extra protein



  • SomeoneSomeplace
    SomeoneSomeplace Posts: 1,094 Member
    I think if you're going to go over on anything it should be protein. It helps build and repair muscle and it's (in my opinion) a lot healthier then fat or carbs and it keeps you feeling fuller. I consider it an accomplishment when I go over on protein. MFP's macros are kind of weird anyway so their protein goals are a bit low..I normally eating between 80 and 100 of protein a day especially when I work out. And the days I eat more protein I almost always eat less cals
  • jillica
    jillica Posts: 554 Member
    I eat tons of protein and lost tons of weight


    LOVE IT! But I think I know what you really mean! :laugh:
  • zanAspera
    zanAspera Posts: 29 Member
    What is making people fat is too many calories, not enough activity... each of the three macronutrients (Fats, Carbs and Protein are ESSENTIAL to yout diet. Zeroing out any one is dangerous. Your body needs some of each, but not too much... Our bodies are made from proteins, those are very important, the right fats help your body regulate hormonal balance and many other important functions. Carbohydrates are your bodies main fuel, in particular one Carbohydrate, Glucose, is the gasoline that every cell in your body burns in it's little engines called "mitochondria". But if all you ate was glucose, you'd burn out your engine and never give your body the spare parts and maintainence (fats and proteins) to keep the body machine running smoothly.

    Depending on your body size (both lean and total) and your activity levels 100g-120g of carbohydrates are enough raw energy for most people to get through the day, so keeping carbs below the level you need (whatever that number is for you), is a good goal to to observe.

    Our bodies burn Carbs first, those are the easiest to convert to glucose, from simple to complex. the simplier the carbs, the faster they are converted to glucose... This spikes the blood/glucose levels, the problem is glucose in the blood damages the body, so the body wants to get the sugar quickly into the cells where it can be burned and used.. This causing your body to produce more insulin, which is the signal to cells that they need to take the glucose out of the blood.... But the cells can only store so much before it starts stacking up, so they increase they insulin resistance, shouting "no more! I'm full! I couldn't have another bite! really!
    This starts a bad cycle where your body produces more and more insulin and your cells become more and more resistant to it... Until it reaches a certain point were we call it Type two Diabetes.

    So simple carbohydrates are absorbed first, then more complex carbs are broken down, then fats and only if your body has burned up all the carbs and all the fats, does it start to break down protein for energy. For the most part protein is broken down for raw materials to rebuild the body, but it can in some cases be used for energy. This is pretty much the same chemical reaction as autotrophy, when you are genuinely starving, your body starts to cannibalize your muscle for the energy it needs to keep going. Dietary fiber while technically considered a carb is very very complex and slow to digest, which tends to slow down the absorption of the other nutrients... This also helps you feel full for longer, as you are still processing your last high fiber meal several hours after eating it.

    I'm no expert, I'm just a geek... But from what I've read, generally it takes about 4 hours to digest a raw whole apple, less than 1/2 hour to digest apple sauce, and a few minutes to digest apple juice, even though they all are except for fiber content, pretty much the exact same chemicals.
  • GreyEyes21
    GreyEyes21 Posts: 241 Member
    Eat or drink as much protein as you want. its helping me lose weight! :D and I'm over by 40g :D the protein MFP puts isnt what you are supposed to consume. it is the minimum.