Running in the dark



  • CarsonRuns
    CarsonRuns Posts: 3,039 Member
    I love the stars, the smells of the night air, the briskness. Not a fan of the fear of ending up in someone's trunk... but I do have my cell phone in case that happens.

    Hopefully your cell phone has a knife that folds out. Okay that would be awesome

    The new Swiss Army Phone, from Motorola. Coming in December.
  • 1holegrouper
    1holegrouper Posts: 323 Member
    So I joined the headlamp bandwagon. My 4 miler last night sure needed it as it was a new path and there were several dark spots where I would have been running blind. Sometimes its not just being seen but being able to see yourself. I know its dorky but who cares? At least I arrived home without biting the pavement.
  • brentb71
    brentb71 Posts: 41 Member
    I run on uninhabited dirt field roads. I just ordered a headlamp as the daylight hours are getting shorter and time change is in my future. I'm not really concerned about being visible to other humans as these roads are only used at harvest time but I am worried about what types of creatures await me. Hopefully only vegetarian ones.