Weight Watchers drop out... are you ?



  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    I lost more weight after joining WW online. Was up and down the first 6 pounds for 4 months and then after joining WW lost 40 more pounds and still taking it off. I refuse to give up and quitting is not an option for me.
  • Rhia55
    Rhia55 Posts: 247
    I'm not a dropout, I never could afford WW. A co-worker of mine is doing it and it's working for her but Mommy paid for a personal trainer for her too. I much prefer MFP, it's free and it's working for me.
  • I was on weight watchers with the old point system and lost 25 lbs, then stopped using it. I hate how it's 17.50 a month, that's just too much. I used online, not the meetings, at least here if I see people annoyingly succeed I can block them.
  • MouseTmom
    MouseTmom Posts: 201 Member
    I did weight watchers and it did work - I lost around 45 pounds but it was sooooo expensive. And they were constantly trying to sell you snacks, the "right" scale to weigh your food, etc. I really like MFP - it is so easy to keep track of calories and I have yet to find a food that is not entered in MFP. MFP does all the work of tracking calories - you just have to enter what you eat. I love all my online friends and the support on MFP and most important - - - - - it works!!
  • I did WW a couple of years ago and lost 27 lbs, but gained and lost like a yo-yo over the past year and am ready to get back on track. I'd joined WW online again after first time and then went back to meetings, but also felt they were trying to sell to me and I just wasn't motivated. I found this site and app and really love it. I got sick of point tracking, as well, but really enjoy I can still track my food and portions. That's what really keeps me accountable. I've already lost a little here, but in order for me to make this a lifetime change, I must be consistent, keep myself motivated, and COMMIT!
  • There's a reason that calculating points has gotten more difficult. They want to have a proprietary system so that you feel like they have a secret you need to pay for. If they just counted calories you wouldn't need to pay for it. The truth is that using MFP gives you everything that WW does and all for free.
  • W W drop out as well I never lost very much and have a huge amount to lose ,joined MFP when it first came out a long time agoand it was quite a small community ,wish I had never stopped doing it when I see what some of the girls have lost in that time ,starting Monday morning ,getting rid of all the treats in the house so you can all feel free to check up on me lol
  • Erindipitous
    Erindipitous Posts: 1,234 Member
    Feel the same. The program works for sure. However, I quit after the started the new program. Counting 0 for fruit was too different.

    I think counting fruit as zero is absurd. A large banana can have 120 calories, etc. Calories are calories and they add up.

    I honestly feel counting calories is the easiest, most straight forward method.
  • Tonigirl519
    Tonigirl519 Posts: 39 Member
    not quite a drop out as of yet...I been on and off WW for so many years...and WW taught me the value of portion control and tracking..still feel sort of loyal. But although I'm ww online only...I use mfp for tracking now...because it tracks calories..I need to track calories in calories out....and its working for me.
  • jojorocksforeva
    jojorocksforeva Posts: 303 Member
    Ha Any program can work just stick too it..... Just do it. Like unless its not working for you but it will eventually.
  • yep

    did ww several times years ago. did well.

    the last 2 years have been doing jenny craig also using mfp for over a year. am 13 lbs below my goal. jc works but food very expensive. also i like that mfp keeps track of vitamin, sodium, carbs etc. am eating healthier knowing this info. am on maintenace with jc and go every 2 weeks to w/i to keep myself accountable.

    after all my years of up and down it seems at 68 have finally got a handle on it. finally realize healthy eating is not a diet but a way of living. do healthy about 90% of the time and am more active and it's working. hooray!!!!
  • nicdorda
    nicdorda Posts: 4 Member
    I am a WW Dropout. I actually loved going to meetings. The location I attended was very supportive. I lost 15 pounds with WW.
    However, when I started lifting weights, my weigh ins weren’t consistent even though I was losing inches. They kept trying to push me to buy the WW food to “stay on track” but I really wasn’t a fan. I have a bodybugg so I was tracking calories and WW points. It was not clear how to accurately calculate activity points either. I understood the concept of a calorie deficit to lose weight but there did not seem to be the equivalent for Points Plus and Activity Points. The WW App was very similar to MFP, but I found that I was adding A LOT of food to the database. It just became too much trouble.
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    Did weight watchers and slimming world for years. Both are good in their own way, but SW doesn't teach you portion control or calorie content and WW doesn't really teach you healthy eating, and both are somewhat restrictive, so id always go back to my old tricks. MFP is much better.
  • I am a WW lifetime member. I lost 40#'s on WW in 2006, and then another 10 on my own. (right now I'm struggling to take off that last 10 again). In fact I even worked as a leader for a couple of years after that. WW got me started with learning how to make healthy choices, tracking, planning, and portion control. I do not like their foods (and didn't like selling them), but on the other hand I can see how the portion controlled snacks could help people in the very beginning.

    I would think for many people that know nothing about nutrition or how to structure a health day of eating, WW would be a good place to start. However, I recently tried to track again online (which I did successfully years ago) and I found the new PP to be extremely cumbersome (with 4 entries), none of them calories. Before, I felt like I was better able to bridge calories to points in my mind, even though I was tracking Points. Also their application has not kept pace with all the other applications that are out there (MFP, LoseIt, MyNetDiary). Those applications are free and much more user friendly.

    I think WW is still a great place to start for someone who is not sure HOW to change their eating habits, but their tools to do it are just not anywhere close to what is available right here for free.
  • Donna6017
    Donna6017 Posts: 176 Member
    I'm WW drop out. I've been a member about 8 different times. I just joined MFP this past Tuesday. I'm always looking for support. Feel free to friend me. Donna6017
  • I have been on and off for 16 years too! I think it's a great program with loads of support but finding time to squeeze in a meeting and then having to pay for it is just too much for me right now. Plus, counting calories just seems easier. I think the support system is amazing though. But the support is here too. That's for sure! I just have to commit myself to checking in several times per day.
  • olores
    olores Posts: 257 Member
    I joined WW several years back, lost of course...stopped and put on double! My mistake was never going to the meetings, only to get weighed and left! Well I rejoined in Feb./12 and am down 58lbs! Love the meetings!! but I double track, here and WW! It works for me. meetings are essential part of loss....support, ideas, & insight! Try online for a little bit, it does work! The best to you on your journey! :)
  • olores
    olores Posts: 257 Member
    me too! it's a journey! I'm here for support too! :)
  • olores
    olores Posts: 257 Member
    I tottally agree with you on the apps being better here on fitness pal. WW needs to do better!
  • lessofme150
    lessofme150 Posts: 105 Member
    I too have been a ww member off and on for many years. I have been successful and lost but then gained it all back and more. I tried to do it on my own in July, did well for a few weeks, lost and then gave up again. I think for me, I needed a "change" in my thinking. Points can certainly help with the amount of food you were eating but I feel with MFP I am picking healthier choices. On ww, I didn't find I was filling up where as with MFP, I find that I get full faster and can visually see I am not eating as much.