Anyone else with RA and/or fibromyalgia?



  • MissMC75
    MissMC75 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! I've been reading you guys and you are amazing!!

    I have not been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, but after reading on it I think it might be what I have. I have been diagnosed with chronic migraines and degenerated discs (L4-L5) but my pain wont stop is always there..... I used to take Elavil for my migraines but stopped gradually after 4 years of taking that med cause I was curious to see if I still had my surprise all of these pain, that were once just mild and would happen once in a blue moon and like always there....if it's not my left jaw, it's my right leg, my hips, my arms, etc....I'm also very very tired and feel like sleeping all the time, I had mononucleosis as a kid so I thought it might be the reason why I'm always so tired, depressed and grumpy as hell!!

    I want to know how you guys have been coping with the disease and what kind of exercise are you doing? I can't take Advil or Aleve because I have a Lap band, I use to do 20-30 minutes of Zumba and 20-30 minutes of Pilates per day, it's been 3 months I haven't been able to do anything, when I try, I'm in pain for 3 days......I've lost 80 pds in 1 year 1/2 and I really don't want to gain it back, I know I gotta kick myself in the *kitten* and start working out again but I do not know what to do or take to help me with the pain!

    I read somewhere that nutrition could help, stop the use of lactose and gluten, have you tried it? What has it changed for you? Also heard coffee wasn't good, any vitamins or homemade energy remedy you can recommend?

    Thanks in advance!! :)