Juice Fast / Cleanse



  • Sick_Beard
    Sick_Beard Posts: 407 Member
    You mention that protein powders being of no use, well I beg to differ as my body is proof that it works but I don't have to argue or persuade you to use it. However I want OP to go do his research and not be one of those sheep that follow all those marketing hype which has been proven time and time again to be a waste of time and money.

    I hope he does his own research too. As for the sheep, what about all the marketing hype for protien powders....................
    And I'm proof to myself that the juicing works.......so we're both happy :smile:

    Reminds me of the arguments I used to have with my mom =)
  • MrsWilsoncroft
    MrsWilsoncroft Posts: 969 Member
    You could always try a Salt Flush, that will get the *kitten* pipes clear :)
  • dawnshot
    dawnshot Posts: 137 Member

    Reminds me of the arguments I used to have with my mom =)

    That explains a lot............
  • Baloostika
    Baloostika Posts: 203 Member
    I recommend the Jason Vale 7lbs in 7 days too. I bought that along with my juicer and I can honestly say it's totally changed my life! I thought I ate healthy till I read that book and also 'Turbo Charge your Life in 14 days' It's the most sensible book I've read.
    After the 7 days on the juices I'd lost 8lbs (only needed to lose 14 altogether) I used to drink about 10 cups of tea per day, now I only drink water, when I tasted tea again I hated it. I eat much 'cleaner' and have lost the extra few pounds to be 130lbs now.
    I run and do other exercises, which I never thought I would, but I have loads more energy than I used to and feel so much better. My juicer was one of the best things I've ever bought, and the juices actually taste nice!
    Are you saying tea is bad? Also can one keep such weight lost in so short a time cos you cannot continue to eat that way for long.
  • dawnshot
    dawnshot Posts: 137 Member
    I only did the juice for 7 days. Obviousley it shouldn't be carried on long term, and healthy eating is the only sensible way to lose weight, but it helped to cut cravings for 'bad foods' and start eating clean fresh foods, I didn't say tea was bad for you, I just went off the tatste of it, which I never thought I would, as I really liked it
  • shrikester
    shrikester Posts: 8 Member
    Hi I have done juice cleanse before, but only for 4 days. I found it beneficial, I had more energy, my metabolism became better. I had to stay away from 'sweet' juices, otherwise too much sure intake counterbalances the benefits. I had mainly beetroot, carrot and green apple juice. Also, since these are acidic, as any fruit, I tried to protect my stomach using the following: boiled oats in a lot of water and used the access water (discarding the porrage itself) in the juice. Good luck with it!
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    as soon as I read the title I knew it was gonna be like this:


    dude, either eat 1600 calories of food,

    or use laxatives. thats basically what you are doing.

    never heard a rapper drop "drank juice for days then did the sprays" - you know why? cause crapping your pants isnt gangsta.


    ive become one of you. I am the angry mob.

    New quote of the week!!!!!
  • adamb83
    adamb83 Posts: 719 Member
    I've done several of these and they're a hugely liberating experience. Go for it and don't worry too much - it's only a week :-) Some suggestions:

    - http://www.juicemaster.com - Jason Vale has a website and book and phone app (the app alone is enough) that takes you through it step by step: 7lbs in 7 days - it has recommendations for juicers etc as well

    - http://www.juicefeasting.com has lots of information about juice feasting (it references some extreme periods but of course you don't have to do those just take what's useful and ignore the rest)

    - Fat, sick and nearly dead is very inspiring

    - A wheatgrass shot each day is a great option, especially if there's a juice bar near you.

    - Juicers - you can get good juicers in a range of budgets but they're all kind of expensive. You have to choose between centrifugal and masticating. Jason Vale's site has various recommendations. I have a Hurom KT100 Juicer at home (which is quite quick for a masticating juicer).

    - Do you really need a juicer at work? I have a juicer at home and when I do this I usually take my next juice with me when I leave the house and buy one from a juice bar at some point during the day. That's also when I get my wheatgrass shot. They seem to make a big difference. You can also cope on water quite well between juices once you get into it.

    - Another option is to incorporate green smoothies into your plan - e.g. spinach + banana + mango + water blended together in a blender tastes like a fruit smoothie ...

    Whatever you decide to do, do what feels best for you and ignore any advice that's not helpful. Writing this makes me want to do another one! The most I've done is 30 days and it was great but I started on a couple of days and they're really powerful too.

    Good luck & enjoy!

    Awesome - thanks for all this info!
  • adamb83
    adamb83 Posts: 719 Member
    I only did the juice for 7 days. Obviousley it shouldn't be carried on long term, and healthy eating is the only sensible way to lose weight, but it helped to cut cravings for 'bad foods' and start eating clean fresh foods, I didn't say tea was bad for you, I just went off the tatste of it, which I never thought I would, as I really liked it

    Thanks - this is what I'm hearing. A 10 day "cleanse" can help your body flush out the need for sugar/caffeine, both of which I'm very addicted to at the moment.
  • knk1553
    knk1553 Posts: 438 Member
    I always wonder if people have heard the phrase "if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all" For being a site thats dedicated to support for people, this site is pretty damn judgemental. If someone wants to explore alternative methods then allow them to do so, no one is hurting you by doing this, so stop acting like someone pissed in your cornflakes this morning.

    With that being said, to the OP's question

    I haven't done an entire juice cleanse, but I did do a juice for breakfast for about 2 months and felt amazing, I had so much mor energy for the day and noticed my skin looking clearer and healthier. I really need to start it up again, because I did feel like I benefitted. My suggestion is to experiment around with juices and find ones you like. I liked doing juices that used less fruit and more vegetables, just because of the large amount of sugar in fruits and personal preference for taste as well. I would just say buy a good juicer for yourself at home, and make enough juice to bring to work and store it in an airtight container (thermos) if you fill the container so itll slightly overfill when you screw on the lid you should be able to knock out most of the air and it'll keep pretty fresh. I however do not suggest a Jack LaLane juicer. I have it and I absolutely hate it, wish I had just spent the extra $50 to get a much better quality one! Also, look at them and make sure its tall enough to stick a large glass under, or it comes with some sort of container that the juice pours out into.
  • emmie0622
    emmie0622 Posts: 167 Member
    FYI - my girlfriend uses this website http://www.jointhereboot.com/

    I just bought a juicer myself from Penney's http://www.jcpenney.com/dotcom/bella-juice-extractor/prod.jump?ppId=1b38c19&searchTerm=juicer&dimCombo=null&dimComboVal=null&catId=SearchRe

    I have not opened it up yet, but it got good reviews.

    My girlfriend said she had a lot more energy and felt better when she was juicing. I plan to use this website myself and incorporate it into my diet.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    I'm doing the "cleanse" aspect of it as a type of detox and reintroduction method, to test for subtle allergens to certain types of food, like gluten, caffeine, etc.

    I'm concerned I may be allergic to bullsh!t, need a test to confirm though
  • Brunner26_2
    Brunner26_2 Posts: 1,152
    Juicers are a pain in the *kitten* to clean. You're also going to have tons of leftover pulp. How are you going to accurately count the calories. Not all of them will be in the juice.
  • Anastacia1119
    Anastacia1119 Posts: 157 Member
    I don't really want to have to explain myself, but I won't get enough calories if I try to eat that much physical/whole fruit & veggies. I fill up much too fast (small stomach) - I can get 1600 calories per day with 4 juices. I can't eat 1600 calories of whole fruit/veggies per day - it just isn't physically possible for me.

    I'm doing the "cleanse" aspect of it as a type of detox and reintroduction method, to test for subtle allergens to certain types of food, like gluten, caffeine, etc.

    I am not trying to be a smartass here, but what are you going to do when the fast is over and you have to reintroduce real food?

    Also, if your kidneys and liver are working properly, there is no reason to do a detox. They do it for you.

    If you want to test for food allergies, seriously, go to an allergist. Must faster and more reliable. They are usually covered by insurance (if you have insurance, that is).
  • resilience1908
    resilience1908 Posts: 13 Member
    If you have unlimited funds and want a great juicer, by all means, go for a Breville.They are the best and last for a long time. I, however, don't have unlimited funds, so I went for a Jack Lalanne and it works fine for me.

    If you start a juice fast, I recommend starting over the weekend or when you have a couple of days to rest. The first and second days are really hard on your body because your body is trying to get rid of toxins, so it makes you have a headache and feel weak. You will also crave food--the worst kinds of food--in these first two days, and if I remember properly that is when you have the most bathroom time...(maybe going into the third day too).

    By the third day you should feel fine and actually more energetic and focused. As you progress in the fast, you will begin to crave good food like fruits and veggies.

    Be careful when breaking the fast. Going back to heavy foods immediately (and even starchy foods like bananas and potatoes) will be a mistake. Start with fruit and veggies for a couple of days, then reintroduce the other stuff.

    Mine was 21 days. I did it for a reboot of my diet because I was in the Burger King drive thru almost every day and felt awful. I would recommend less than that for others. It got old after a while.

    Good juice recipes:
    Carrot apple ginger
    Beet apple celery
    carrot apple celery
    Veggie juices (can't have this much sugar in apples, carrots, and beets every day)

    Each juice serves a different purpose, so if you have some specific ailments you need to work on, I would google juice recipes for it. Also, there is a book called (maybe) juice fasting for health and longevity with some recipes.

    You can also cook down a few veggies and make a broth if you are really craving something hot.

    I have heard that you should stay away from juicing oranges and tomatoes while on a juice fast, but I can't remember why.

    Hope this is helpful.
  • AmberJo1984
    AmberJo1984 Posts: 1,067 Member
    I always wonder if people have heard the phrase "if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all" For being a site thats dedicated to support for people, this site is pretty damn judgemental. If someone wants to explore alternative methods then allow them to do so, no one is hurting you by doing this, so stop acting like someone pissed in your cornflakes this morning.

    :drinker: Great post. 100% agreed. Everyone is different... and has success with different things. There's no point in ridiculing someone who is different.

    As for the juice fast. I have no suggestions for you. Sorry. I have never tried this; but, I may for a few days to rid my body of all of the unhealthy foods.
  • zaph0d
    zaph0d Posts: 1,172 Member
    I always wonder if people have heard the phrase "if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all" For being a site thats dedicated to support for people, this site is pretty damn judgemental. If someone wants to explore alternative methods then allow them to do so, no one is hurting you by doing this, so stop acting like someone pissed in your cornflakes this morning.

    :drinker: Great post. 100% agreed. Everyone is different... and has success with different things. There's no point in ridiculing someone who is different.

    As for the juice fast. I have no suggestions for you. Sorry. I have never tried this; but, I may for a few days to rid my body of all of the unhealthy foods.

    I thought the point was to help people get fit, healhty, and lean. What good is it to not say anything at all when someone is about to go down the wrong track? I'd rather see people succeed than spend months or years doing trial and error with various fads or other nonsense.
  • AmberJo1984
    AmberJo1984 Posts: 1,067 Member
    I always wonder if people have heard the phrase "if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all" For being a site thats dedicated to support for people, this site is pretty damn judgemental. If someone wants to explore alternative methods then allow them to do so, no one is hurting you by doing this, so stop acting like someone pissed in your cornflakes this morning.

    :drinker: Great post. 100% agreed. Everyone is different... and has success with different things. There's no point in ridiculing someone who is different.

    As for the juice fast. I have no suggestions for you. Sorry. I have never tried this; but, I may for a few days to rid my body of all of the unhealthy foods.

    I thought the point was to help people get fit, healhty, and lean. What good is it to not say anything at all when someone is about to go down the wrong track? I'd rather see people succeed than spend months or years doing trial and error with various fads or other nonsense.

    I'd rather see people succeed too.... but, things don't always have to be said so harshly. That just turns people off from "your" ideas. Advice can be said nicely.
  • mercymarque
    I did the juice fast for 10 days and lose ten pounds after watching Sick Fat and nearly Dead. Best thing I've ever done. My skin was amazing, best sleep I ever had on 5 hours... I hardly ever get 8 hours. My energy level was amazing. I made my juice at night or first thing in the morning. I work two jobs on most days. Get yourself a glass jar with a tight lid on it and store your juice in there. It should be good for one day. I would make 4 big glasses and bring it with me. The first two days were easy as I would drink close to my body weight in water which keep me full and I didn't get the headaches most ppl talk about getting. I made mostly green juice. I used the receipe from the movie mostly then ventured out on the third day. After my 10 cleanse I didn't go right back to food. I did green smoothies which keep you full. My only problem with the smoothies was I felt bolted and had the worst gas known to man. I started eating food on the weekends. I am back on juice for the next 4 days as I'm on a stall and miss the glowing skin. Good luck on your journey.
  • zaph0d
    zaph0d Posts: 1,172 Member
    I always wonder if people have heard the phrase "if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all" For being a site thats dedicated to support for people, this site is pretty damn judgemental. If someone wants to explore alternative methods then allow them to do so, no one is hurting you by doing this, so stop acting like someone pissed in your cornflakes this morning.

    :drinker: Great post. 100% agreed. Everyone is different... and has success with different things. There's no point in ridiculing someone who is different.

    As for the juice fast. I have no suggestions for you. Sorry. I have never tried this; but, I may for a few days to rid my body of all of the unhealthy foods.

    I thought the point was to help people get fit, healhty, and lean. What good is it to not say anything at all when someone is about to go down the wrong track? I'd rather see people succeed than spend months or years doing trial and error with various fads or other nonsense.

    I'd rather see people succeed too.... but, things don't always have to be said so harshly. That just turns people off from "your" ideas. Advice can be said nicely.

    The intelligent ones read and learn quickly. Some people are receptive to the "harsh" version, some are not. I don't really care.

    If I were being paid for this, then maybe I would sugar coat things and let my "customers" feel warm and cozy. But since I'm not, I'll write my replies however I feel.