Women who heavy lift...



  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I am still new, but I have been doing body weights exercises. (calesthenics was the only exercise that I already knew how to do in the beginning that wasn't a "team sport') I am currently reading NROLFW and doing the 30Day Shred for exercise. I am broke right now, so I'm using body weight and household objects so far. But I would like to have more women who lift as friends. Add me if you want!
  • kimothy38
    kimothy38 Posts: 840 Member
    Exercise - Muscles are broken down into groups: Back, Chest, Bi's, Tri's, Shoulders, shoulders, legs, and core. You can search bodybuilding.com for muscle groups for each of these. To start - focus on COMPOUND lifts. This will give you the most bang for your buck. In otherwords, it will use more muscles to complete the movement. Many people (including myself) will recommend focusing on the major lifts - Deadlifts, Bench Press, Shoulder Press, Squats, and Pull-Ups. These will hit all muscle groups and because they use so many muscles, you can typically do it more than once a week. As for weights - I would start with 10-12 reps, 3 sets. As you become better at the exercises, you can lower your reps and increase your weight. Make sure you have your form right, but select a weight that you FAIL (i.e. cannot lift the weight again) on your 10, 11, or 12 rep.
    Compound lifts with 10-12 reps in sets of 3 - this is exactly what I do and love it. I added in abs and a few other bodyweight exercises such as burpees, press up, jumping squats and dynamic lunges.
  • MissMollieD
    Kimothy38 just reminded me of some other valuable tidbit - do not ignore the core!! If you have been lifting heavy, just starting to lift heavy, or just starting to lift at all, focus on a lot of core work. This will not only improve your lifts but it will also keep your back safe.

    For core here are some of the exercises I do:

    Ball Twists - sit with your feet 6inches of the ground - stationary as possible, and twist your shoulders left to right. Use a medicine ball or other weight if it's easy.

    One-legged Bicycle Crunch - Sounds easy, but it's fricken hard. Keep your one leg out as stationary as possible and move your active leg in and out while moving your opposite elbow in to meet the knee that's moving.

    Pull-Up Knee raises - Lift yourself up on a pull-up bar and raise your knees.

    Planks - hands or forearms, butt-down and inline with your shoulders and toes. Mix it up with moving to one side or the other. Rocking forward and back is great too.

    And of course all the sit-ups, leg lifts, etc as you can stand - your back and your lifts will be so much better for it! Not to mention sweet muscle definition in the tummy.

    Often I will do core when I am "resting" so I will do a set of squats, then go do butt-lifts on the sit-up bench (another great one - lay so your head and hands are where the leg part is and your butt is at lowest part of the bench, hold on, swing your legs up, and lift your butt). and back to squats.
  • Owsla135
    Owsla135 Posts: 350 Member
    I've just gotten back into heavy lifting. Please feel free to add me!
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    I'd really recomend this program for beginners. Start low, add weight every time as instructed. Pay very close attention to the form videos, have some one help you with form, or video you and post here for suggestions.


    As far as eating, I try to eat about 125grams of protein (I weight about 160). I try to take my vitamins and eat fruits, veggies, and lean meat as often as I can but I also eat treats, processed and even fast food. I try to eat at a small calorie deficit most of the time. Eating doesn't have to be complicated anymore than the lifting routine should be complicated.

    This is also a pretty useful website:


  • belladonna786
    belladonna786 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Thanks Ladies! I have started I LOVE it! I am in my second week and doing upper body/lower body split. I have currently moved to 30lb barbell, I know I need to go heavier but for now it's good. I am using 15 and 20lb dumbbells. Struggling with lat raises with the 15's but I am sure I will get stronger. Wondering if 15 reps is too many with my barbell? Does it qualify as heavy lifting if I can do that many?
  • Channing
    Channing Posts: 617 Member
    Bumping this so I can find it again! Some great info here! Yay for heavy lifting!
  • tattedchic
    tattedchic Posts: 66 Member
    Just started lifting, and it's awesome! Feel free to add me :)
  • ImperfektAngel
    ImperfektAngel Posts: 811 Member
  • gemini3222
    gemini3222 Posts: 8 Member
    So happy I found this thread. I'm in the process of losing weight, I have about 60 more pounds to lose. I'm looking for motivation as well. With me having so much weight to lose as well as fat, would lifting now be good for me? I'm so confused about all of this - it can kind of make your head spin. right now I'm doing Turbo fire, in week 2, but I would like to end this whole journey toned and sexy. Any additional adivce for someone with a lot of weight to lose?
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Thanks Ladies! I have started I LOVE it! I am in my second week and doing upper body/lower body split. I have currently moved to 30lb barbell, I know I need to go heavier but for now it's good. I am using 15 and 20lb dumbbells. Struggling with lat raises with the 15's but I am sure I will get stronger. Wondering if 15 reps is too many with my barbell? Does it qualify as heavy lifting if I can do that many?

    Whatever is heavy for *YOU* is heavy.
  • Kyfrog
    Kyfrog Posts: 19 Member
  • MissMollieD
    So happy I found this thread. I'm in the process of losing weight, I have about 60 more pounds to lose. I'm looking for motivation as well. With me having so much weight to lose as well as fat, would lifting now be good for me? I'm so confused about all of this - it can kind of make your head spin. right now I'm doing Turbo fire, in week 2, but I would like to end this whole journey toned and sexy. Any additional adivce for someone with a lot of weight to lose?

    Yes, you can start lifting now and it will not slow down your process. In fact, the more muscle you build the more calories it takes to run your body. The TDEE (your resting energy - calorie - requirement for the day) is based on lean body mass. Lean body mass is basically the sum weight of your bones, muscle, organs, etc - or pretty much everything that is not fat. So the more you build that muscle, the more energy you burn through out the day and the faster you lose the weight.
  • MissMollieD
    Thanks Ladies! I have started I LOVE it! I am in my second week and doing upper body/lower body split. I have currently moved to 30lb barbell, I know I need to go heavier but for now it's good. I am using 15 and 20lb dumbbells. Struggling with lat raises with the 15's but I am sure I will get stronger. Wondering if 15 reps is too many with my barbell? Does it qualify as heavy lifting if I can do that many?

    As you are getting started, your focus should be on form. As many people have posted on this thread places to find videos on form, make sure you do your homework before you go to the gym. So, NO, 15 reps does not mean the weight is too light for you as you get started and get a feel correct way to do the exercise.

    And if you go to a gym - don't be afraid to ask about your form. Ask those that look like they are doing just like the videos you've seen to look at your form as you do the exercise. Incorrect form can not only cause you to get hurt, but it will also be pretty ineffective and you won't get the results you are looking for.
  • belladonna786
    belladonna786 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Thanks Ladies! I have started I LOVE it! I am in my second week and doing upper body/lower body split. I have currently moved to 30lb barbell, I know I need to go heavier but for now it's good. I am using 15 and 20lb dumbbells. Struggling with lat raises with the 15's but I am sure I will get stronger. Wondering if 15 reps is too many with my barbell? Does it qualify as heavy lifting if I can do that many?

    As you are getting started, your focus should be on form. As many people have posted on this thread places to find videos on form, make sure you do your homework before you go to the gym. So, NO, 15 reps does not mean the weight is too light for you as you get started and get a feel correct way to do the exercise.

    And if you go to a gym - don't be afraid to ask about your form. Ask those that look like they are doing just like the videos you've seen to look at your form as you do the exercise. Incorrect form can not only cause you to get hurt, but it will also be pretty ineffective and you won't get the results you are looking for.

    Thank you :) I have done a lot of research on proper form and my husband checks me all the way through :)
  • MissMollieD

    Thank you :) I have done a lot of research on proper form and my husband checks me all the way through :)

    Husbands make great lifting partners. :smile:

    Don't tell mine I said that, it will go right to his head.
  • jenluvsushi
    jenluvsushi Posts: 933 Member
    Heavy lifting stronglifts girl right here....I am addicted! Feel free to add me :drinker:
  • harley0269
    harley0269 Posts: 384 Member
    bump! a must read for later!
  • bizco
    bizco Posts: 1,949 Member
    Here's the link to the group of women following The New Rules of Lifting for Women. Great support and lots of friends!


    Here's other groups focused on heavy lifting:


  • bahacca
    bahacca Posts: 878 Member
    Feel free to add me. I'm on week 2 of the program on SimplyShredded.com. I slightly modified it for me, but.... I finished a 1/2 marathon in September and couldn't WAIT to get back to lifting.