Salt Flush



  • icimani
    icimani Posts: 1,454 Member
    Hi all,
    I did my first salt flush this morning, has anyone else ever done a salt flush before? Any stories successful or unsuccessful would be greatly appreciated.

    Seems like you should've asked for people's opinions BEFORE you tried it.
  • ahoier
    ahoier Posts: 312 Member
    Never heard of this lol ht my bag of epsom saot says it caj he used as a guessing thats where this idea stems fron....?
  • healthyinpink
    healthyinpink Posts: 87 Member
    Omg, the horror! I have terrible memories of attempting a salt water flush! Eek!
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    its like high power laxatives... except its salt.

    a day of the squirts, with not a lot of benefits.

    just get a colonic!

    Seriously????????? (Perhaps I missed the sarcasm font.....)
  • Danilynn1975
    Danilynn1975 Posts: 294 Member
    Just get a big bottle of Miralax, a huge bottle of Gatorade to put it in, a bunch of fluids to drink, and move into your bathroom for the day. I had the squeakiest, cleanest colon after my colonoscopy that I'd ever seen--and they gave me pictures too. :p

    funniest thing I have read in a while. thanks for that. And for not posting the pics
  • thisisiamj
    thisisiamj Posts: 145 Member
    Hmm, I'm pretty skeptical of most cleanses. There is good bacterial as well as bad bacterial in your intestines. By doing a cleanse, you're at risk of ruining the equilibrium of your intestinal system by flushing out the good bacterial as well as the bad. My suggestion would be just to focus on eating a clean diet -- no processed foods, eating whole foods -- lots of vegetables, and a well balanced diet. If you fuel your body right, in the long run, your body will do what it's created to do. I know people who have successful done cleanses before-- but usually with the assistance of a physician.
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    ...The flush doesn't absorb into the body, about half an hour to 2 hours after drinking the water it will ALL come out. It's a flush. It's all in the type and amount of salt that is used that makes it so effective.
    Completely ridiculous and untrue. Your body isn't a swimming pool filter - there's no switch you can turn to inform it that it's in "flush" mode and is not to absorb the massive amounts of sodium you've just taken in, no matter if it's super-magic pink salt or not. It's still an inorganic compound of sodium and chlorine. All your body knows is that you've just ingested a huge amount of sodium and it will do its best to process it accordingly - putting, as others have said, an inordinate strain on your kidneys. There's absolutely, positively NOTHING beneficial about ingesting a huge amount of salt, no matter what any quack "new age" health guru says. The only reason you'll be on the toilet all day is because you've just royally screwed your body up and it's doing its best to right itself by getting rid of the poison you've put into it. You could accomplish much the same thing by drinking insecticide or spoiled milk - neither of which would be beneficial either.