How much excercise....?



  • SarahSteele89
    if i could go back when i started, i would tell myself to start doing strength training as soon as possible. all i was doing was cardio, in the work of cycling.

    give this beginner body weight circuit a shot.

    Just checked out that it!....thanks for the info :)

    Ditto looks worth a good shot =)
  • SarahSteele89
    Thanks guys, Going to the gym isnt an option for me so all i have been doing lately is walking (with my son in pram) or using the zumba dvd set..

    What is the couch to 5k?

    If you have the Zumba DVDS, do the program they have in the book. I believe they included the strength dvd certain days and kinda gives you a schedule.

    When you can or have the money to, invest in a few dumbbells for lifting at home. I don't have a gym membership either but I do have my dumbbells, a stability ball and zumba! lol I alternate strength one day, cardio the next, with 1 or 2 days rest, and if you want to do more cardio you totally can, but after reading a lot on the boards, it seems getting in the strength training is the best thing. I make my a bit more secondary, but I still do it!

    Good Luck!! :)

    Awesome thanks, I havent even really looked in the book lol... just chucked the dvds in and did what they told me to haha
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I started this weight loss journey in march this year at 220lbs, im currently sitting at 195lbs with alot of yoyo-ing in between, I joined mfp a couple of weeks ago and it gives me so much more motivation that i thought any website could!!
    So im all set to make myself suceed and am very very motivated to reach my goal of 130-140lbs.

    I just wanna know how much excercise (and what sorts of excercise) i should be doing to help get all this weight off faster than the rate i have been going...

    What did you all do to work out? and how often? for how long? lol

    Also did you all eat back the calories you burnt off?

    Thanks guys, any feedback would be awesome =)

    I started with Couch to 5k, 3-4 days per week. I am currently doing the Thirty Day Shred workout, three days per week. I have never done a workout longer than 30 minutes, unless it's just walking.

    I do 20% cut from TDEE, so I usually only eat back my calories if I am super hungry, or sometimes just because I want a yummy dessert.
  • strawberrytoast
    strawberrytoast Posts: 711 Member
    Im gonna download the couch to 5k app too :)

    Currently im trying to do 4-5 days a week 1/2- 1 1/2 hours. Usually about 30 mins on the treadmill (you could briskly walk outside) 30 minutes on a ps2 dancemat (doesnt sound like much but wow its gets you sweating) and maybe 20 mins Zumba on the wii.
    I dont go to the gym either i bought a cheap treadmill for home use. As long as you do something to get you sweating for at least 20 minutes about 4-5 times a week thats a good start.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Ideally, once I switch gyms in the next month, I will be doing

    3 days of heavy lifting

    one easy cardio day (like a 7-9 mile leisurely run)

    one harsh conditioning day (just moved in with a fitness trainer/instructor & kickbox instructor - so even if I cant make myself do it alone- I do have the option to show up for that class and die that way) and

    one active rest day which is when I usually do Pilates to nineties slow rock

  • SarahSteele89
    Ideally, once I switch gyms in the next month, I will be doing

    3 days of heavy lifting

    one easy cardio day (like a 7-9 mile leisurely run)

    one harsh conditioning day (just moved in with a fitness trainer/instructor & kickbox instructor - so even if I cant make myself do it alone- I do have the option to show up for that class and die that way) and

    one active rest day which is when I usually do Pilates to nineties slow rock


    Well thats handy ;) wish i could move in with someone that would kick my butt everyday haha
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    if i could go back when i started, i would tell myself to start doing strength training as soon as possible. all i was doing was cardio, in the work of cycling.

    give this beginner body weight circuit a shot.

    This. As you lose, you want to lose primarily fat and keep lean muscle mass. The best way to do that is strength training and getting sufficient protein. Many are recommeding cardio to you, and it has it's place in a balanced program but to focus primarily on cardio istead of strength training is to risk losing less fat and more lean muscle mass that is nessesary. A program where you are doing strength training 3 times per week and cardio 2 to 3 times per week can show optimum fat loss results. This link shows the results of a study that shows this.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    i love when i can recruit people to the nerd fitness rebellion.

    sign up for the weekly emails!! they're totally worth it.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    I go to the gym four times a week and when I go, I alternate machines. One day I'll do elliptical for thirty minutes and hit the treadmill for 30 minutes on the "hill" option. The next gym day I'll do a full hour on the exercise bike. Every time I go I do get the abs however.....To tighten up those flabby abs. Just make sure to bring water and have fun doing it.....

    So, you do aerobic conditioning. More aerobic conditioning. Then more aerobic conditioning. And some core work. I'm sure you are very conditioned. You probably don't have very good muscle development.BTW, ab work doesn't tighten up flabby abs. It just works your ab muscles. If you have a high body fat %, you haven't "tightened up" anything. Lot's of not very good advice in this post.
  • CATindeeHAT
    CATindeeHAT Posts: 332 Member

    Sorry for the all caps, just wanted to make sure you 'heard' me lol.

    Cardio is great and is absolutely essential, however, if you rely on it alone your body will simply 'shrink.' In other words, you will look the same as you do now, only smaller.

    Weight-lifting is the only exercise that will reshape your body and make you look good naked and not just with clothes on.

    Hope this helps ;)
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member

    Sorry for the all caps, just wanted to make sure you 'heard' me lol.

    Cardio is great and is absolutely essential, however, if you rely on it alone your body will simply 'shrink.' In other words, you will look the same as you do now, only smaller.

    Weight-lifting is the only exercise that will reshape your body and make you look good naked and not just with clothes on.

    Hope this helps ;)

    (clap, clap, clap, clap) The sound of applause!! Awessome post!
  • SarahSteele89
    if i could go back when i started, i would tell myself to start doing strength training as soon as possible. all i was doing was cardio, in the work of cycling.

    give this beginner body weight circuit a shot.

    This. As you lose, you want to lose primarily fat and keep lean muscle mass. The best way to do that is strength training and getting sufficient protein. Many are recommeding cardio to you, and it has it's place in a balanced program but to focus primarily on cardio istead of strength training is to risk losing less fat and more lean muscle mass that is nessesary. A program where you are doing strength training 3 times per week and cardio 2 to 3 times per week can show optimum fat loss results. This link shows the results of a study that shows this.

    Thanks, at the risk of sounding totally and utterly stupid.. what classes as strength training? What are some of my options?
  • SarahSteele89

    Sorry for the all caps, just wanted to make sure you 'heard' me lol.

    Cardio is great and is absolutely essential, however, if you rely on it alone your body will simply 'shrink.' In other words, you will look the same as you do now, only smaller.

    Weight-lifting is the only exercise that will reshape your body and make you look good naked and not just with clothes on.

    Hope this helps ;)

    Sure does help =) lol thanks
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    I did all kinds of workouts. Zumba, Pilates, Tiffany Rothe workouts (youtube) and pop-Pilates (youtube), Jogging on the spot at home, Resistance bands, dancing like crazy at home & now I'm all into running. 7 days a week & no days off worked for me. I'm now 1kg off my goal weight after only 7 months. I don't do 'cheat' days or have a 'rest' day & I will aim for a minimum of 40min workout or at least 400cals if I can before my 10km is up. Running does both. I will hardly eat exercise cals back but that's only cause running kills my appetite heaps. Resistance bands (you can get kinetic bands for your legs as well) are great & I'm still sore 3 days later from doing the workouts I found on youtube.

    Everyone is different.
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    I can second weight training even if it's just bodyweight stuff (push-ups, pull-ups, etc). That's been my big addition in the last 6 months. I feel much better for it. I do it as and when I feel like it really.

    Any other exercise I get is also unstructured and incidental ... Take today, I had a meeting in the city so I decided to park a few kms away and walk there and back. I had time and the weather was good so I did it naturally. Cheaper too.

    Same for the school run, park further away ... We both get some exercise and avoid the traffic chaos at the gates ...

    I try to make exercise a functional thing rather than something on a calendar, I work better that way.

    As long as my nutrition is good I don't sweat the exercise (or lack of it) too much.
  • lynz4589
    lynz4589 Posts: 389 Member
    I have just increased my exercise routine this week. Normally I would do a personal training session once a week followed by 2 or 3 extra 50 min sessions in the gym (involving crosstrainer / bike / ab crunches / leg raises / weights) Ive now added to that 20 mins treadmill on the weekdays I dont do a session, this has added an extra 40 mins to the weekly total. Im also going to find the time on Sundays to do a light walk around the estate where I live just so I can be active for at least 20 mins everyday of the week :)
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    if i could go back when i started, i would tell myself to start doing strength training as soon as possible. all i was doing was cardio, in the work of cycling.

    give this beginner body weight circuit a shot.

    This. As you lose, you want to lose primarily fat and keep lean muscle mass. The best way to do that is strength training and getting sufficient protein. Many are recommeding cardio to you, and it has it's place in a balanced program but to focus primarily on cardio istead of strength training is to risk losing less fat and more lean muscle mass that is nessesary. A program where you are doing strength training 3 times per week and cardio 2 to 3 times per week can show optimum fat loss results. This link shows the results of a study that shows this.

    Thanks, at the risk of sounding totally and utterly stupid.. what classes as strength training? What are some of my options?

    If you've never lifted weights before, start with body weight exercises to strengthen your core. Push-ups, reverse crunches, planks, squats, pull-ups. Google "you are your own gym" for ideas or pick up a copy of "The New Rules of Lifting for Women." Strengthening your muscles is how you reshape your body from pudgy to sleek and sexy. Like another poster said, if all you do is diet and cardio, then you will not change your shape, just become a smaller version of your current shape.
  • bufger
    bufger Posts: 763 Member
    I like spinning. More the watching than the doing. In my gym the rowing machines are in a great position to watch some bottom wobble so if you see stationary rowing in my diary chances are there was a spinning class at the same time :)

    You have to get your inspiration from somewhere...
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    I like spinning. More the watching than the doing. In my gym the rowing machines are in a great position to watch some bottom wobble so if you see stationary rowing in my diary chances are there was a spinning class at the same time :)

    You have to get your inspiration from somewhere...

    you are why some women avoid the gym.
  • jenniferrow
    Welcome. :) My best advise is simple. Find some different exercises that you like, and do at least one of them every day but Sunday. All of my muscles get to rest on Sunday. Variety is key!