How do you run?



  • pucenavel
    pucenavel Posts: 972 Member
    Hey just an update, weirdly.. I went to the gym today for an induction, got on the treadmill and ended up doing 1minute walking 1 minute running, did 5mins of running all together, I'm feeling really chuffed!

    I've never heard that term. If I were feeling "chuffed", is that a good thing or a bad thing?
  • Hestion
    Hestion Posts: 740 Member
    When I started running I was 18.7st, just graduated C25K, and looking at doing a 10k app now, for a run in May.

    Repeat weeks if necessary I did, if I couldnt cope (W1 killed me!!!) I stopped and done what I could and kept repeating it.

    I'm currently 15.8st, and run for 30 mins a time now after doing the C25K app, just take it slowly and my best bit of advice is run SLOW so slow you barely feel like your running, build up time, and then speed will come, I currently run really slow again to get the time, otherwise I'm dead after 20 mins lol.

    Good luck, feel free to friend me if you wish.
  • BlackmetalCoffee79
    BlackmetalCoffee79 Posts: 108 Member
    You need to start w walking, then add some run, eventually alternate walk and run. It took me several weeks of walking to be able to start running.


    Last year I was 270lbs when i first started just walking several miles a day. Then i slowly added in some jogging. I've lost 65lbs since then and at my peak, could jog up to 6 miles.
  • zippo32
    zippo32 Posts: 1,407 Member
    the term is plod............
  • chuffed, it's like happy and proud :D
  • Like a bag of potatoes with bananas for legs.
  • Coffeeholic8
    Coffeeholic8 Posts: 272 Member
    I was a little heavier than your weight when I started the C25K, after doing nothing that could be described as running for about 30 years, and it was tough at first but stick with it and you'll get there. Doesn't matter if you repeat weeks, doesn't matter if you repeat a week several times it will all build up. I've now got my 5k time under 30 minutes and today ran for an hour non-stop for the first time, neither of which I'd be doing without C25K. Also don't worry about speed when doing the running bit each week, it is all about duration and not speed at this point, speed can come later. Good luck.
  • sandiki
    sandiki Posts: 454
    As a former smoker ( 3 weeks yesterday I quit) I can relate to the burning in the chest. Whats odd is it's been harder to run since quitting... go figure?
    I only began running about 6 months ago. (When I say began I mean it... not even as a child in school).. nothing religious but I make attempts to go further minimum of twice a week. And honestly the first mile is a b*tch. Every time.! Stick with it and it will get easier.. and some days seem harder than when you started. I still HATE to run but some day hope to be fond of it. I have no idea why.. prob because I do loath it so much.
  • jellebeandesigns
    jellebeandesigns Posts: 347 Member
    30 seconds running 30 seconds walking for 20 minutes 5 times a week x 2 weeks
    45 seconds running 30 seconds walk 25 min 5 times a week for 1 week
    50 seconds run 25 sec walk 25 min 5 times a week for one week
    Same for 30 min 5 times a week for one week
    1 min run 20 sec walk 5 times a week for 30 min
    I am up to 7 min run 15 sec walk for 3 mi mon, 4 mi tue, 55 min wed, 4 mi fri, 9 mi sat :)
  • reasnableblonde
    reasnableblonde Posts: 212 Member

    I threaten to do this every week with my trainer. I figure if I embarrass him enough, he'll stop making me run.

    Doesn't work.
  • lamilli09
    lamilli09 Posts: 354 Member
    I just glanced through the first page and didn't see this suggestion...

    Try using a treadmill to start running. For myself, I have a hard time regulating how fast I'm running... which can be detrimental when trying to increase the amount of running that you can do. It sounds like you might have this problem, too.

    Good luck! You can do it :)
  • BFarnsworth
    BFarnsworth Posts: 210 Member
    I kind of lumber like an ape with a sore toe ... If I beat my chest you wouldnt tell a difference!

    Oh I mistook the topic ... Disregard the previous comment ... Ape who?!
  • a13xkd
    a13xkd Posts: 2 Member
    I have gone from not running at all to being able to run half marathons plus!!!! Granted in the last few years but at school would hide in the bushes for cross country coming out at last lap!!!! Try fartleck as this really helps with training and stamina! If possible use a treadmill as can check time! Whatever you are doing though please be proud of yourself! There is something magical about running, just taking in the outdoors, your music, your breathing!!!!! Well done and keep up the superb work!
  • shoneybabes
    shoneybabes Posts: 199 Member
    run slow to start with, run so that you are able to talk. Many people make the error of running too fast to early in the progress and you burn yourself out. So a 20minute run that you can talk without panting badly or struggling with is good. Just built it up from there. If you can't run and talk then walk and run. build up to being able to run for 20mins.
  • you mean running isnt SUPPOSED to be painful? lol.
  • makkman
    makkman Posts: 212
    Build ur endurance.. u can take as many walk breaks as needed early on however the breaks cannoy exceed 60 secondd. That is the key to building endurance
    Then u need to overcome the psychological aspects of running.

    Go get em. U can do it :))
  • cardiokitten
    cardiokitten Posts: 401 Member
    like this

  • Dub_D
    Dub_D Posts: 1,760 Member
    left foot, right foot, left foot, right foot, left foot, right foot...