40 year old and up runners



  • Masq
    Masq Posts: 191 Member
    Yeah, I started 'running' right before I turned 40 last year. I was always the kid in gym class that did anything to skip going to the track to run in high school. :ohwell:

    Last year I did three sprint triathlons that were a 5K run and this year I have just been running on my own. I did my first 10K around our neighborhood at the end of July and I've taken 14 minutes off that first time. :happy:

    I just signed up today with a running club that is coached. I hope to learn some things to help improve my form and time. I would like to run for longer intervals and still be able to breath.

    Happy training!
  • reggie2run
    reggie2run Posts: 477 Member
    I'm a late bloomer to running too...started when I was 37 (6 years ago). Since then I've run 5 /8 /10/ 16km races, 10 mille races and a half marathon.

    Welcome to MFP.
    Feel free to add me if you'd like. :smile:
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    I hated running all my life. Switched from basketball to volleyball in high school for less running and staying on my own side of the court. :tongue:

    At the age of 43 in January this year, something clicked in my brain and said, give it a shot. I challenged myself to try the c25k program. My husband was shocked, so was I, honestly! LOL But I wanted the challenge, and knew if I did manage it, it was something I could do almost anywhere.

    Finished the program in the nine weeks and I'm still running. No great distances, haven't made it to 10k yet, but I enjoy getting out there for a good 3 mile run. I've run three 5k races so far, and have a few more on the horizon - racing is a blast!
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    That sounds like a good plan to me, and we're the same age. I'll be 61 in January, too. I don't plan to run a half until March, however. It will be my first half marathon! I'm excited and wasn't sure how to train. I try not to run my 6 miles two days in a row, but I wondered how often I should make the longer run. I like to run 3 days a week and bike 3 days a week, and take Sundays off, unless I have to make up a day for weather, etc.

    It's great that your kids will be running with you! I'd be thrilled if one of my four kids was running with me.
    I still don't run two days in a row unless they are very short runs. There are lots of training plans out there. The one I follow has increasingly longer runs every other weekend. I only run Saturday or Sunday depending on my schedule. The weekends in between I run 6 miles. It goes something like:

    Weekend 1 - 6 miles
    Weekend 2 - 7 miles
    Weekend 3 - 6 miles
    Weekend 4 - 8 miles
    Weekend 5 - 6 miles
    Weekend 6 - 9 miles
    Weekend 7 - 6 miles
    Weekend 8 - 10 miles
    Weekend 9 - 6 miles
    Weekend 10 - 11 miles
    Weekend 11 - 6 miles
    Weekend 12 - RACE!

    Two or three weekdays each week I'll run one or two more 6 milers at slow pace and/or one or two shorter, faster runs, usually around 5K at race pace.
  • jparks341
    jparks341 Posts: 216 Member
    I'm 54, ran a couple 5k's and continue to run them also did a duathlon (2mile run, 10 mile bike, 2 mile run) 2 weeks ago. Also training to run a 10k and a longer duathlon. I also signed for a tough mudder 2013 to put my body to the test. Feel free to add me as MFP buddy.