Weight Watchers drop out... are you ?



  • darlenepatrice
    Thank you for the feedback. I am getting more support then I did at WW :)

    Does anyone know how to change the breakdown of fat/carbs/protein. I am tracking a 1200 calorie diet for now and want to eat more of a high protein and low carb diet.

    Thanks !!
  • SallyBlake
    I loved weight watchers. I only did online and it was a very helpful sight. I lost 6 lbs in 7 months with weight watchers and felt like I did great, then I started slacking because I felt like I no longer needed to measure because after 7 months I knew what a cup looked like and how many PP was in it. My weight loss slowed down dramatically. Then one of my co-workers introduced me to MFP and said it was free. I started doing both for about 3 weeks and found MFP is alot like WW with the online tools only now I need to pay attention to calories instead of the formula of fat, carbs, protein, and fiber. So I cancelled with WW and am sticking to MFP well. I do have to give credit to WW for getting me started on my journey and teaching me so much about nutrition. They just cost too much! I never stepped into a WW meeting before.
  • ddtph_hayes
    ddtph_hayes Posts: 12 Member
    I too am a weight watchers drop out. Counting points seems so time consuming. If I went over I would feel bad.I didnt feel like it was teaching me to make a lifestyle change.
  • BedfordRunnerMom
    BedfordRunnerMom Posts: 7 Member
    I am a lifetime member with WW - I really like it - I went to a meeting this morning!!
    It helped me get to my pre-pregnancy weight twice (after gaining 40 and 50 pounds)!
    I am not one for tracking so I lost and maintained my weight eating what they call Power Foods (fresh fruits, veggies, chicken and fish - I stayed away from processed and packaged food) and exercising (I trained for a full marathon). I needed to go and have someone weigh me in - I didn't want to pay them so I needed to lose the weight! I also enjoy the group setting. I NEVER bought any of their foods - I agree with someone else's post - they are full of chemicals and sugar!!
  • Sassysraa
    I did weight watchers and I lost...then I gained what I lost back plus some...FAST! I'm new to MFP and I hope it's what I'm looking for. I love to eat and because I don't eat meat I love to eat carbs and cheese. It's almost 1:00pm and I've already ate all my cals for the day. :( I think this is going to be a long process.
  • Suzyqall72
    I've belonged to WW a few different times. Lost some weight each time, and then got tired of the gimmicks. Counting calories is much better, especially when you belong to a site like this one. Way back when I remember being a WW member, and them taking me to the BIG scale in the other room. Very motivating. ... NOT!
  • NicholAshmore
    NicholAshmore Posts: 18 Member
    I've been on and off WW for about 10 years....so I'm REALLY new to counting calories. But, I just felt like WW wasn't working for me anymore. I lost weight successfully following WW a couple of times, but in the last year or so I just haven't been able to fully get on track with WW. I think I got tired of the point counting... AND...I never made lifetime in all of those years! I can't imagine the amount of money I have invested in still being fat....that is a sad realization. :-(
    I really hope MFP works for me!
  • newatbritt
    newatbritt Posts: 23 Member
    I dropped out of WW circa 2006? I lost 38.6 pounds on WW over 6 months, I was also much more active then. I think the points system was totally different back then. I just started MFP but I find that I have an extreme amount of support on here. I am quite shy so group meetings were okay for me, but with MFP, I get to update my status and get direct encouragement. I love MFP!
  • JLjmckesson
    JLjmckesson Posts: 31 Member
    I am an online WW member. I started about 1.5 months ago and have a three month subscription. I had lost 9 pounds and then I gained 3 pounds back, doing the same thing. I heard about my fitness pal and I love it! I can track more than points and see what may be causing weight gain and where I can make changes. I have used my fitness pal for almost 2 weeks now. The first week, I lost back 2 of the 3 pounds I gained; crossing my fingers to see more of a change on Tuesday. If what I see on the scale today is any indication, I will happy on Tuesday. I will cancel my WW membership when the 3 months is over. Free is so much better and there is more information I can track on this site and lots of nice and helpful people.
  • mrg68
    mrg68 Posts: 48 Member
    I've been on WW for almost 2 yrs now. I lost 60 lbs in a year and have never felt better!! But I haven't lost much weight (or keep see-sawing) in about 9-10 months. I know I could follow the plan better, but something quit working for me. Then they recently updated the mobile apps and although I have not updated it on my iPhone, I did on my iPad & wasn't very thrilled with the changes. Reviews from other members on their message boards reamed WW & the update so that is why I haven't changed it on my phone. Also, Ive been thinking that I don't want to pay almost $20 a month (I just do online) for the rest of my life. So I tried MFP after hearing about it on the WW message boards & can't get over the ease of tracking! I never thought tracking WW was that hard. But I agree with others that I like seeing other nutrients & vitamins that I am taking in. I never watched it too carefully with WW but now I do. Although I've always felt that WW was the only thing that has ever worked for me, I now feel that I can do this with MFP because it is almost just like WW, but better. And you just can't beat the price. I can do this for the rest of my life without feeling like I am not getting my money's worth!!
  • chinamonkey
    chinamonkey Posts: 90 Member
    I did WW about 7 years ago and lost 28lbs...it was so much easier then! just simple points....but I left as I never attended the actual meeting, just the weigh in *kitten* it was just one big sales pitch...they also didnt like it when i told them their tinned ravioli smelt like vomit and that you could make their tortelloni dish with far fewer points and a bigger portion!

    However I do miss the weekly weigh in...its too easy to write off a bad week on here without having to look at someone in the eyes and tell them why!!!
  • gish676
    gish676 Posts: 16
    I am a ww drop out as well. I got more frustrated with the new plan. What I love about MFP is if you have a bad day there is tomorrow. I felt in we if I had a bad day my week was ruined and I would beat myself up. I also felt awful about myself if I did good eating wise would not lose and at a meeting everyone else is losing! I am sure others had the same feeling when I had a good week.

    MFP is Free! Ww 42.95 a month!
  • uyent
    uyent Posts: 88 Member
    Feel the same. The program works for sure. However, I quit after the started the new program. Counting 0 for fruit was too different.
  • treyalan
    treyalan Posts: 26 Member
    I hope I can stick it out, I just joined weight watchers yesterday. I was not getting any where lossing much weight here so thought maybe for ME I need the closer eye of others and meeting with a weigh in to get me moving back on the right track. ! So hope it is not a waste of money...but I am feeling more determined than I ever have!
  • Momma_Grizz
    Momma_Grizz Posts: 294 Member
    WW lifetime member and decided that using MFP is much better and easier than counting points.

    ^^This! Plus MFP is free and in my personal opinion, healthier.
  • CherryOnionKiss
    CherryOnionKiss Posts: 376 Member
    I was on WW watchers for 1 or 2 months. Never shed a single pound so I left.
  • Ke11yJo
    Ke11yJo Posts: 141
    Loved WW and was a huge fan. I lost about 60 lbs with them (reaching my goal weight in December of 1999. The pic at the end of my ticker is me at goal still when I was 42 in 2006.). I kept every pound off for 10 years without having to really think about it as the healthy habits were so ingrained in me. (BTW I am in Canada and the WW food is not readily available here. I did learn to do it with real food which is important.)

    I then quit smoking and hit peri-menopause at the same time and gained it back.

    This Lifetimer happily trotted back to WW and in a year lost only 6 pounds. I tried. I struggled. My personal opinions is I do not like the PointsPlus program. I think you need to be accountable for everything you eat including fruits and veggies. The original points program I lost my weight on did this.

    I realized I know what to do. I just have to do it. I found this site and I love it. My humble opinion is the MFP app is better. The tracking easier but gives more detail. The member entered information you have to spot check but actually very accurate. The support here is just amazing. Most importantly ... I think this site stresses a more accurate healthy lifestyle. As I just turned 48 the need to move, be active, lift and balance become very important and I found WW focused only on the food you consume. Important but not the entire picture.

    Oh and I have lost 6 lbs in 10 days (yes water etc but still) WW took a year to help me do that.
  • beaniesgirl
    Hey I am with you...I lost 40 lbs on ww and gained back 20 on the new PP plan. Started MFP last Monday and am enjoying it very much. No weight loss yet, however i am seeing a difference in how I look. Isn't that what we are all looking for? The price is really great too. WW seemed like a lot of work with the points or the money. This is so much easier.
  • peknee1
    I was on WW twice...the first time I was super determined and lost 45 pounds in 6 months...the most I'd ever lost at one time in my whole life. The second time I tried it was when after I'd started grad school and I just didn't have the time to track every little thing, and by then the new plan had begun and it had me so thrown off that I didn't feel it was worth the time or money. I'd actually gained weight on the new WW plan. I just joined MFP but it seems to make more sense, and it's easier to just have the numbers I need in front of me rather than trying to decode what 1 WW point equates to, or hoping that the points for what I'm about to eat isn't going to mean that I can't eat dinner.
  • pbyrne73
    pbyrne73 Posts: 2 Member
    I have been heavy all my life and was even put on a diet by my family doctor when I was 13, that was hard in Jr High to be on a regulated diet and being made fun of because of it. I have been on WW for about 12 years. Lost 44 lbs. the first time, still going haven't stopped. I have gained it all back plus some. Not a realy fan of the new PP program. Haven't seen any really great results with it. My friend at WW and decided we needed to try something else to shake things up, so we joined MFP. I really like the fact that it keeps track of all the calories I put in my mouth. By tracking here and in WW, I have been under my calories most days here, but over my points value almost every day on WW and having to use the weekly extra points each week. I feel like this site holds me more accountable to what I eat. Going to keep doing both for a few more weeks to see waht happens. But since using this site I have lost 3 lbs. and kept it off so far. I do like the interactions at the meetings, but am finding the same support here so will just have to wait and see. Really giving it serious thought of dropping my WW membership. Do not like the WW mobile app at all, but love the MFP app totally. With everyone's encouragement on here it seems just like a WW meeting. Thank you all for your support on this healthy journey to a healthy weight.