Juice Fast / Cleanse

adamb83 Posts: 719 Member
Can anyone provide me with good/detailed information on a reputable juice fast? I'm going to buy a juicer tomorrow and start a juice fast/cleanse on Monday, but I have no idea what I'm doing. I'm thinking of a 7 or 10 day? (Or 14? I have no idea how this works... but I do know that I don't want to do an entire 30-day cleanse/juice fast just yet).

Also, does anyone have good recommendations for juicers? I need one regular juicer for at home and one "portable" to take to work...



  • drmerc
    drmerc Posts: 2,603 Member
    Why are you doing a "cleanse"
    Save your time and sanity, just eat the fruit or veggie
  • adamb83
    adamb83 Posts: 719 Member
    I don't really want to have to explain myself, but I won't get enough calories if I try to eat that much physical/whole fruit & veggies. I fill up much too fast (small stomach) - I can get 1600 calories per day with 4 juices. I can't eat 1600 calories of whole fruit/veggies per day - it just isn't physically possible for me.

    I'm doing the "cleanse" aspect of it as a type of detox and reintroduction method, to test for subtle allergens to certain types of food, like gluten, caffeine, etc.
  • drmerc
    drmerc Posts: 2,603 Member
    your fasting to eat more calories?
  • adamb83
    adamb83 Posts: 719 Member
    Why do you have to be judgmental and sarcastic about it? If you don't want to offer assistance, don't comment... I'm asking a serious question and looking for serious help.
  • onedayillbeamilf
    onedayillbeamilf Posts: 966 Member
    your fasting to eat more calories?

    He already explained that he's doing it so he can slowly reintroduce food and find out what he's allergic to.

    OP, I've never done a juice fast, so.I have no advice other than maybe watch Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead to get some ideas.
  • antonyheaven
    antonyheaven Posts: 23 Member
    I've done several of these and they're a hugely liberating experience. Go for it and don't worry too much - it's only a week :-) Some suggestions:

    - http://www.juicemaster.com - Jason Vale has a website and book and phone app (the app alone is enough) that takes you through it step by step: 7lbs in 7 days - it has recommendations for juicers etc as well

    - http://www.juicefeasting.com has lots of information about juice feasting (it references some extreme periods but of course you don't have to do those just take what's useful and ignore the rest)

    - Fat, sick and nearly dead is very inspiring

    - A wheatgrass shot each day is a great option, especially if there's a juice bar near you.

    - Juicers - you can get good juicers in a range of budgets but they're all kind of expensive. You have to choose between centrifugal and masticating. Jason Vale's site has various recommendations. I have a Hurom KT100 Juicer at home (which is quite quick for a masticating juicer).

    - Do you really need a juicer at work? I have a juicer at home and when I do this I usually take my next juice with me when I leave the house and buy one from a juice bar at some point during the day. That's also when I get my wheatgrass shot. They seem to make a big difference. You can also cope on water quite well between juices once you get into it.

    - Another option is to incorporate green smoothies into your plan - e.g. spinach + banana + mango + water blended together in a blender tastes like a fruit smoothie ...

    Whatever you decide to do, do what feels best for you and ignore any advice that's not helpful. Writing this makes me want to do another one! The most I've done is 30 days and it was great but I started on a couple of days and they're really powerful too.

    Good luck & enjoy!
  • dawnshot
    dawnshot Posts: 137 Member
    I recommend the Jason Vale 7lbs in 7 days too. I bought that along with my juicer and I can honestly say it's totally changed my life! I thought I ate healthy till I read that book and also 'Turbo Charge your Life in 14 days' It's the most sensible book I've read.
    After the 7 days on the juices I'd lost 8lbs (only needed to lose 14 altogether) I used to drink about 10 cups of tea per day, now I only drink water, when I tasted tea again I hated it. I eat much 'cleaner' and have lost the extra few pounds to be 130lbs now.
    I run and do other exercises, which I never thought I would, but I have loads more energy than I used to and feel so much better. My juicer was one of the best things I've ever bought, and the juices actually taste nice!
  • Sick_Beard
    Sick_Beard Posts: 407 Member
    Can anyone provide me with good/detailed information on a reputable juice fast? I'm going to buy a juicer tomorrow and start a juice fast/cleanse on Monday, but I have no idea what I'm doing. I'm thinking of a 7 or 10 day? (Or 14? I have no idea how this works... but I do know that I don't want to do an entire 30-day cleanse/juice fast just yet).

    Also, does anyone have good recommendations for juicers? I need one regular juicer for at home and one "portable" to take to work...


    Waste of time and money with no real benefit..
  • dawnshot
    dawnshot Posts: 137 Member
    You obviousley haven't tried it! It's the best money I've ever spent!:smile:
  • Sick_Beard
    Sick_Beard Posts: 407 Member
    You obviousley haven't tried it! It's the best money I've ever spent!:smile:

    Well if you are willing to spend that much money on a placebo effect and toilet paper then by all means go ahead. Unfortunately being the person that I am I will not attempt something as idiotic as a juice fast without any published medical journals stating the benefits and the outcome there of.

    There is a reason why the health industry advocate this kind of garbage and mislead people to think that your body requires a detox but in essence your body is very capable of cleansing itself. This is very much the same for a doctor to prescribe a patient with eczema a handful of lotions to treat his dry skin but all that he needed was a healthy daily dose of EPA/DHA to actually treat it and not just the symptom.

    OP go do your research...
  • dawnshot
    dawnshot Posts: 137 Member
    I probably spend a lot less on juicing than protien powders that have been proven thousands of times in researches to be of no use.
    There has been medical research into the benefits of raw juicing, even including amazing results with cancer patients.
    I also had excema, but juicing has cleared that too...........
  • dawnshot
    dawnshot Posts: 137 Member
    Juicing doesn't make you go to the toilet any more than usual...........
  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member
    Juicing doesn't make you go to the toilet any more than usual...........

    I would have thought a liquid diet would play havoc with your bowels as by nature its not solid. naa mean?
  • dawnshot
    dawnshot Posts: 137 Member
    When you drink raw juice all the nutrients (95%) are absorbed by the body so it's not a 'fast' and it doesn't go 'straight through you'
  • Sick_Beard
    Sick_Beard Posts: 407 Member
    I probably spend a lot less on juicing than protien powders that have been proven thousands of times in researches to be of no use.
    There has been medical research into the benefits of raw juicing, even including amazing results with cancer patients.
    I also had excema, but juicing has cleared that too...........

    The only thing that you achieved from juicing was a vitamin and sugar(fructose) spike. If you followed a meal plan which has a variety of fruit, vegetables and meat it would have been a lot more beneficial as you would provide your body with the essential vitamins and minerals as well as the protein to sustain and build muscle mass.

    You mention that protein powders being of no use, well I beg to differ as my body is proof that it works but I don't have to argue or persuade you to use it. However I want OP to go do his research and not be one of those sheep that follow all those marketing hype which has been proven time and time again to be a waste of time and money.
  • Valm0n
    Valm0n Posts: 88
  • Sick_Beard
    Sick_Beard Posts: 407 Member
    When you drink raw juice all the nutrients (95%) are absorbed by the body so it's not a 'fast' and it doesn't go 'straight through you'

    The bio availability for minerals and vitamins from juice is not greater than eating the fruit or veg itself.
  • Valm0n
    Valm0n Posts: 88
    - A wheatgrass shot each day is a great option, especially if there's a juice bar near you.

    Dude, are you serious? that's what I give my cat when he has fur-balls..... :noway:
  • dawnshot
    dawnshot Posts: 137 Member
    You mention that protein powders being of no use, well I beg to differ as my body is proof that it works but I don't have to argue or persuade you to use it. However I want OP to go do his research and not be one of those sheep that follow all those marketing hype which has been proven time and time again to be a waste of time and money.

    I hope he does his own research too. As for the sheep, what about all the marketing hype for protien powders....................
    And I'm proof to myself that the juicing works.......so we're both happy :smile:
  • lleelloo
    lleelloo Posts: 32 Member
    http://www.jointhereboot.com/ has some pretty nice recipes and plans you can follow.