Do you call it Dinner or Supper--or something else entirely?



  • kimmiedunne
    kimmiedunne Posts: 82 Member
    When I worked in a nursing home it was breakfast, dinner, and supper - dinner (the midday meal) was the main meal of the day. I do breakfast, lunch, and dinner though! :)
  • 2Bgoddess
    2Bgoddess Posts: 1,096 Member
    breakfast, lunch, supper. except on fancy holidays, then it's brunch, munch time, and dinner.
  • bsuew
    bsuew Posts: 628 Member
    Breakfast lunch and supper
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Breakfast, lunch and dinner.

    When I was in England, though, dinner was "tea" and dessert was "pudding". Cute as hell.
  • Growing up it was Breakfast, Lunch, and Supper. Dinner was reserved for holiday meals that we had around 3ish (Thanksgivings, Christmas, Easter, etc.)

    In college, my group of friends all said Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner. SInce then, I've used dinner instead of supper.
  • acuratlsd
    acuratlsd Posts: 228
    The only time I heard supper in my family is when they were referring to the "Last Supper"
  • angimac
    angimac Posts: 145 Member
    Southern North Carolina, USA born and raised...

    For those evening meals, if I'm having a home cooked meal, no matter whose home it was cooked in, it's supper. If I'm going out to a restaurant, it's dinner. Which is funny, because even in deciding to go out, it's usually prefaced with "what do you want for supper?"

    But, yeah, those holiday meals are usually referred to as dinner. Then again, they aren't eaten at lunch time, nor supper time...

    Brunch is one of those meals I've never had in my life.
  • acuratlsd
    acuratlsd Posts: 228
    Southern North Carolina, USA born and raised...

    For those evening meals, if I'm having a home cooked meal, no matter whose home it was cooked in, it's supper. If I'm going out to a restaurant, it's dinner. Which is funny, because even in deciding to go out, it's usually prefaced with "what do you want for supper?"

    But, yeah, those holiday meals are usually referred to as dinner. Then again, they aren't eaten at lunch time, nor supper time...

    Brunch is one of those meals I've never had in my life.

    I got lots of different things.

    My dad is from Michigan, but his family is Belgium. My mom is from Connecticut Greenwich and her family is puerto rican and Peruvian... so of course when it gets down to my generation, they throw everything at us KIDS.
  • Kanlassak
    Kanlassak Posts: 101 Member
    Since starting this site, I've adopted the Hobbit meal names: breakfast, second breakfast, elevensies, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner, and supper, in that order and vaguely corresponding to different parts of the day. So for me, dinner is around 6, and supper would be anything after 8 or 9.
  • ChasingKatie
    ChasingKatie Posts: 331 Member
    Supper and Soda are unacceptable in my vocabulary.
  • DrJanet98
    DrJanet98 Posts: 138 Member
    "Dinner" is the largest meal of the day. If it's a regular day where you have a sandwich at mid-day and a bigger sit-down meal in the evening, then it's breakfast - lunch - dinner. If it's a holiday (Christmas, Thanksgiving) and you're having a bigger meal mid-day and just having a sandwich or leftovers in the evening, then you have Christmas Dinner instead of lunch and then have a small supper later that night.

    With my current work schedule, I have breaks for lunch and dinner marked off, but I'm usually hungry for something when I get done for the day, too, so I've got sections for Breakfast - Lunch - Dinner - Supper, as well as Snacks for those random little additions between meals. If I were starting over, I think I'd have put in a separate section for after-midnight food, 'cos I tend to go with the time on the clock for which day to put it under so if I'm up late things wind up stuck onto breakfast that I actually ate before sleeping....
  • Fat_Bottomed_Girl
    Fat_Bottomed_Girl Posts: 355 Member
    Dinner! I hate the word supper


    *Dinner snob*
  • MrsWilsoncroft
    MrsWilsoncroft Posts: 968 Member



    If you were going out to a romantic restaurant in the evening it would seem odd to me to say I'm going for tea or supper lol
  • emtjmac
    emtjmac Posts: 1,320 Member
    I have been known to call it dinner but most of the time it's supper. Well, pronounced, "suppah".
  • kel665
    kel665 Posts: 401 Member
    Morning meal - Breakfast (brekky for short)
    Midday meal - Lunch
    Main (evening) Meal - Tea

    In Australia :)
  • desiv2
    desiv2 Posts: 651 Member
    I live in the midwest us and it's Breakfast, Lunch, then Dinner or Supper-- both are used. I prefer to say dinner, but I call it supper sometimes as well. There really is no reason for why I would choose one over the other. I know people who call lunch dinner, and the last meal of the day supper as well.
  • growing up in the south you had breakfast, dinner and supper, I still say that even tho I live in Ohio, still southern forever
  • MrsWilsoncroft
    MrsWilsoncroft Posts: 968 Member
    Breakfast (literally meaning to break the fasting period of the prior night) is the first meal taken after rising from a night's sleep, most often eaten in the early morning before undertaking the day's work.[1] Among English speakers, "breakfast" can be used to refer to this meal, or, less commonly, to refer to a meal composed of traditional breakfast foods (eggs, oatmeal, sausages, etc.) served at any time of day.

    Brunch is eaten between breakfast and lunch, and is a substitute for both these meals. The word is a portmanteau of breakfast and lunch.

    Lunch, commonly abbreviated to lunch, is a middle of the day meal,[1] and is generally smaller than dinner, which is the main meal of the day whenever dinner is eaten. The origin of the words lunch and luncheon relate to a small meal originally eaten at any time of the day or night, but during the 20th century gradually focused toward a small meal eaten at midday.

    Dinner is usually the name of the main meal of the day. Depending upon culture, dinner may be the second, third or fourth meal of the day.[1][2] Originally, though, it referred to the first meal of the day, eaten around noon, and is still occasionally used for a noontime meal, if it is a large or main meal.

    Tea can refer to any of several different meals or mealtimes, depending on a country's customs and its history of drinking tea. However, in those countries where the term's use is common, the influences are generally those of the former British Empire (now the Commonwealth of Nations). Tea as a meal can be small or large.

    Supper is a name for the evening meal in some dialects of English. While often used interchangeably with "dinner" today, supper was traditionally a separate meal. "Dinner" traditionally had been used to refer to the main and most formal meal of the day, which, from the Middle Ages until the 18th century, was most often the midday meal. When the evening meal became the main meal, it was referred to as "dinner", and the lighter midday meal was called "luncheon."
  • Thre are only 3 meals in a day and they are breakfast, dinner and supper. Any other words for these meals are just silly. Supper time is in the evening, dinner time is midday. People may even go to supper clubs for an evening meal. They dont go to dinner clubs. I know others use different words but they are just wrong.
  • trophywife24
    trophywife24 Posts: 1,472 Member
    It's breakfast/lunch/dinner, here.