Amanda Todd. RIP.



  • jpbeck
    jpbeck Posts: 30
    It is a sad story and really just irks for any hope I have of people. With that said the Canadian governemnt needs to send a message, and a strong one at that. It is my personal hope that they do an investigation of everyone who had or distributed that photo of her showing her breasts and bring down charges of possession and distribution of child pornography. I especially hope that they nail the person who took the photo. They ruined her life with their spitefulness, time for the state to return the favor.
  • turkishmelly
    turkishmelly Posts: 129 Member
    I saw it on Facebook yesterday morning. Then I've watched her YouTube. It was heartbreaking. And there were some comments on Facebook saying that "hey I didn't get to see your boobs, where can I find it?" People are so cruel. It's not fair! Everyday someone is getting bullied. R.I.P Amanda Todd. You'll be missed.
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    I feel sympathy for her. I also feel sympathy for all the other people all over the world who die every day from factors they can't control such as poverty and water shortages. For some reason a lot of people are crying over this one girl they don't even know, thinking they know her based on her videos/articles on her, but then those same people don't give two sh*ts about the kids elsewhere starving to death and everything else. This seems like just another bandwagon for white knights to leap upon, just like Kony 2012 or the whole Adalia Rose scene. Inb4"omgsocold-hearted".

    Where is this sliding scale of pain value/importance you're operating on?
  • Dub_D
    Dub_D Posts: 1,760 Member
    Bullying was just as bad as when I was younger. Except we didn't have internet bullies. Why are so many kids killing themselves over it? I got bullied A LOT more than she did all growing up. Hell I get bullied on the internet now by a certain group of people. Maybe we were just tougher back then.

    Really? What do you know about anxiety attacks? You have no idea who this girl was. The whole "my life was worse than hers, so I'm tougher" bullsh!t is really pathetic. This isn't a contest.

    I think the video this girl posted before killing herself proves that she was tough, how dare you try to take that away from her?

    My anger isn't towards you specifically, but for a lot of negative comments I have been reading on the internet about this girls situation. Where is the compassion??
  • millerll
    millerll Posts: 873 Member
    I read this story, and it was just like so many other recent ones concerning kids and cyber bullying. I think a lot of adults failed to do enough to protect this girl. Parents, if your kid is being bullied on Facebook, guess what? Turn. off. the damn. computer. That's right - turn it off! They can't very well bully her if she's not on-line to see it. But you say kids these days can't survive without their computers? Fine. Let her use it only for schoolwork, and only in a part of the house where you can supervise it at all times - like the kitchen or TV room or whatever.

    Are they sending her bullying texts? Get her a phone with a limited plan and disable the text function. Yes, you can do this. If she needs to communicate with you, she can call. Texts are NOT necessary. Again, if she's not there to read the texts, they have no power.

    But, you say, doing this will severely curtail her social life. Well, it sounds like she didn't have much of a social life anyway. At least she's alive. And while you're doing all this, get the names of the little sh!ts who are harassing her, and go after them for cyber bullying. It's against the law in many places. And certainly if she's been physically abused, that's assault - go after them for that. Stop *****-footing around with these kids and show them the consequences of their actions.
  • magj0y
    magj0y Posts: 1,911 Member
    I read this story, and it was just like so many other recent ones concerning kids and cyber bullying. I think a lot of adults failed to do enough to protect this girl. Parents, if your kid is being bullied on Facebook, guess what? Turn. off. the damn. computer. That's right - turn it off!

    Or learn how to control it's content. who can see it, who can post on her wall, who can even send her messages, who can ever see any of her stuff!
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    Bullying was just as bad as when I was younger. Except we didn't have internet bullies. Why are so many kids killing themselves over it? I got bullied A LOT more than she did all growing up. Hell I get bullied on the internet now by a certain group of people. Maybe we were just tougher back then.

    Really? What do you know about anxiety attacks? You have no idea who this girl was. The whole "my life was worse than hers, so I'm tougher" bullsh!t is really pathetic. This isn't a contest.

    I think the video this girl posted before killing herself proves that she was tough, how dare you try to take that away from her?

    My anger isn't towards you specifically, but for a lot of negative comments I have been reading on the internet about this girls situation. Where is the compassion?

    ^Well said.
  • SofaKingRad
    SofaKingRad Posts: 1,592 Member
    It bothers me when people say something like this. ^ How does that help? "I got bullied, and I didn't do this." How? Congratulations on being a different person.
    A lot of people were bullied as kids from my generation and you didn't hear constant news of kids killing themselves over it.

    Kids in our days had an opportunity to escape the constant bullying. Back then the internet wasn't around for people to find you and harass you constantly. Back in our days, we got home and we were away from it. We had summer break from school and you could go months without seeing it. It's not like that anymore. People can use the internet for malicious attacks on others and the kids just can't escape it. She went to a few different schools trying to escape but she couldn't. That is why people are killing themselves over this today. They see absolutely no escape from it. It's very sad.
  • jetscreaminagain
    jetscreaminagain Posts: 1,130 Member
    It bothers me when people say something like this. ^ How does that help? "I got bullied, and I didn't do this." How? Congratulations on being a different person.
    A lot of people were bullied as kids from my generation and you didn't hear constant news of kids killing themselves over it.

    Kids in our days had an opportunity to escape the constant bullying. Back then the internet wasn't around for people to find you and harass you constantly. Back in our days, we got home and we were away from it. We had summer break from school and you could go months without seeing it. It's not like that anymore. People can use the internet for malicious attacks on others and the kids just can't escape it. She went to a few different schools trying to escape but she couldn't. That is why people are killing themselves over this today. They see absolutely no escape from it. It's very sad.

    Exactly right.

    A little compassion is appropriate right now.
  • SMJ1987
    SMJ1987 Posts: 368
    I bawled when I read her story. I also felt really upset thinking about being cruel sometimes as a kid (nothing like that) and how I'm sure I hurt others. It's a hard thing to admit to.
  • weighlossforbaby
    weighlossforbaby Posts: 847 Member
    I am saddened to read of her death. Nobody should've gone through what she did. I think parents should have safety on their computers and monitor what their child does online. RIP Amanda Todd.
  • Growtinymusclesgrow
    Growtinymusclesgrow Posts: 152 Member
    People cyber bully because they don't have the balls to bully people in real life. Bullying happens more (and tends to be more cruel) because they can hide behind their computers. If parents monitored their kids internet activities better, maybe it wouldn't be as big of a problem.

    Also, i was not a bully...i did stand up for those WHO were

    Just my two cents...
  • dayone987
    dayone987 Posts: 645 Member
    This story is heartbreaking.

    I hope they are able to track down the guy who posted pictures of her and charge him for child pornography.

    I pray that others may learn from her tragedy, teens, parents, and bullies who may not be aware of the pain they cause.
  • lwagnitz
    lwagnitz Posts: 1,321 Member
    You know, her situation is very very sad. As in any situation with a person who is so miserable they feel their only option out is suicide. I've been there, trust me. You feel like you literally have no one, even though there may be people there for you. I've lost 2 close friends to suicide, one who was only 14 years old.

    I don't know if I'm bitter because of the treatment my friend and his group of friends received prior and proceeding his death, but it kind of pisses me off that there are huge stories like this when my friend was barely a sneeze on the radar. We asked to have a moment of silence during our morning announcements, but were denied. Yet, people who had been lost in car accidents and from cancer in our school did receive that recognition. It bothers me a little bit when I hear these stories get publicized like this, versus the stories that should be on the news about how we should get laws passed as a preventative, and not stories about the consequences of what happens, because I think it's all very well and clear that it happens.

    People will care about this girl for a few weeks, and then she'll be yesterday's news. Sad, yet true. But what comes and goes as well, is people become aware of their actions and feel so sorry for her, yet are probably the same type of people who tormented her, (however slight), and will go back in a few weeks, if not a few days, to acting that way. When I lost my friend people in school made fun of him in his death calling him hang man and other horrific things. How can we see what happens and still bully those in death; which is the same with Amanda's case.

    A person who used to be on my cheer team commented about how things need to be handled BEFORE things happen, and it's about preventative things, and she was the first to offer condolences and also mourned the loss of our mutual friend. But the weird thing is, she is THAT person. She is the one that will talk trash about you 30 seconds after you leave the room. It doesn't matter about who, or why, but she'll find a reason. It makes me sick.
  • Colleen118
    Colleen118 Posts: 491 Member
    I grew up in the area of where she went to school. Sad story, I feel for the loved ones and may she RIP. I think the reason why this story blew up so much is because she had her video on youtube just 3 weeks prior. Unfortunately there are still people bullying her even though she's gone (on facebook pages, etc).

    If there are STILL people bullying her then somethng NEEDS to be done to those people! That is unheard of! I was bullied, my daughter was bullied. My parents did nothing, I chose to act. I called the school, got the other parents involved and that was the end of it. In that case her parents weren't aware of what she was doing, when it came to their attention, they got her help. She and my daughter became friendly until the girls' family ended up moving away.

    Unfortunately this video is hot right now to bring awareness to the dangers of bullying. MY neive, a lesbian who is also seen her share of bullying, is mortified. I feel as she does, awareness does no good when the parents of those causing the harm are uninformed or unwilling to step in and be accountable for their child's actions. Maybe if the parents were held accountable as if their child had been arrested things would turn out differently. HER parents helped her... but did the bullying parties parents know what their kids were doing? If it came to my attention my kid were bullying another child they wouldn't be going to school withuot me by their side. Embarrassing? Maybe but then if that would be what it took to prove the point of what bulying causes, then I supposed embarraddment vs allowing my child to harm another is worth it. That embarrassment would be all it took because my kid would be mortified to have me walk around school with them as a result of them being mean to someone else....
  • dayone987
    dayone987 Posts: 645 Member
    I grew up in the area of where she went to school. Sad story, I feel for the loved ones and may she RIP. I think the reason why this story blew up so much is because she had her video on youtube just 3 weeks prior. Unfortunately there are still people bullying her even though she's gone (on facebook pages, etc).

    If there are STILL people bullying her then somethng NEEDS to be done to those people!

    One man who posted a hateful remark got fired from his job as someone else found out where he worked and reported it to his company.
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