ups and downs, and do your best to keep your eye on the long-term prize and not be dragged down by a few setbacks. Focus on how you FEEL, and do what feels good.